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山东大学计算机网络实验Wireshark Lab:TLS v8.1(含问题答案)

时间:2024-08-08 09:24:12浏览次数:24  
标签:TLS www CA Lab umass v8.1 edu 客户端




  1. 捕获TLS会话中的报文
  2. 启动Wireshark并开始抓包,然后使用自己选择的浏览器从https://www.cics.umass.edu中检索主页,然后停止Wireshark抓包。
  3. 在Wireshark的显示过滤器窗口输入ip.addr ==


1. What is the packet number in your trace that contains the initial TCP SYN message? (By “packet number,” we meant the number in the “No.” column at the left of the Wireshark display, not the sequence number in the TCP segment itself)

跟踪中包含初始TCP SYN消息的包号是多少?(所谓的“包号”,我们 指的是“No。,而不是TCP段本身的序列号)。


2. Is the TCP connection set up before or after the first TLS message is sent from client to server?



3. What is the packet number in your trace that contains the TLS Client Hello message?



4.What version of TLS is your client running, as declared in the Client Hello message?

如客户端你好消息中声明的那样,您的客户端正在运行哪个版 本的TLS ?

TLS 1.0版本。

5.How many cipher suites are supported by your client, as declared in the Client Hello message? A cipher suite is a set of related cryptographic algorithms that determine how session keys will be derived, and how data will be encrypted and be digitally signed via a HMAC algorithm.

如在客户端你好消息中声明的那样,您的客户端支持多少个密码套 件?密码套件是一组相关的加密算法,它们决定如何派生会话密钥, 以及如何通过HMAC算法对数据进行加密和数字签名。


6.Your client generates and sends a string of “random bytes” to the server in the Client Hello message. What are the first two hexadecimal digits in the random bytes field of the Client Hello message? Enter the two hexadecimal digits (without spaces between the hex digits and without any leading '0x' , using lowercase letters where needed). Hint: be careful to fully dig into the Random field to find the Random Bytes subfield (do not consider the GMT UNIX Time subfield of Random). 

您的客户端在客户端你好消息中生成并向服务器发送一串“随机字 节”。客户端你好消息的随机字节字段的前两个十六进制数字是什 么?输入这两个十六进制数字(十六进制数字之间不带空格,前导不 带“0x”,需要时用小写字母)。提示:注意要充分挖掘Random字段, 找到Random Bytes子字段(不要考虑Random的GMT UNIX时间子字 段)。


7.What is the purpose(s) of the “random bytes” field in the Client Hello message? Note: you’ll have do some searching and reading to get the answer to this question; see section 8.6 and in RFC 5246 (section 8.1 in RFC 5246 in particular).

客户端你好消息中的“随机字节”字段的目的是什么?注意:你需要做 一些搜索和阅读来得到这个问题的答案;参见8.6节和RFC 5246(特别是 RFC 5246的8.1节)。


8.What is the packet number in your trace that contains the TLS Server Hello message?



9.Which cipher suite has been chosen by the server from among those offered in the earlier Client Hello message?

服务器从先前的客户端你好消息中提供的密码套件中选择了哪个密码 套件?

密码套件为TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (0xc02f)。

10.Does the Server Hello message contain random bytes, similar to how the Client Hello message contained random bytes? And if so, what is/are their purpose(s)?

服务器你好消息是否包含随机字节,类似于客户端你好消息包含 随机字节的方式?如果是这样,它们的目的是什么?


11.What is the packet number in your trace for the TLS message part that contains the public key certificate for the www.cics.umass.edu server (actually the www.cs.umass.edu server)?

跟踪中包含www.cics.umass.edu服务器(实际上是www.cs.umass.edu 服务器)的公钥证书的TLS消息部分的包号是多少?


12.A server may return more than one certificate. If more than one certificate is returned, are all of these certificates for www.cs.umass.edu? If not all are for www.cs.umass.edu, then who are these other certificates for? You can determine who the certificate is for by checking the id-at-commonName field in the retuned certificate.

一个服务器可以返回多个证书。如果返回的证书不止一张,这些证 书都是www.cs.umass.edu的吗?如果不是全部都是给www.cs.umass.edu 的,那么这些其他的证书是给谁的呢?您可以通过检查返回的证书中 的id-at-commonName字段来确定证书是发给谁的。

不都是给www.cs.umass.edu的,还有InCommon RSA Server CA,和USERTrust RSA Certification Authority。

13.What is the name of the certification authority that issued the certificate for idat-commonName=www.cs.umass.edu? 

颁发id-at-commonName=www.cs.umass.edu证书的证书颁发机构的 名称是什么?

颁发机构是InCommon RSA Server CA。

14.What digital signature algorithm is used by the CA to sign this certificate? Hint: this information can be found in signature subfield of the SignedCertificate field of the certificate for www.cs.umass.edu.

CA使用什么数字签名算法对该证书进行签名?提示:此信息可以在 www.cs.umass.edu证书的SignedCertificate字段的签名子字段中找 到。


15.Let's take a look at what a real public key looks like! What are the first four hexadecimal digits of the modulus of the public key being used by www.cics.umass.edu? Enter the four hexadecimal digits (without spaces between the hex digits and without any leading '0x' , using lowercase letters where needed, and including any leading 0s after '0x'). Hint: this information can be found in subjectPublicKeyInfo subfield of the SignedCertificate field of the certificate for www.cs.umass.edu.

