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nrComm Lib Pro v9 Crack

时间:2024-09-20 22:22:49浏览次数:3  
标签:USB Lib communication Pro device v9 bit data Support

nrComm Lib Pro v9 Crack

  Serial Communication (RS232/COM Ports): Provides access to serial ports, barcode scanner integration, and monitors control signals like RTS and CTS.

  USB Device Support: Manages USB devices, monitors USB data, and includes drivers for easy device connection across different platforms.

  GSM and SMS: Allows sending/receiving SMS, managing phone books, and gathering device information (e.g., IMEI, battery).

  Bluetooth and HID: Handles Bluetooth communication and works with HID devices for input/output operations.

  Data Protocol Implementation: Supports packet-based protocols like Modbus, ZModem, and ASTM, making it easy to handle structured data communication.

  TAPI Modem Support: This software works with voice and data modems, allowing you to manage calls and convert text to speech.

  File Transfer Protocols: Supports ZModem and Kermit for reliable file transfers over communication channels.

  Parallel Port (LPT) Control: Provides access to LPT ports for parallel device communication.

  Multi-platform Support: Compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit systems, with support for WOW64 mode for legacy 32-bit applications.

  Comprehensive Logging: Offers detailed logging for all communication events and error handling for debugging and stability.

From: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_45330297/article/details/142350556


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