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gameobject_template | gameobject_template_addon

时间:2024-08-24 23:25:34浏览次数:9  
标签:false Default gameobject enum value template true uint32 addon













  • entry
    •  gameobject 模板的 ID
  • type
    •  gameobject 模板类型,取值参考 源码 GameObjectData.h 的 struct GameObjectTemplate (以下列出常见类型)
      •         // 0 GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_DOOR
                    uint32 startOpen;                               // 0 startOpen, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 open;                                    // 1 open, References: Lock_, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 autoClose;                               // 2 autoClose (ms), int, Min value: 0, Max value: 2147483647, Default value: 3000
                    uint32 noDamageImmune;                          // 3 noDamageImmune, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 openTextID;                              // 4 openTextID, References: BroadcastText, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 closeTextID;                             // 5 closeTextID, References: BroadcastText, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 IgnoredByPathing;                        // 6 Ignored By Pathing, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 conditionID1;                            // 7 conditionID1, References: PlayerCondition, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 DoorisOpaque;                            // 8 Door is Opaque (Disable portal on close), enum { false, true, }; Default: true
                    uint32 GiganticAOI;                             // 9 Gigantic AOI, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 InfiniteAOI;                             // 10 Infinite AOI, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 NotLOSBlocking;                          // 11 Not LOS Blocking, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 InteractRadiusOverride;                  // 12 Interact Radius Override (Yards * 100), int, Min value: 0, Max value: 2147483647, Default value: 0
                    uint32 Collisionupdatedelayafteropen;           // 13 Collision update delay(ms) after open, int, Min value: 0, Max value: 2147483647, Default value: 0
                } door;
                // 1 GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_BUTTON
                    uint32 startOpen;                               // 0 startOpen, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 open;                                    // 1 open, References: Lock_, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 autoClose;                               // 2 autoClose (ms), int, Min value: 0, Max value: 2147483647, Default value: 3000
                    uint32 linkedTrap;                              // 3 linkedTrap, References: GameObjects, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 noDamageImmune;                          // 4 noDamageImmune, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 GiganticAOI;                             // 5 Gigantic AOI, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 openTextID;                              // 6 openTextID, References: BroadcastText, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 closeTextID;                             // 7 closeTextID, References: BroadcastText, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 requireLOS;                              // 8 require LOS, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 conditionID1;                            // 9 conditionID1, References: PlayerCondition, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 InteractRadiusOverride;                  // 10 Interact Radius Override (Yards * 100), int, Min value: 0, Max value: 2147483647, Default value: 0
                } button;
                    uint32 open;                                    // 0 open, References: Lock_, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 questGiver;                              // 1 questGiver, References: QuestGiver, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 pageMaterial;                            // 2 pageMaterial, References: PageTextMaterial, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 gossipID;                                // 3 gossipID, References: Gossip, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 customAnim;                              // 4 customAnim, int, Min value: 0, Max value: 4, Default value: 0
                    uint32 noDamageImmune;                          // 5 noDamageImmune, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 openTextID;                              // 6 openTextID, References: BroadcastText, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 requireLOS;                              // 7 require LOS, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 allowMounted;                            // 8 allowMounted, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 GiganticAOI;                             // 9 Gigantic AOI, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 conditionID1;                            // 10 conditionID1, References: PlayerCondition, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 NeverUsableWhileMounted;                 // 11 Never Usable While Mounted, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 InteractRadiusOverride;                  // 12 Interact Radius Override (Yards * 100), int, Min value: 0, Max value: 2147483647, Default value: 0
                } questgiver;
                // 3 GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_CHEST
