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Dictate Your Coding Questions

时间:2024-06-30 22:30:07浏览次数:32  
标签:code Coding Your method Ultimate Questions Copilot CodeRush your

Dictate Your Coding Questions

  CodeRush Ultimate 24.1 introduces voice support for interacting with the GitHub Copilot Chat AI tool, saving time when you need assistance.

  CodeRush Ultimate is a Visual Studio extension designed to improve developer productivity and creativity. It empowers you to generate sophisticated code, automate tedious tasks, and navigate your codebase effortlessly, all while boosting code quality and readability. By eliminating repetitive coding and providing intelligent assistance, CodeRush Ultimate frees you to focus on the big picture, helping you deliver more features faster and with higher quality.

  The CodeRush Ultimate 24.1 release introduces 'Voice for Copilot' a revolutionary feature that lets you interact with the popular GitHub Copilot Chat service using natural spoken prompt. Simply hold down the left Ctrl key and say "Hey Copilot" followed by your coding question to trigger the assistant. If you need help understanding a specific method or class in your code you can refer to "this method" or "this class" in your voice query, and CodeRush will select the relevant method in order to provide Copilot with the necessary context for a seamless conversation. Voice for Copilot streamlines your workflow, eliminates tedious typing, and fosters a more intuitive way to leverage the artificial intelligence expertise of Copilot, boosting your coding efficiency and productivity.

From: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_45330297/article/details/140071279


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