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LIN329 Markedness or faithfulnes

时间:2024-09-15 12:02:30浏览次数:20  
标签:LIN329 faithfulnes candidate violation Markedness IO marks output constraints

LIN329: Assignment 1

Due in hard copy at the beginning of lecture on Sept. 23

Part 0:

Make sure to include your name and student number!

You must write up the assignment on your own, but you can talk to other students about it. If you talk to other students, you MUST write their names on your assignment.

Part 1: Markedness or faithfulness? (12 marks)

In this part, I will define a constraint for you, and you need to:

(a) State whether it is a markedness or faithfulness constraint (1 mark each)

(b) Briefly (1 sentence) explain how you know whether it is a faithfulness or markedness constraint (1 mark each)

(c) Keeping in mind that constraints代 写LIN329 Markedness or faithfulnes are meant to be universal and reflect universal tendencies in typology and naturalness, briefly (1 sentence) explain whether you think this is a plausible universal constraint (2 marks each)

  1. *VoicelessSonorant: Assign a violation for any candidate with a voiceless sonorant in the output.
  2. Contiguity: Assign a violation for every pair of adjacent segments in the input that is not adjacent in the output.
  3. *VoicedNasal: Assign a violation for any candidate with a voiced nasal in the output.

Part 2: Finish the tableaux (18 marks)

In this part, you need to fill in the following in the provided tableaux:

(a) any missing violation marks, based on the given candidates (2 marks per tableau)

(b) any missing candidates, based on the given violations (1 mark per tableau)

  • Assume all violations are already provided for any missing candidates

(c) fatal violation exclamation points (2 marks per tableau)

(d) the winner (1 mark per tableau)

Here are the definitions of the constraints used in this part:

  • *Complex: Assign a violation for any complex onset/coda in the output (an onset or coda consisting of 2 or more consonants)
  • Dep-IO: Assign a violation for every segment in the output that is not present in the input
  • Max-IO: Assign a violation for every segment in the input that is not present in the output
  • Onset: Assign a violation for every syllable in the output that lacks an onset
  • *VoicedObstruent: Assign a violation for any voiced obstruents (stops/fricatives/affricates) in the output.
  • Ident-IO[voice]: Assign a violation for any segment that changes in voicing between the input and output.

Question 1:










Question 2:












Question 3:











Part 3: Rank the constraints (15 marks)

In this part, you are given:

  • a pair of constraints (all of which have been defined in Part 2)
  • an input/UR
  • an output/SF

You need to provide the relevant competing candidate, the ranking of the pair of constraints and a tableau illustrating. Your answer to each question should:

(a) State the relevant competing candidate, i.e. a candidate that solves the violation of the correct output by violating the other provided constraint (1 mark each)

(b) State the correct order of constraints in form. Constraint X >> Constraint Y (1 mark each)

(c) Complete the provided tableau, including the competing candidate, constraints (ranked properly), violation marks, and fatal violation marks (3 marks each)

HINT 1: It may help you to create tableaux for both orders of the constraints, to confirm which tableau gives the correct answer. (But please only provide your final correct tableau.)

HINT 2: If your candidates aren’t such that each candidate violates one of the two constraints and not the other, then your competing candidate is likely wrong.

Question 1:

  • Constraints: Dep-IO and *Complex
  • Input: /brip/
  • Output: [brip]

Competing candidate: _________

Constraint ranking: __________ >> ____________






Question 2:

  • Constraints: Max-IO and *VoicedObstruent
  • Input: /dimu/
  • Output: [imu]

Competing candidate: _________

Constraint ranking: __________ >> ____________






Question 3:

  • Constraints: Onset and Dep-IO
  • Input: /upo/
  • Output: [tupo]

Competing candidate: _________

Constraint ranking: __________ >> ____________








From: https://www.cnblogs.com/qq---99515681/p/18415098