                    uint32 open;                                    // 0 open, References: Lock_, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 chestLoot;                               // 1 chestLoot (legacy/classic), References: Treasure, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 chestRestockTime;                        // 2 chestRestockTime, int, Min value: 0, Max value: 1800000, Default value: 0
                    uint32 consumable;                              // 3 consumable, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 minRestock;                              // 4 minRestock, int, Min value: 0, Max value: 65535, Default value: 0
                    uint32 maxRestock;                              // 5 maxRestock, int, Min value: 0, Max value: 65535, Default value: 0
                    uint32 triggeredEvent;                          // 6 triggeredEvent, References: GameEvents, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 linkedTrap;                              // 7 linkedTrap, References: GameObjects, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 questID;                                 // 8 questID, References: QuestV2, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 InteractRadiusOverride;                  // 9 Interact Radius Override (Yards * 100), int, Min value: 0, Max value: 2147483647, Default value: 0
                    uint32 requireLOS;                              // 10 require LOS, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 leaveLoot;                               // 11 leaveLoot, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 notInCombat;                             // 12 notInCombat, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 logloot;                                 // 13 log loot, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 openTextID;                              // 14 openTextID, References: BroadcastText, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 usegrouplootrules;                       // 15 use group loot rules, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 floatingTooltip;                         // 16 floatingTooltip, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 conditionID1;                            // 17 conditionID1, References: PlayerCondition, NoValue = 0
                    int32 xpLevel;                                  // 18 xpLevel, int, Min value: -2147483648, Max value: 2147483647, Default value: 0
                    uint32 xpDifficulty;                            // 19 xpDifficulty, enum { No Exp, Trivial, Very Small, Small, Substandard, Standard, High, Epic, Dungeon, 5, }; Default: No Exp
                    uint32 Unused;                                  // 20 Unused, int, Min value: 0, Max value: 123, Default value: 0
                    uint32 GroupXP;                                 // 21 Group XP, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 DamageImmuneOK;                          // 22 Damage Immune OK, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 trivialSkillLow;                         // 23 trivialSkillLow, int, Min value: 0, Max value: 65535, Default value: 0
                    uint32 trivialSkillHigh;                        // 24 trivialSkillHigh, int, Min value: 0, Max value: 65535, Default value: 0
                    uint32 DungeonEncounter;                        // 25 Dungeon Encounter, References: DungeonEncounter, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 spell;                                   // 26 spell, References: Spell, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 GiganticAOI;                             // 27 Gigantic AOI, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 LargeAOI;                                // 28 Large AOI, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 SpawnVignette;                           // 29 Spawn Vignette, References: vignette, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 chestPersonalLoot;                       // 30 chest Personal Loot, References: Treasure, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 turnpersonallootsecurityoff;             // 31 turn personal loot security off, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 ChestProperties;                         // 32 Chest Properties, References: ChestProperties, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 chestPushLoot;                           // 33 chest Push Loot, References: Treasure, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 ForceSingleLooter;                       // 34 Force Single Looter, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                } chest;
                // 5 GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_GENERIC
                    uint32 floatingTooltip;                         // 0 floatingTooltip, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 highlight;                               // 1 highlight, enum { false, true, }; Default: true
                    uint32 serverOnly;                              // 2 serverOnly, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 GiganticAOI;                             // 3 Gigantic AOI, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 floatOnWater;                            // 4 floatOnWater, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 questID;                                 // 5 questID, References: QuestV2, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 conditionID1;                            // 6 conditionID1, References: PlayerCondition, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 LargeAOI;                                // 7 Large AOI, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 UseGarrisonOwnerGuildColors;             // 8 Use Garrison Owner Guild Colors, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 InteractRadiusOverride;                  // 9 Interact Radius Override (Yards * 100), int, Min value: 0, Max value: 2147483647, Default value: 0
