1 Hello World
1.1 Hello World
- ch01/main.py
from fastapi import FastAPI, APIRouter
# 1
app = FastAPI(
title="Recipe API", openapi_url="/openapi.json"
# 2
api_router = APIRouter()
# 3
@api_router.get("/", status_code=200)
def root() -> dict:
Root Get
return {"msg": "Hello, World!"}
# 4
# 5
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Use this for debugging purposes only
import uvicorn
uvicorn.run(app, host="", port=8001, log_level="debug")
- 1
- 2
- 3
在根函数中添加 @api_router.get("/", status_code=200) 装饰器为应用程序接口定义了基本的GET端点。
- 4
- 5
适用于直接调用模块的情况,即运行python app/main.py。在这种情况下,我们需要导入uvicorn,因为FastAPI依赖于这个网络服务器(稍后我们将详细讨论)。
- 执行:
$ python main.py
INFO: Started server process [19369]
INFO: Waiting for application startup.
INFO: Application startup complete.
INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
如果能看到 "Hello, World!"(你好,世界!)的响应,则说明 API 已正常工作。以上是Chrome的效果,Firefox的如下:
- 软件测试精品书籍文档下载持续更新 https://github.com/china-testing/python-testing-examples 请点赞,谢谢!
- 本文涉及的python测试开发库 谢谢点赞! https://github.com/china-testing/python_cn_resouce
- python精品书籍下载 https://github.com/china-testing/python_cn_resouce/blob/main/python_good_books.md
- Linux精品书籍下载 https://www.cnblogs.com/testing-/p/17438558.html
1.2 自动文档
FastAPI是围绕OpenAPI规范(以前称为swagger)标准精心打造的。在FastAPI中,通过对端点进行编码,您可以自动编写API文档。FastAPI 将您的端点细节映射到JSON模式文档中。生成的文档(如果足够详细)可以显示以下内容:
- 路径操作
- 参数
- 请求正文
- 安全详细信息,如所需的header
开箱即用,可选择您喜欢的文档 UI 显示方式:
- SwaggerUI
- ReDoc
- ch01/main2.py
from fastapi import FastAPI, APIRouter
"id": 1,
"label": "Chicken Vesuvio",
"source": "Serious Eats",
"url": "http://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2011/12/chicken-vesuvio-recipe.html",
"id": 2,
"label": "Chicken Paprikash",
"source": "No Recipes",
"url": "http://norecipes.com/recipe/chicken-paprikash/",
"id": 3,
"label": "Cauliflower and Tofu Curry Recipe",
"source": "Serious Eats",
"url": "http://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2011/02/cauliflower-and-tofu-curry-recipe.html",
app = FastAPI(title="Recipe API", openapi_url="/openapi.json")
api_router = APIRouter()
@api_router.get("/", status_code=200)
def root() -> dict:
Root GET
return {"msg": "Hello, World!"}
# New addition, path parameter
# https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-params/
@api_router.get("/recipe/{recipe_id}", status_code=200)
def fetch_recipe(*, recipe_id: int) -> dict:
Fetch a single recipe by ID
result = [recipe for recipe in RECIPES if recipe["id"] == recipe_id]
if result:
return result[0]
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Use this for debugging purposes only
import uvicorn
uvicorn.run(app, host="", port=8001, log_level="debug")
我们创建了新的GET端点 /recipe/{recipe_id}。这里的大括号表示参数值,需要与端点函数 fetch_recipe 的参数之一相匹配。
1.4 查询参数
- ch01/main3.py
from fastapi import FastAPI, APIRouter
from typing import Optional
"id": 1,
"label": "Chicken Vesuvio",
"source": "Serious Eats",
"url": "http://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2011/12/chicken-vesuvio-recipe.html",
"id": 2,
"label": "Chicken Paprikash",
"source": "No Recipes",
"url": "http://norecipes.com/recipe/chicken-paprikash/",
"id": 3,
"label": "Cauliflower and Tofu Curry Recipe",
"source": "Serious Eats",
"url": "http://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2011/02/cauliflower-and-tofu-curry-recipe.html",
app = FastAPI(title="Recipe API", openapi_url="/openapi.json")
api_router = APIRouter()
@api_router.get("/", status_code=200)
def root() -> dict:
Root GET
return {"msg": "Hello, World!"}
@api_router.get("/recipe/{recipe_id}", status_code=200)
def fetch_recipe(*, recipe_id: int) -> dict:
Fetch a single recipe by ID
result = [recipe for recipe in RECIPES if recipe["id"] == recipe_id]
if result:
return result[0]
# New addition, query parameter
# https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/query-params/
@api_router.get("/search/", status_code=200)
def search_recipes(
keyword: Optional[str] = None, max_results: Optional[int] = 10
) -> dict:
Search for recipes based on label keyword
if not keyword:
# we use Python list slicing to limit results
# based on the max_results query parameter
return {"results": RECIPES[:max_results]}
results = filter(lambda recipe: keyword.lower() in recipe["label"].lower(), RECIPES)
return {"results": list(results)[:max_results]}
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Use this for debugging purposes only
import uvicorn
uvicorn.run(app, host="", port=8001, log_level="debug")
我们创建了一个新的GET端点/search/。注意它没有路径参数,这一点我们在第二部分中已经讨论过了search_recipes 函数定义了新端点的逻辑。它的参数代表端点的查询参数。有两个参数:关键字和 max_results。这意味着包含这两个查询参数的(本地)查询可能如下所示: http://localhost:8001/search/?keyword=chicken&max_results=2
请注意,我们为每个参数指定了类型和默认值。这两个参数都是来自 Python 标准库类型模块的可选参数。FastAPI 可以使用这些原生Python类型声明来理解参数不需要设置(如果我们希望参数是强制性的,我们就可以省略可选参数)
这两个参数也有默认值,通过 = 符号指定,例如 max_result 查询参数的默认值是 10。如果请求中没有指定这些参数,则将使用默认值。
我们使用Python列表切分来限制结果,从而实现一些基本的搜索功能。我们使用Python filter对玩具数据集进行非常基本的关键字搜索。搜索完成后,框架会将数据序列化为JSON格式。
标签:__,FastAPI,recipe,Hello,api,World,router,id From: https://www.cnblogs.com/testing-/p/18246681