在 Go 语言中使用 Elasticsearch 进行聚合统计,你可以使用 olivere/elastic 这个流行的 Elasticsearch 客户端库。以下是一个使用 olivere/elastic 进行聚合统计的示例代码:
首先,你需要安装 olivere/elastic 库:
go get github.com/olivere/elastic
package main
import (
func main() {
// 创建一个新的 Elasticsearch 客户端
client, err := elastic.NewClient(
elastic.SetURL("http://localhost:9200"), // 替换为你的 Elasticsearch 服务地址
if err != nil {
// 检查 Elasticsearch 服务是否可用
exists, err := client.Ping("http://localhost:9200").Do(context.Background())
if err != nil {
if !exists {
log.Fatal("Elasticsearch cluster is down!")
// 定义聚合查询
aggs := elastic.NewAggregation() // 聚合
aggs.Avg("avg_price", "price") // 计算价格的平均值
aggs.Sum("sum_price", "price") // 计算价格的总和
aggs.Min("min_price", "price") // 找到价格的最小值
aggs.Max("max_price", "price") // 找到价格的最大值
// 执行搜索查询
searchResult, err := client.Search("your_index").Size(0) // 替换为你的索引名
.Aggregation("stats", aggs) // 添加聚合
if err != nil {
// 检查是否有命中
if searchResult.Hits == nil {
log.Println("No hits")
// 打印聚合结果
fmt.Printf("Found a total of %d aggregation results\n", searchResult.TotalHits())
// 访问聚合结果
if avg, found := searchResult.Aggregations.Avg("avg_price"); found {
fmt.Printf("Average price: %v\n", avg.Value)
if sum, found := searchResult.Aggregations.Sum("sum_price"); found {
fmt.Printf("Sum of prices: %v\n", sum.Value)
if min, found := searchResult.Aggregations.Min("min_price"); found {
fmt.Printf("Minimum price: %v\n", min.Value)
if max, found := searchResult.Aggregations.Max("max_price"); found {
fmt.Printf("Maximum price: %v\n", max.Value)
这段代码首先创建了一个 Elasticsearch 客户端,并检查了 Elasticsearch 服务是否可用。然后,它定义了聚合查询,包括平均值、总和、最小值和最大值的聚合,并执行了搜索查询。最后,它打印了聚合的结果。
请确保将 http://localhost:9200 替换为你的 Elasticsearch 服务地址,将 your_index 替换为你的索引名,将 price 替换为你想要聚合的字段名。
func Test005_StatsAll(t *testing.T) { aggs := elastic.NewStatsAggregation().Field("state") // 聚合 // 执行搜索查询 searchResult, err := EsClient(). Search("dev_biz_grouping_buy_line").Query(elastic.NewMatchAllQuery()).Size(0). // 替换为你的索引名 Aggregation("stats", aggs).Do(context.Background()) logrus.Info(jsonutils.ToJsonPretty(searchResult), err) } 正确答 INFO[2024-08-818 10:05:59]D: { "took": 1, "hits": { "total": { "value": 53, "relation": "eq" } }, "aggregations": { "stats": {"count":53,"min":10.0,"max":40.0,"avg":29.245283018867923,"sum":1550.0} }, "_shards": { "total": 3, "successful": 3, "failed": 0 } 统一封装:
func (this *TestQueryRequestAgg) Test114_EsMax() { var request = pagereq.NewQueryRequest() request.IndexName = "dev_biz_grouping_buy_line" //request.AttachResp = true var result, err = request.EsMax("state").EsQueryResult() if err != nil { logrus.Error(err) } logrus.Info(result) this.Equal(200, result.Code) } 执行结果
INFO[2024-08-818 10:12:33]D:/go-ichub/git.ichub.com/webcli120/test/estest/query_request_agg_test.go:424 git.ichub.com/general/webcli120/test/estest.(*TestQueryRequestAgg).Test113_EsStats() {
"code": 200,
"msg": "成功",
"data": {
"agg_type": 106,
"key": "",
"doc_count": 0,
"stat_field": "state",
"count": 53,
"min": 10,
"max": 40,
"avg": 29.245283018867923,
"sum": 1550
"total": 53,
"page_size": 20,
"current": 1