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webservice 類型映射

时间:2024-08-02 17:50:57浏览次数:9  
标签:service soapcpp2 Saving webservice 映射 ns1 類型 Using phoneService

a1@1deMacBook-Pro phone1 % wsdl2h -o phoneService.h phoneService.wsdl -t api.bat
Saving phoneService.h

**  The gSOAP WSDL/WADL/XSD processor for C and C++, wsdl2h release 2.8.135
**  Copyright (C) 2000,2024 Genivia Inc. All Rights Reserved.
**  The wsdl2h tool and its generated software are released under the GPL.
**  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
**  A commercial use license is available from Genivia Inc., [email protected]
**  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Reading type definitions from type map "api.bat"
Reading 'phoneService.wsdl'...
  Connecting to '' to retrieve schema... connected, receiving...
  Done reading ''
Done reading 'phoneService.wsdl'

To finalize code generation, execute:
> soapcpp2 phoneService.h
Or to generate C++ proxy and service classes:
> soapcpp2 -j phoneService.h

a1@1deMacBook-Pro phone1 % soapcpp2 phoneService.h

**  The gSOAP code generator for C and C++, soapcpp2 release 2.8.135
**  Copyright (C) 2000,2024 Genivia Inc. All Rights Reserved.
**  The soapcpp2 tool and its generated software are released under the GPL.
**  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
**  A commercial use license is available from Genivia Inc., [email protected]
**  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Saving soapStub.h annotated copy of the source interface header file
Saving soapH.h serialization functions to #include in projects
Using ns1 service name: PhoneServicePortBinding
Using ns1 service style: document
Using ns1 service encoding: literal
Using ns1 service location:
Using ns1 schema namespace: http://dd.webservice.dzp.cn
Saving PhoneServicePortBinding.getMObileInfo.req.xml sample SOAP/XML request
Saving PhoneServicePortBinding.getMObileInfo.res.xml sample SOAP/XML response
Saving PhoneServicePortBinding.nsmap namespace mapping table
Saving soapClient.cpp client call stub functions
Saving soapClientLib.cpp client stubs with serializers (use only for libs)
Saving soapServer.cpp server request dispatcher
Saving soapServerLib.cpp server request dispatcher with serializers (use only for libs)
Saving soapC.cpp serialization functions

Compilation successful 

a1@1deMacBook-Pro phone1 % 



xsd__string = | std::wstring | wchar_t*


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/luoxh-whn/p/18339284


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