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二进制查看器 Binary Viewer

时间:2022-10-19 11:22:48浏览次数:90  
标签:files Binary 查看器 Viewer programs 二进制 file


Binary Viewer是一款专业的二进制查看器,它能显示数据以十进制,八进制,十六进制和文本(ASCII码或统一的字符编码标准)的格式。能查看任何文件的二进制代码,支持直接编辑文件的二进制代码,最大能打开4GB大小的文件,支持交替数据流,同时在文件中也提供搜索功能,保存文件复制/粘贴/文件至剪贴板!


Binary Viewer can display file contents in binary, hexadecimal, octal, decimal and text formats (multiple Encodings), therefore letting you to peek into binary files, usually not viewable when using standard Windows viewer/editors like Notepad, Word, Excel and others. Files are usually used to persist data and are intended to be interpreted by the different programs. Files can contain programs itself. In most cases computer files are interpreted by programs or operation system in proper manner: program files are executed, data files are loaded by programs and rendered, turned to images, sounds, spreadsheets of data.

This works well, that how computers are build for, but if you want to see what's happening under the hood, if you want to know how exactly looks the file Audio Player turns into beautiful music or how Audio Player insides looks like, you got 'Binary Viewer'.

Besides ability to see contents of the file bytes in convenient format, 'Binary Viewer' offers host of options allowing to see file content in graphical format, file statistical analysis and cryptographic file utilities.



From: https://www.cnblogs.com/sinferwu/p/16805566.html