                } generic;
                // 6 GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_TRAP
                    uint32 open;                                    // 0 open, References: Lock_, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 Unused;                                  // 1 Unused, int, Min value: 0, Max value: 65535, Default value: 0
                    uint32 radius;                                  // 2 radius, int, Min value: 0, Max value: 100, Default value: 0
                    uint32 spell;                                   // 3 spell, References: Spell, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 charges;                                 // 4 charges, int, Min value: 0, Max value: 65535, Default value: 1
                    uint32 cooldown;                                // 5 cooldown, int, Min value: 0, Max value: 65535, Default value: 0
                    uint32 autoClose;                               // 6 autoClose (ms), int, Min value: 0, Max value: 2147483647, Default value: 0
                    uint32 startDelay;                              // 7 startDelay, int, Min value: 0, Max value: 65535, Default value: 0
                    uint32 serverOnly;                              // 8 serverOnly, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 stealthed;                               // 9 stealthed, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 GiganticAOI;                             // 10 Gigantic AOI, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 stealthAffected;                         // 11 stealthAffected, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 openTextID;                              // 12 openTextID, References: BroadcastText, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 closeTextID;                             // 13 closeTextID, References: BroadcastText, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 IgnoreTotems;                            // 14 Ignore Totems, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 conditionID1;                            // 15 conditionID1, References: PlayerCondition, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 playerCast;                              // 16 playerCast, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 SummonerTriggered;                       // 17 Summoner Triggered, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 requireLOS;                              // 18 require LOS, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 TriggerCondition;                        // 19 Trigger Condition, References: PlayerCondition, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 Checkallunits;                           // 20 Check all units (spawned traps only check players), enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 InteractRadiusOverride;                  // 21 Interact Radius Override (Yards * 100), int, Min value: 0, Max value: 2147483647, Default value: 0
                } trap;
                // 8 GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_SPELL_FOCUS
                    uint32 spellFocusType;                          // 0 spellFocusType, References: SpellFocusObject, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 radius;                                  // 1 radius, int, Min value: 0, Max value: 50, Default value: 10
                    uint32 linkedTrap;                              // 2 linkedTrap, References: GameObjects, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 serverOnly;                              // 3 serverOnly, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 questID;                                 // 4 questID, References: QuestV2, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 GiganticAOI;                             // 5 Gigantic AOI, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 floatingTooltip;                         // 6 floatingTooltip, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 floatOnWater;                            // 7 floatOnWater, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 conditionID1;                            // 8 conditionID1, References: PlayerCondition, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 InteractRadiusOverride;                  // 9 Interact Radius Override (Yards * 100), int, Min value: 0, Max value: 2147483647, Default value: 0
                    uint32 gossipID;                                // 10 gossipID, References: Gossip, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 spellFocusType2;                         // 11 spellFocusType 2, References: SpellFocusObject, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 spellFocusType3;                         // 12 spellFocusType 3, References: SpellFocusObject, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 spellFocusType4;                         // 13 spellFocusType 4, References: SpellFocusObject, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 Profession;                              // 14 Profession, enum { First Aid, Blacksmithing, Leatherworking, Alchemy, Herbalism, Cooking, Mining, Tailoring, Engineering, Enchanting, Fishing, Skinning, Jewelcrafting, Inscription, Archaeology, }; Default: Blacksmithing
                    uint32 Profession2;                             // 15 Profession 2, enum { First Aid, Blacksmithing, Leatherworking, Alchemy, Herbalism, Cooking, Mining, Tailoring, Engineering, Enchanting, Fishing, Skinning, Jewelcrafting, Inscription, Archaeology, }; Default: Blacksmithing
                    uint32 Profession3;                             // 16 Profession 3, enum { First Aid, Blacksmithing, Leatherworking, Alchemy, Herbalism, Cooking, Mining, Tailoring, Engineering, Enchanting, Fishing, Skinning, Jewelcrafting, Inscription, Archaeology, }; Default: Blacksmithing
