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时间:2024-08-22 20:48:32浏览次数:5  
标签:me where moon 带我去 Take 月球 my

分享张雨生《带我去月球》的歌词 :

走 帶我走 走出空氣汙染的地球
走 帶我走 走出紛爭喧擾的生活
因為漫天黑煙 腐蝕掉我的夢
因為征戰殺伐 我就快要沒有朋友
不求軒 不求冕 不為這紅塵所囚
帶我去月球 那裡空氣稀薄
帶我去月球 充滿原始坑洞
帶我去月球 重力輕浮你我
掙扎在一片荒漠 也不見嫦娥相從
但我要背向地球 希望寄託整個宇宙
走 帶我走 看我虛步玲瓏躡星空
走 帶我走 我愛醉臥亭臺作風流
不敢笑傲五洲 也不愁天地悠悠
只是狂歌一曲 恍惚間就化入無窮
將進酒 杯莫停 人生不過一場大夢
帶我去月球 那裡空氣稀薄
帶我去月球 充滿原始坑洞
帶我去月球 重力輕浮你我
掙扎在一片荒漠 也不見嫦娥相從
但我要背向地球 希望寄託整個宇宙
看看我的瞳孔 還燃不燃燒燄火
看看我的笑容 是不是還保有自我
下弦月 上弦月 就讓我被月蝕吞沒
帶我去月球 那裡空氣稀薄
帶我去月球 充滿原始坑洞
帶我去月球 重力輕浮你我
掙扎在一片荒漠 也不見嫦娥相從
但我要背向地球 希望寄託整個宇宙

Bring Me to the Moon

Take me away, away from this polluted Earth
Take me away, away from this life full of conflicts and noise
Because the black smoke in the sky is corroding my dreams
Because the battles and wars are making me lose my friends
I seek not wealth, I seek not fame, I refuse to be imprisoned by this world
Take me to the moon, where the air is thin
Take me to the moon, filled with ancient craters
Take me to the moon, where gravity makes us light
Struggling in a barren land, yet I see no Chang'e to follow
But I want to turn my back on Earth, and place my hopes on the entire universe
Take me away, see me treading lightly through the stars
Take me away, I love to lie drunk on a pavilion, indulging in the wind
Dare not laugh at the world, yet no worry for the endless heavens and earth
Just singing a wild song, in a trance I merge into infinity
Pour the wine, don't let the cup stop, life is but a grand dream
Take me to the moon, where the air is thin
Take me to the moon, filled with ancient craters
Take me to the moon, where gravity makes us light
Struggling in a barren land, yet I see no Chang'e to follow
But I want to turn my back on Earth, and place my hopes on the entire universe
Look into my eyes, do they still burn with fire?
Look at my smile, does it still hold my true self?
Waning moon, waxing moon, let me be swallowed by a lunar eclipse
Take me to the moon, where the air is thin
Take me to the moon, filled with ancient craters
Take me to the moon, where gravity makes us light
Struggling in a barren land, yet I see no Chang'e to follow
But I want to turn my back on Earth, and place my hopes on the entire universe

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/evenbao/p/18374727


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