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4. 格式约定(Format conventions)

时间:2024-08-22 09:27:46浏览次数:5  
标签:number Format octet MAC conventions field PHY 格式 bit

4. Format conventions 格式约定


  1. 把待传输的数据当成C语言的结构体:
    • 低字节先行
    • 字节中的低位先行

4.1. General

Throughout this standard, unless otherwise stated, data structures exposed in interfaces are represented using the conventions and formats defined in this clause.

NOTE—It is important to note that interfaces are depicted in this standard as bit serial by convention but can be implemented in other forms, e.g., 4- or 8-bit parallel. 8

Within the PHY, data structures are passed to the reference modulator input in bit-serial convention. PHY specific coding may change the bit-order and encode multiple information bits into symbols. Hence the over-the-air interface may express the data structure content in a manner different than the conventions defined here.

After all applicable expansion, the size of a MAC frame shall be less than the maximum PHY service data unit (PSDU) size supported by the PHY in use.



4.2. Fields 字段

Fields are concatenated into larger data structures, e.g., Figure 4-1 represents a data structure with 3 fields of
length 2 octets, 6 bits and 2 bits for a total size of 3 octets.

4.3. Numbers 数字

Numbers are represented in decimal (nnn), binary (0bnnn), or hexadecimal (0xnnn) notation with the
number of digits indicated. For example, 0b001 is a 3 digit binary number of value 1 and 0x001 is a 3-digit
hexadecimal number of value 1. Numbers encoded in fields are either signed or unsigned integers unless
explicitly defined otherwise. Other formats (e.g., a field containing a floating point number) are stated in the
field definition where applicable.

When represented in fields, numbers are expressed with LSB leftmost and MSB rightmost as shown in
Figure 4-2 for an n-bit unsigned integer. (Note that this is the inverse of the number representations 0bnnn
and 0xnnn and of common number representations used in mathematical notations.) For example, the
number 0x47 would be represented in an 8-bit field as 1110 0010.
当在字段中表示时,对于n位无符号整数,数字用最左侧的LSB和最右侧的MSB表示,如图4-2所示。(请注意,这是数字表示0bnnn和0xnnn以及数学符号中常用数字表示的逆。)例如,数字0x47在8位字段中表示为1110 0010。

Numbers of size greater than 1 octet occur with the octet containing the least significant bits first (leftmost) followed by octets containing bits of increasing significance to the right.

Unless otherwise stated in the definition of a field, a number in a field shall be formatted as an unsigned integer.

4.4. Strings

A string of length k bits is represented as a bit sequence numbered from 0 to k – 1. Bit 0 occurs first and is represented as the leftmost bit of a string field. Bit 1 occurs to the right of bit 0 and so on until bit (k – 1). This is illustrated in Figure 4-3.

A string of length greater than 1 octet is represented by the octet containing the lowest numbered bits first and leftmost, followed by octets containing increasing bit numbers to the right.

4.5. Transmission order

4.5.1. General

For every address field, the bit transmission order shall be performed from the right most octet (RMO) to the left most octet (LMO) in the field, and inside an octet from the LSB to the MSB.

Figure 4-4 shows the MAC Address field containing a 64-bit MAC address. For this example the MAC address value is assumed to be AC-DE-64-23-45-67-89-01.

4.5.2. Vendor OUI transmission order

Vendor organizationally unique identifier (OUI) bit transmission order shall be performed from the right most octet (RMO) to the leftmost octet (LMO) in the field, and inside an octet from the LSB to the MSB.

Figure 4-6 shows the Vendor OUI field. For this example, the vendor OUI field value is assumed to be AC-DE-64.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/qiyuexin/p/18373041


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