让我们来看看真正的公钥是什么样的!被www.cics.umass.edu使用的公 钥模数的前四位十六进制数字是什么?输入4个十六进制数字(十六进制 数字之间不带空格,前导不带“0x”,需要时使用小写字母,并且在“0x”之后包括任何前导的0)。提示:此信息可以在www.cs. umass.edu证书的SignedCertificate字段的subjectPublicKeyInfo子 字段中找到。


16.Look in your trace to find messages between the client and a CA to get the CA’s public key information, so that the client can verify that the CA-signed certificate sent by the server is indeed valid and has not been forged or altered. Do you see such message in your trace? If so, what is the number in the trace of the first packet sent from your client to the CA? If not, explain why the client did not contact the CA.

在跟踪中查找客户端和CA之间的消息,以获取CA的公钥信息,这样 客户端就可以验证服务器发送的CA签名证书确实有效,没有被伪造或 更改。你在你的跟踪中看到这样的消息了吗?如果是,那么从客户端发 送到CA的第一个数据包的跟踪编号是多少?如果没有,解释客户端没有 联系CA的原因。

没有,因为客户端已经缓存了 CA 的证书,因此不需要再次请求。客户端可能已经安装了预置的根证书或中间证书,用于验证服务器证书的签名。这些证书中包含了CA的公钥信息,无需再通过网络请求获取。服务器可能使用了由受信任的中间CA签发的证书。如果客户端已经知道并信任了中间CA,它可以验证服务器证书而无需直接联系根CA。客户端可能通过在线证书状态协议(OCSP)或证书吊销列表(CRL)来验证证书的有效性,而不是直接与CA进行通信。这些方法允许客户端检查服务器证书是否被吊销或过期。

17.What is the packet number in your trace for the TLS message part that contains the Server Hello Done TLS record?

在您的跟踪中,包含服务器Hello Done TLS记录的TLS消息部分的 包号是多少?


18.What is the packet number in your trace for the TLS message that contains the public key information, Change Cipher Spec, and Encrypted Handshake message, being sent from client to server?

从客户端发送到服务器的包含公钥信息、更改密码规范和加密握手消 息的TLS消息的跟踪中的数据包号是多少?


19.Does the client provide its own CA-signed public key certificate back to the server? If so, what is the packet number in your trace containing your client’s certificate?

客户端是否向服务器提供其自己的CA签名公钥证书?如果是,在你 的跟踪中包含你的客户端证书的数据包编号是多少?


20.What symmetric key cryptography algorithm is being used by the client and server to encrypt application data (in this case, HTTP messages)

客户端和服务器正在使用什么对称密钥加密算法来加密应用程 序数据(在这种情况下,HTTP消息)?

TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256:这部分表示了使用的加密套件的具体内容。TLS:表示这是基于传输层安全(TLS)协议的加密套件。ECDHE:表示使用了椭圆曲线 Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) 密钥交换算法,这是一种基于椭圆曲线密码学的密钥协商算法,用于在通信双方之间安全地交换密钥材料。RSA:表示服务器的身份验证使用了RSA算法。AES_128_GCM:表示对称加密算法为AES(Advanced Encryption Standard), 使用128位密钥长度,以及GCM模式(Galois/Counter Mode)进行加密。GCM是一种同时提供验证和加密的加密模式,它在许多安全协议中被广泛使用。SHA256:表示使用SHA-256算法进行消息认证码(MAC)的计算。

21.In which of the TLS messages is this symmetric key cryptography algorithm finally decided and declared?



22.What is the packet number in your trace for the first encrypted message carrying application data from client to server?



23.What do you think the content of this encrypted application-data is, given that this trace was generated by fetching the homepage of www.cics.umass.edu?

考虑到这条trace是通过获取www.cics.umass.edu的主页而生成的,你认 为这条加密的应用数据的内容是什么?

可以推测它可能包含了 HTTP 请求(如 GET 请求)或响应(如 HTML 页面、图片等)。由于你正在访问网站的主页,所以响应数据很可能是一个 HTML 页面,其中包含了网站的布局、内容和样式。如果这是客户端(如浏览器)发送到服务器的第一个或后续请求,它可能包含URL、HTTP方法(如GET、POST)、HTTP头部以及可能的请求体(对于POST请求)。如果这是服务器返回给客户端的响应,它可能包含HTTP状态码、HTTP头部以及响应体(即网页的内容,如HTML、CSS、JavaScript等)。

24.What packet number contains the client-to-server TLS message that shuts down the TLS connection? Because TLS messages are encrypted in our Wireshark traces, we can’t actually look inside a TLS message and so we’ll have to make an educated guess here

哪个包号包含关闭TLS连接的客户机到服务器TLS消息?由于TLS消息 在我们的Wireshark跟踪中是加密的,因此我们实际上无法查看TLS消 息的内部,因此我们必须在这里进行有根据的猜测。


From: https://blog.csdn.net/Water_Star1/article/details/140977352
