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31927 – Application Development with .NET

时间:2024-09-20 19:46:26浏览次数:1  
标签:Development 31927 code C# class should NET your

31927 – Application Development with .NET

32998 - .NET Application Development



Due date                  Monday 23 September 2024, 11:00am

Demonstration        Required in the lab/tutorial session

Weight                     35%

Groupwork              Individual

Submission              Complete project folder zip

Submit to                 Canvas


In this assignment, you are required to model the dotnet Hospital Management System by developing a console application using C#.

The application should have appropriate data structures to distinguish between a Doctor, Administrator and Patient as well as store the necessary links between them (such as an appointment, between a Doctor and a Patient). You are given complete control in how you create these data structures, but guidance has been  given overpage.

Objects should be stored in the system and also written 代 写31927 – Application Development with .NETto .txt files such that the system can read them in and regenerate existing objects on load. This is mandatory.

Students will need to submit the complete project folder in zip format, which will have the complete C# code, solution file, data file, etc. required to run/test the program. Any special instructions required to run the code has to be provided in a text file. Submitting a lone “ .exe” is not acceptable.

Assignment Objectives:

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate competence in the following skills:

•    Ensure firm understanding of the .NET framework, C# basics and C# syntax

•    Understand how the .NET framework implements OO concepts and the implications this has for new language design

•    Array and string manipulation

•    Creating custom classes and methods in C#

•    File reading, writing and manipulation in C#

•    Creating interactive console applications

•    Creating good OO design.

Program and data structures:

•    How you structure the classes in your program is your choice. One thing you are not allowed to do is make your program fully contained inside Program.cs, or any single class.

•    In the dotnet Hospital Management System, a user can log in as either a Patient, a Doctor, or an administrator. These are different roles, which would store different information, and would have a different menu. Your code structure should reflect this.

•    Additionally, your code will need to generate Appointments. An appointment would need a reference to a single Doctor and a single Patient; your code structure should reflect this. You do not need to manage Dates/times for appointments (or anywhere, for that matter) in your code. This may result in appointments being difficult to distinguish and sort; you will not be marked down for this.

•    Every patient, doctor and admin, has a unique ID. This ID should be an integer of reasonable length (5-8 digits). This can be randomly generated, or incremental, but it should be generated by the system on object creation, not chosen/inputted by the user.

Further recommendations:

•    Objects will need to be printed out one by one, it’s recommended that each data structure has a toString() function which compresses the notable data of the class into a succinct line.

•    Each role should be its own class and it should have its own MainMenu method, don’t try and create separate versions of the menu in Program.cs.

•    Don’t get confused by Administrators. Doctors and Patients can’t at any stage have “admin privileges”; the administrator is a completely separate entity.

•    You may find it useful to abstract common functionality into its own class, such as a FileManager class with static read and write methods or a Utils class which contains the methods to generate  ID’s and filter lists.



From: https://www.cnblogs.com/WX-codinghelp/p/18423174


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