首页 > 其他分享 >Exadata计算节点,如何收缩(/)根文件系统的空间


时间:2024-08-22 14:28:09浏览次数:3  
标签:文件系统 system iso LVDbSys1 Exadata 节点 Select

1. 前言




2. Exadata计算节点,收缩(/)根文件系统的步骤

2.1  查阅Exadata官方手册,手册中,只提及如何扩展(/)根文件系统, 或者 如何收缩普通的文件系统。没有提及 如何收缩(/)根文件系统。


2.2 用diag.iso引导启动该计算节点,

  1. Restart the system in diagnostic mode as follows:

    1. Copy the /opt/oracle.SupportTools/diagostics.iso file to a directory on the machine using the ILOM interface.

    2. Log in to the ILOM web interface.

    3. Select the Remote Control tab.

    4. Select the Redirection tab.

    5. Click Launch Remote Console. The ILOM Remote Console window is displayed.

    6. Select the Devices menu in the ILOM Remote Console window.

    7. Click CD-ROM image.

    8. Navigate to the location of the diagnostics.iso file on the local machine in the File Open dialog box.

    9. Select the diagnostics.iso file.

    10. Click Open. A message similar to the following will appear on the console.

    11. Select Host Control from the Remote Control tab.

    12. Select CDROM as the next boot device from the list of values.

    13. Click Save. When the system is booted, the diagnostics.iso image is used. The system reverts to the default after the next restart.

    14. Log in as the root user in the ILOM Remote Console window.

    15. Restart the server using the following command:

      # shutdown -r -y now

      The system starts using the diagnostics.iso image.

  2. Enter e to enter the diagnostic shell as follows:

    Choose from following by typing letter in '()':
    (e)nter interactive diagnostics shell. Must use credentials from Oracle
    support to login (reboot or power cycle to exit the shell),
    (r)estore system from NFS backup archive,
  3. Log in to the system as the root user. You will be prompted for the password.

    localhost login: root
    Password: *********
  4. Copy the /mnt/cell/sbin/resize2fs file to the /sbin directory using the following command:

    # cp /mnt/cell/sbin/resize2fs /sbin
  5. Unmount the root file system using the following command.

    # cd /
    # umount /mnt/cell
  6. Verify the logical volume name using the following command:

    # lvm lvscan
    ACTIVE '/dev/VGExaDb/LVDbSys1' [1126.00 GB] inherit
    ACTIVE '/dev/VGExaDb/LVDbSwap1' [24.00 GB] inherit
    ACTIVE '/dev/VGExaDb/LVDbOra1' [100.00 GB] inherit

 2.3 正式收缩文件系统空间

# e2fsck -f /dev/VGExaDb/LVDbSys1
# resize2fs /dev/VGExaDb/LVDbSys1 30G
# lvm lvreduce -L 30G --verbose /dev/VGExaDb/LVDbSys1


3. 重启操作系统,验证(/)根文件系统已经收缩至30GB。

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/missyou-shiyh/p/18373760


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