import clr clr.AddReference('System') clr.AddReference('Kingdee.BOS') clr.AddReference('Kingdee.BOS.Core') clr.AddReference('System.Drawing') clr.AddReference('System.Collections') from System import * from System.Collections import * from System.Collections.Generic import * from Kingdee.BOS import * from Kingdee.BOS.Core import * from Kingdee.BOS.Core.Metadata import FormatCondition from System.Drawing import * def OnFormatRowConditions(args): if(args.DataRow.ColumnContains('F_Krystal_PriceStatus') and args.DataRow['F_Krystal_PriceStatus'] is not None): if(args.DataRow['F_Krystal_PriceStatus']!='B'): fc = FormatCondition() fc.ApplayRow = True fc.BackColor = "#FF0000" args.FormatConditions.Add(fc)View Code
import clr clr.AddReference('System') clr.AddReference('Kingdee.BOS') clr.AddReference('Kingdee.BOS.Core') clr.AddReference('System.Drawing') clr.AddReference('System.Collections') from System import * from System.Collections import * from System.Collections.Generic import * from Kingdee.BOS import * from Kingdee.BOS.Core import * from Kingdee.BOS.Core.Metadata import FormatCondition from System.Drawing import * def OnFormatRowConditions(args): if(args.DataRow.ColumnContains('F_Krystal_PriceStatus') and args.DataRow['F_Krystal_PriceStatus'] is not None): if(args.DataRow['F_Krystal_PriceStatus']!='B'): fc = FormatCondition() fc.ApplayRow = True fc.BackColor = "#FF0000" args.FormatConditions.Add(fc)View Code
using Kingdee.BOS.Core.Bill.PlugIn; using Kingdee.BOS.Core.DynamicForm; using Kingdee.BOS.Core.DynamicForm.PlugIn.ControlModel; using Kingdee.BOS.JSON; using Kingdee.BOS.Util; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; namespace Krystal.K3.SCM.Business.PlugIn.PUR { /// <summary> /// 功能描述 :PurchaseOrderEdit /// 创 建 者 :Administrator /// 创建日期 :2024/7/11 10:01:51 /// 最后修改者 :Krystal /// 最后修改日期:2024/7/11 10:01:51 /// </summary> [Description("采购订单-表单插件")] [HotUpdate] public class PurchaseOrderEdit: AbstractBillPlugIn { #region <常量> #endregion <常量> #region <变量> #endregion <变量> #region <属性> #endregion <属性> #region <构造方法和析构方法> #endregion <构造方法和析构方法> #region <方法> #endregion <方法> #region <事件> public override void AfterBindData(EventArgs e) { base.AfterBindData(e); var entityKey = "FPOOrderEntry"; var backColor = "#FF0000"; var backColor0 = "#cfe2f3"; var backColor1 = "#ead1dc"; var rowCount = this.View.Model.GetEntryRowCount(entityKey); // 常规操作是直接使用grid.SetRowBackcolor函数,已过时,目前只有客户端生效 #region 设置某一行整行背景色 客户端生效 已过时 //var grid = this.View.GetControl<EntryGrid>(entityKey); ////价格状态不等于最低价,唯一价,标红 //for (var x = 0; x < rowCount; ++x) //{ // var ps = this.View.Model.GetValue("F_Krystal_PriceStatus", x) + ""; // if (ps != "A" && ps != "B") // { // grid.SetRowBackcolor(backColor, x);//第x+1行 // //grid.SetBackcolor(backColor, 1);//第二行 // } //} #endregion #region 批量设置某一行整行背景色 客户端网页都生效 var grid = this.View.GetControl<EntryGrid>(entityKey); var colors = new List<KeyValuePair<int, string>>(); for (var x = 0; x < rowCount; ++x) { var ps = this.View.Model.GetValue("F_Krystal_PriceStatus", x) + ""; if (ps != "A" && ps != "B") { //var backColor3 = x % 2 == 0 ? backColor0 : backColor1; colors.Add(new KeyValuePair<int, string>(x, backColor)); } } grid.SetRowBackcolor(colors); #endregion #region 客户端网页都生效 设置价格状态字段的某一行的背景色 //var grid = this.View.GetControl<EntryGrid>(entityKey); ////grid.SetBackcolor("FPrice", backColor, 1); //////价格状态不等于最低价,唯一价,标红 //for (var x = 0; x < rowCount; ++x) //{ // var ps = this.View.Model.GetValue("F_Krystal_PriceStatus", x) + ""; // if (ps != "A" && ps != "B") // { // grid.SetBackcolor("F_Krystal_PriceStatus", backColor, x);//第x+1行 // //grid.SetBackcolor(backColor, 1);//第二行 // } //} #endregion #region 批量设置价格状态字段的某一行的背景色 客户端网页都生效 //var grid = this.View.GetControl<EntryGrid>(entityKey); //var colors = new List<KeyValuePair<int, string>>(); //for (var x = 0; x < rowCount; ++x) //{ // var ps = this.View.Model.GetValue("F_Krystal_PriceStatus", x) + ""; // if (ps != "A" && ps != "B") // { // colors.Add(new KeyValuePair<int, string>(x, backColor)); // } // //var backColor3 = x % 2 == 0 ? backColor0 : backColor1; //} //grid.SetCellsBackcolor("F_Krystal_PriceStatus", colors); #endregion #region 客户端生效,网页端不生效 //GridSetRowBackcolor(this.View, entityKey, backColor, 1); #endregion } private void GridSetRowBackcolor(IDynamicFormView view, string entityKey, string color, int rowIndex) { var value = new JSONObject(); value[rowIndex.ToString()] = color; var jo = new JSONObject(); jo["backcolor"] = value; var grid = view.GetControl<EntryGrid>(entityKey); var formState = view.GetService<IDynamicFormState>(); formState.AftInvokeControlMethod(grid.ControlAppearance, "UpdateFieldStates", jo); } #endregion <事件> } }完整代码
标签:表格,BOS,System,Kingdee,订单,单据,grid,var,import From: https://www.cnblogs.com/lanrenka/p/18295491