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CNC turning and milling machine that can be used as a lathe and a milling machine

时间:2024-07-29 16:54:01浏览次数:19  
标签:used turning milling copyright machine other CNC

The current CNC turning and milling machine tools are mainly manifested in 2 different types, one is based on the energy or movement of the different processing methods of the composite; Kairnley The other is based on the principle of process concentration, mechanical machining process-based composite, turning and milling composite processing is one of the rapid development of the field in recent years for the processing method.
Machining center: mainly for milling! Kainley lathe only X; Y; Z three-axis continuous Z axis is generally the power axis to remember the spindle (lying plus; special machine is not in this example) turning and milling complex machine: also called 5-axis double power head machining center. In addition to milling can also be turned! This machine Z early for processing propellers! Should be to avoid the loss of accuracy and benchmark loss caused by 2 times clamping!
CNC turning and milling machine: It is one of the main models of compound processing machine tools, which can complete plane milling, drilling, tapping, straight groove, spiral groove and tooth milling in addition to the functions on CNC lathe.
CNC machine tools that meet all the following characteristics are CNC turning and milling compound machines.
1、The spindle motor adopts servo motor, and the rotary motion of the spindle and the feed motion can be linked.
2, in addition to the configuration of CNC lathe turret tool holder, at least then configure the power tool, or configure an independent power tool holder.
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From: https://blog.csdn.net/YJLD266/article/details/140665675


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