                } spellFocus;
                // 10 GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_GOOBER
                    uint32 open;                                    // 0 open, References: Lock_, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 questID;                                 // 1 questID, References: QuestV2, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 eventID;                                 // 2 eventID, References: GameEvents, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 autoClose;                               // 3 autoClose (ms), int, Min value: 0, Max value: 2147483647, Default value: 3000
                    uint32 customAnim;                              // 4 customAnim, int, Min value: 0, Max value: 4, Default value: 0
                    uint32 consumable;                              // 5 consumable, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 cooldown;                                // 6 cooldown, int, Min value: 0, Max value: 65535, Default value: 0
                    uint32 pageID;                                  // 7 pageID, References: PageText, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 language;                                // 8 language, References: Languages, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 pageMaterial;                            // 9 pageMaterial, References: PageTextMaterial, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 spell;                                   // 10 spell, References: Spell, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 noDamageImmune;                          // 11 noDamageImmune, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 linkedTrap;                              // 12 linkedTrap, References: GameObjects, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 GiganticAOI;                             // 13 Gigantic AOI, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 openTextID;                              // 14 openTextID, References: BroadcastText, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 closeTextID;                             // 15 closeTextID, References: BroadcastText, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 requireLOS;                              // 16 require LOS, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 allowMounted;                            // 17 allowMounted, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 floatingTooltip;                         // 18 floatingTooltip, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 gossipID;                                // 19 gossipID, References: Gossip, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 AllowMultiInteract;                      // 20 Allow Multi-Interact, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 floatOnWater;                            // 21 floatOnWater, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 conditionID1;                            // 22 conditionID1, References: PlayerCondition, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 playerCast;                              // 23 playerCast, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 SpawnVignette;                           // 24 Spawn Vignette, References: vignette, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 startOpen;                               // 25 startOpen, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 DontPlayOpenAnim;                        // 26 Dont Play Open Anim, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 IgnoreBoundingBox;                       // 27 Ignore Bounding Box, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 NeverUsableWhileMounted;                 // 28 Never Usable While Mounted, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 SortFarZ;                                // 29 Sort Far Z, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 SyncAnimationtoObjectLifetime;           // 30 Sync Animation to Object Lifetime (global track only), enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 NoFuzzyHit;                              // 31 No Fuzzy Hit, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 LargeAOI;                                // 32 Large AOI, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 InteractRadiusOverride;                  // 33 Interact Radius Override (Yards * 100), int, Min value: 0, Max value: 2147483647, Default value: 0
                } goober;
                // 11 GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_TRANSPORT
                    uint32 Timeto2ndfloor;                          // 0 Time to 2nd floor (ms), int, Min value: 0, Max value: 2147483647, Default value: 0
                    uint32 startOpen;                               // 1 startOpen, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 autoClose;                               // 2 autoClose (ms), int, Min value: 0, Max value: 2147483647, Default value: 0
                    uint32 Reached1stfloor;                         // 3 Reached 1st floor, References: GameEvents, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 Reached2ndfloor;                         // 4 Reached 2nd floor, References: GameEvents, NoValue = 0
                    int32 SpawnMap;                                 // 5 Spawn Map, References: Map, NoValue = -1
                    uint32 Timeto3rdfloor;                          // 6 Time to 3rd floor (ms), int, Min value: 0, Max value: 2147483647, Default value: 0
                    uint32 Reached3rdfloor;                         // 7 Reached 3rd floor, References: GameEvents, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 Timeto4thfloor;                          // 8 Time to 4th floor (ms), int, Min value: 0, Max value: 2147483647, Default value: 0
