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Why I‘m getting 404 Resource Not Found to my newly Azure OpenAI deployment?

时间:2024-09-07 08:55:14浏览次数:8  
标签:resource Resource getting URL 404 OpenAI Azure openai

题意:为什么我新部署的Azure OpenAI服务会出现404资源未找到的错误?


I've gone through this quickstart and I created my Azure OpenAI resource + created a model deployment which is in state succeedded. I also playaround it in Azure OpenAI Studio - Microsoft Azure and it works there.

我已经按照快速入门指南操作,创建了我的Azure OpenAI资源,并成功部署了一个模型。我也在Azure OpenAI Studio - Microsoft Azure中测试了它,并且在那里工作正常。

But, If I try to reach it from REST API is returns 404 Resource Not Found. I defined the api-key header, and took the url and json from Code View -> json from inside the playground.

但是,如果我尝试通过REST API访问它,它会返回404资源未找到。我已经定义了api-key头部,并且从playground里面的Code View->json获取了URL和JSON。

I'm executing

POST https://raz-openai.openai.azure.com/openai/deployments/raz-model-2/completions?api-version=2022-12-01 { "prompt": "", "max_tokens": 100 } with api-key header

Am I missing another step?



I was also getting a 404 calling the Chat Completions API (https://{resource}.openai.azure.com/openai/deployments/{deployment}/chat/completions) and it turned out that I was using the wrong version. Each model has one or more versions that can be found at Azure OpenAI Service REST API reference.

我在调用聊天补全API(https://{resource}.openai.azure.com/openai/deployments/{deployment}/chat/completions)时也遇到了404错误,后来发现是我使用了错误的版本。每个模型都有一个或多个版本,可以在Azure OpenAI服务REST API参考中找到。

For me, hitting the chat completions (ChatGPT), the correct URL with version was:



Any other version will give a 404 Resource Not Found.


Also, here are the definitions of those variables:


  • Resource: Take from the Azure endpoint URL, which can be found on the Overview page in your OpenAI Services resource. The format should be something like https://{resource}.openai.azure.com/

资源(Resource):从Azure端点URL中获取,该URL可以在你的OpenAI服务资源的“概览”页面中找到。URL的格式应该类似于https://{resource}.openai.azure.com/,其中{resource}是你的OpenAI资源名称。这个URL是你与Azure OpenAI服务进行交互的基础,用于构建指向不同API端点的请求。

  • Deployment (aka deployment-id): You can find this in the Azure portal under the Model Deployments section. Each model has a "Model Deployment Name" and this is your Deployment ID. This isn't going to be the OpenAI name (like gpt-35-turbo) but rather the name you gave it when creating the model deployment.


From: https://blog.csdn.net/suiusoar/article/details/141981980


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