class QueryBuilder {
private fields: string[] = []
private wheres: Record<string, string> = {}
private table: string = ""
select(...columns: string[]) {
this.fields = columns
return this
from (table: string) {
this.table = table
return this
where(column: string, value: string) {
this.wheres[column] = value
return this
build() {
return `SELECT ${this.fields.join(", ")} FROM ${this.table} WHERE ${Object.entries(this.wheres).map(([k, v]) => `${k} = ${v}`).join(" AND ")}`
const query = new QueryBuilder()
.select("name", "email")
.where("id", "1")
.where("email", "")
console.log(query) // "SELECT name, email FROM users WHERE id = 1 AND email ="
标签:Typescript,return,string,builder,private,example,table,Query,email From: