微服务包括这些组件, 服务注册, 服务发现, 负载均衡,配置管理,路由,断流器-过流熔断,分布式系统的日记追踪,服务安全等。
the component of spring boot microservices.
- spring boot, it provides the foudation for building microservices. It simplifies the configuration ans setup of spring application of offering auto-configuration and opinionated default. It also includes an embeded web server, making it easy to create standalone applications.
2.microservices architecture, in a microservices architecture the application is devided into small, independently deployable services. Each services focuses on a specific business capability and communicates with other services through APIs.
3.spring cloud, it is an umbrella project that provides tools for building and managing microservices. It includes modules for service discovery, load balancing, configuration management, circuit breakers and more.
4.service discovery- Eureka, it is a service registry and discovery server. it allows microservices to register themselves and discover other services in the ecosystem.
5.API gateway - zuul, it acts as an API gateway that manages the routing, filtering, and load balancingof requests to different microservices. it help simplify the client -side comunication with multiple services.
6.load balancing -Ribbon, it provides load balancing capabilities to distribute incoming requests across instances.
7.configuration management - config server, it manages externalized configuration for microservices. it allows you to centralize confuration properties for different enviroments and services.
8.circuit breaker-Hystrix, it helps prevent system failures due to service outages. it provides a circuit breaker pattern to handle and manage failure gracefully.
9.distributed tracing - sleuth, it provides distributed tracing to track requests across various microservices. it helped diagnose and troubleshoot performance issues.
10.API documentation - swagger, although not exclusive to microservices, swagger or springfox is often used with spring boot to generate API documentation and provide an interactive UI for teting APIs.
11.authentication and authorization - spring security, it is used to handle authentication and authorization in microservices, ensuring that only authorized users can access certain resource. - containerization and orchestration, while not part of spring itself, docker and orchestration tools like kubernetes are often used to deploy, manage ans scale microservices containers.