                    uint32 Reached4thfloor;                         // 9 Reached 4th floor, References: GameEvents, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 Timeto5thfloor;                          // 10 Time to 5th floor (ms), int, Min value: 0, Max value: 2147483647, Default value: 0
                    uint32 Reached5thfloor;                         // 11 Reached 5th floor, References: GameEvents, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 Timeto6thfloor;                          // 12 Time to 6th floor (ms), int, Min value: 0, Max value: 2147483647, Default value: 0
                    uint32 Reached6thfloor;                         // 13 Reached 6th floor, References: GameEvents, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 Timeto7thfloor;                          // 14 Time to 7th floor (ms), int, Min value: 0, Max value: 2147483647, Default value: 0
                    uint32 Reached7thfloor;                         // 15 Reached 7th floor, References: GameEvents, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 Timeto8thfloor;                          // 16 Time to 8th floor (ms), int, Min value: 0, Max value: 2147483647, Default value: 0
                    uint32 Reached8thfloor;                         // 17 Reached 8th floor, References: GameEvents, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 Timeto9thfloor;                          // 18 Time to 9th floor (ms), int, Min value: 0, Max value: 2147483647, Default value: 0
                    uint32 Reached9thfloor;                         // 19 Reached 9th floor, References: GameEvents, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 Timeto10thfloor;                         // 20 Time to 10th floor (ms), int, Min value: 0, Max value: 2147483647, Default value: 0
                    uint32 Reached10thfloor;                        // 21 Reached 10th floor, References: GameEvents, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 onlychargeheightcheck;                   // 22 only charge height check. (yards), int, Min value: 0, Max value: 65535, Default value: 0
                    uint32 onlychargetimecheck;                     // 23 only charge time check, int, Min value: 0, Max value: 65535, Default value: 0
                    uint32 InteractRadiusOverride;                  // 24 Interact Radius Override (Yards * 100), int, Min value: 0, Max value: 2147483647, Default value: 0
                } transport;
                    uint32 spell;                                   // 0 spell, References: Spell, NoValue = 0
                    int32 charges;                                  // 1 charges, int, Min value: -1, Max value: 65535, Default value: 1
                    uint32 partyOnly;                               // 2 partyOnly, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 allowMounted;                            // 3 allowMounted, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 GiganticAOI;                             // 4 Gigantic AOI, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 conditionID1;                            // 5 conditionID1, References: PlayerCondition, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 playerCast;                              // 6 playerCast, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 NeverUsableWhileMounted;                 // 7 Never Usable While Mounted, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 InteractRadiusOverride;                  // 8 Interact Radius Override (Yards * 100), int, Min value: 0, Max value: 2147483647, Default value: 0
                } spellCaster;
                    uint32 startOpen;                               // 0 startOpen, enum { false, true, }; Default: true
                    uint32 radius;                                  // 1 radius, int, Min value: 0, Max value: 100, Default value: 10
                    uint32 auraID1;                                 // 2 auraID1, References: Spell, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 conditionID1;                            // 3 conditionID1, References: PlayerCondition, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 auraID2;                                 // 4 auraID2, References: Spell, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 conditionID2;                            // 5 conditionID2, References: PlayerCondition, NoValue = 0
                    uint32 serverOnly;                              // 6 serverOnly, enum { false, true, }; Default: false
                    uint32 InteractRadiusOverride;                  // 7 Interact Radius Override (Yards * 100), int, Min value: 0, Max value: 2147483647, Default value: 0
                } auraGenerator;
  • displayId
    •  gameobject 模板 外观 ID,取值链接 GameObjectDisplayInfo.db2
  • name:gameobject 模板名字
  • IconName
    •  鼠标指向时显示的图标样式,取值参见下表
      • ValueDescription
        DirectionsUsed for Guards and Teleporter NPC's.
        GunnerIndicator of a Turret NPC/Player Controlled.
        vehichleCursorIndicator that this is a PCV (Player Controlled Vehicle)
        DriverShows a Steering Wheel icon when mouse over.
        AttackShows a Sword icon indicating you can attack this target.
        BuyShows a Brown Bag icon.
        SpeakShows a Chat Bubble icon if this Object has Quest/Gossip options.
        PickupShows a Hand Grasping icon if this Object can be picked up for quest/items.
        InteractShows Cog icon commonly used for quest/transport.
        TrainerShows a Book icon.
        TaxiShows a Boot w/Wings icon.
        RepairShows a Anvil icon.
        LootAllShows a Multiple Brown Bag icon (Same as holding Shift before looting a creature).
        QuestUnused or Unknown. (See EntryID 32870 The Real Ronakada).
        PVPUnused or Unknown.(See EntryID 29387 Arena Master: Dalaran Arena).
