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coca help tense 时态相关

时间:2024-08-08 15:55:04浏览次数:6  
标签:verb end help nouns part speech coca tense Type

You can also limit searches to particular genres, such as *ize verbs in ACADEMIC

past tense verb + up in TV/MOVIES ([vvd*] up)

nouns near chair in FIC; or adjectives in ACADEMIC-Medicine (click on SECTIONS in the search form to see the selected genres, if they're not already visible). Better yet, you can easily and quickly compare all of the results in one genre (or sub-genre) with another. For example past tense verb + up in TV/M vs ACAD; hard + NOUN in MAG vs ACAD; nouns in NEWS-Money vs NEWS; adjectives in ACAD-Medicine vs ACAD; synonyms of strong in TV/M vs ACAD; or nouns near chair in ACAD vs FIC, or ADJ + WOMAN in FIC vs ACAD.




LIST display: part of speech
You can use parts of speech as part of your query. For example, ADJ eyes would find a two word string, composed of an adjective followed by the word eyes. Some other examples are: rough NOUN, NAME Smith, VERB * money, TALK ADV, NUM people, LET PRON VERB.

An easy way to use part of speech tags is by selecting them from the drop-down list (click on [PoS] to show it). You can also type the part of speech tags directly into the search form.

Click here for a list of these part of speech tags.

Previously, you had to use the part of speech tag (from the link above) inside of brackets, e.g. [j*]. But that's a bit cumbersome for mobile phones, and there are now different ways of specifying the part of speech -- all of which work equally as well. For example, all of the following would find the same strings: ADJ eyes, [j*] eyes, J eyes, _j eyes.

1    2    3    4          
Original    New (word)    New (abbrev)    CQP-like    Explanation    Example
[nn*]    NOUN    N    _nn    Common nouns    sun, love
[np*]    NAME    NP    _np    Proper nouns    John, Chicago
[n*]    NOUN+    N+    _n    Common and proper nouns    sun, Sonny
[vv*]    VERB    V    _vv    Lexical verb (no do, be, have)    decide, jumped
[v*]    VERB+    V+    _v    All verbs (incl do, be, have)    decide, has, is
[j*]    ADJ    J    _j    Adjectives    nice, clean
[r*]    ADV    R    _r    Adverbs    soon, quickly
[p*]    PRON         _p    Pronouns    she, everyone
[i*]    PREP         _i    Prepositions    from, on
[a*]    ART         _a    Articles    the, his
[d*]    DET         _d    Determiners    these, all
[c*]    CONJ         _c    Conjunctions    that, and, or
[x*]    NEG         _x    Negation    not, n't
[m*]    NUM         _m    Numbers    five, 5
All other parts of speech: use Type 1 or Type 4, e.g. [nn2*], _nn2, [cst*], _cst

If you are using Type 1 or Type 4 above,  you can use wildcards for the part of speech tag. For example, [nn2*] = plural nouns, [n*] = all nouns, [*n*] = nouns (including ambiguous noun/adj tags), etc. If you are using Type 2 or Type 3, it needs to be upper case: short NOUN.

You can also add a part of speech tag to the end of any word, but you need to use either Type 1 or Type 4 above. For example, end would find end with any part of speech, but end.[n*] or end_n would limit it to end as a noun, and end_v or end_v would limit it to end as a verb. Make sure that you separate the word and the part of speech with a period / full stop and bracket (Type 1) or an underscore (Type 4), and that there is no space. Remember also that you can combine these with lemma searches to find all forms of a word with a given part of speech, e.g. END_v or END.[v*].

If you don't know what the part of speech tag is for a given word (or the words in a phrase), just select [OPTIONS] and then [GROUP BY] = [NONE] (SHOW POS). For example, see the PoS tags for light, back, front, or in light of



a list of these part of speech tags




about 时态的标签

VH0    have, base form (finite)
VHD    had (past tense)
VHG    having
VHI    have, infinitive;coca不支持
VHN    had (past participle)
VHZ    has


VV0    base form of lexical verb (e.g. give, work)
VVD    past tense of lexical verb (e.g. gave, worked)
VVG    -ing participle of lexical verb (e.g. giving, working)
VVGK    -ing participle catenative (going in be going to)
VVI    infinitive (e.g. to give... It will work...)
VVN    past participle of lexical verb (e.g. given, worked)
VVNK    past participle catenative (e.g. bound in be bound to)
VVZ    -s form of lexical verb (e.g. gives, works)




VD0    do, base form (finite)
VDD    did
VDG    doing
VDI    do, infinitive (I may do... To do...)
VDN    done
VDZ    does

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/hhdom/p/18348998


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