  • castBarCaption:交互时施法条显示的文字
  • size:gameobject 模板显示大小
  • Data[0-34]:此处数据字段的内容取决于 gameobject 模板 的 type
  • ContentTuningId
    •  gameobject 模板的使用等级控制参数,取值链接 ContentTuning.db2
  • AIName
    •  如需使用 SAI,此处应填写 SmartGameObjectAI
  • ScriptName:gameobject 模板 使用的脚本的名称,这会将源码预设的脚本绑定到此 gameobject 模板(设置的脚本将覆盖 AIName 字段)


  • entry:gameobject 模板的 ID
  • faction
    •  gameobject 模板的阵营
  • flags
    •  gameobject 模板的标识掩码,取值参见源码 SharedDefines.h 的 enum GameObjectFlags
      • enum GameObjectFlags
            GO_FLAG_IN_USE                                  = 0x00000001, // disables interaction while animated
            GO_FLAG_LOCKED                                  = 0x00000002, // require key, spell, event, etc to be opened. Makes "Locked" appear in tooltip
            GO_FLAG_INTERACT_COND                           = 0x00000004, // cannot interact (condition to interact - requires GO_DYNFLAG_LO_ACTIVATE to enable interaction clientside)
            GO_FLAG_TRANSPORT                               = 0x00000008, // any kind of transport? Object can transport (elevator, boat, car)
            GO_FLAG_NOT_SELECTABLE                          = 0x00000010, // not selectable even in GM mode
            GO_FLAG_NODESPAWN                               = 0x00000020, // never despawn, typically for doors, they just change state
            GO_FLAG_AI_OBSTACLE                             = 0x00000040, // makes the client register the object in something called AIObstacleMgr, unknown what it does
            GO_FLAG_FREEZE_ANIMATION                        = 0x00000080,
            // for object types GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_GARRISON_BUILDING, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_GARRISON_PLOT and GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_PHASEABLE_MO flag bits 8 to 12 are used as WMOAreaTable::NameSetID
            GO_FLAG_DAMAGED                                 = 0x00000200,
            GO_FLAG_DESTROYED                               = 0x00000400,
            GO_FLAG_IGNORE_CURRENT_STATE_FOR_USE_SPELL      = 0x00004000, // Allows casting use spell without checking current state (opening open gameobjects, unlocking unlocked gameobjects and closing closed gameobjects)
            GO_FLAG_INTERACT_DISTANCE_IGNORES_MODEL         = 0x00008000, // Client completely ignores model bounds for interaction distance check
            GO_FLAG_IGNORE_CURRENT_STATE_FOR_USE_SPELL_EXCEPT_UNLOCKED = 0x00040000, // Allows casting use spell without checking current state except unlocking unlocked gamobjets (opening open gameobjects and closing closed gameobjects)
            GO_FLAG_INTERACT_DISTANCE_USES_TEMPLATE_MODEL   = 0x00080000, // client checks interaction distance from model sent in SMSG_QUERY_GAMEOBJECT_RESPONSE instead of GAMEOBJECT_DISPLAYID
            GO_FLAG_MAP_OBJECT                              = 0x00100000, // pre-7.0 model loading used to be controlled by file extension (wmo vs m2)
            GO_FLAG_IN_MULTI_USE                            = 0x00200000, // GO_FLAG_IN_USE equivalent for objects usable by multiple players
            GO_FLAG_LOW_PRIORITY_SELECTION                  = 0x04000000, // client will give lower cursor priority to this object when multiple objects overlap
  • mingold | maxgold:交互时掉落的货币,铜币为单位
  • artkit[0-4]:如果 gameobject 模板被 SPELL_ACTACT_ACTIVATE_OBSTATE 激活(MiscValue 19 - 22,则更新其显示。取值参考 GameObjectArtKit.db2

From: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_51122280/article/details/141497880


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  • [C++] template+struct 组合使用小技巧
    1.简单说明  struct+template的组合可以让我们使用同一个结构体名称(注意:只是名称相同,但是本质上已经不同了),实现不同的结构体功能,可以将其理解为设计模式中的工程模式。2.代码示例  首先,声明一个枚举类型,用于区别结构体,然后使用template+struct,声明一个结构体,只声明不实现......
  • [Javascript] HTML Template Interpolation
    Thebasic interpolatefunctionwecancreate:functioninterpolate(str,params){letnames=Object.keys(params);//["title","description"]letvalues=Object.values(params);//["Hello","World"]......
  • ArgoWorkflow教程(二)---快速构建流水线:Workflow & Template 概念
  • Templates by Hanggoash
    快速幂点击查看代码inlineintpower(inta,intb,intp){ longlongans=1; while(b) { if(b&1)ans=ans*a%p; a=a*a%p; b>>=1; } returnans;}矩阵快速幂点击查看代码structMatrix{ intn,m; inta[maxn][maxn]; Matrix(){memset(a,0,sizeofa);}};......
  • RedisTemplate常用方法
  • C# ControlTemplate 和 DataTemplate 一起使用
  • 011、Vue3+TypeScript基础,template中ref的用法意义