flask-restful-swagger-2是适用于flask-restful的包装器,根据swagger 2.0规范支持swagger,flask-restful-swagger-2基于flash restful swagger,但flash restful swagger仅支持swagger 1.2规范
pip install flask-restful-swagger-2
from flask import Blueprint, jsonify from flask_restful import Resource, Api, fields, marshal, reqparse from auth import login_required_api testbp = Blueprint('test',__name__,url_prefix="/test") testapi = Api(testbp) class User(Resource): @login_required_api def get(self): parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument("id", required=True, type=int, location="args", help="id is required") args = parser.parse_args() user = {'id': args['id'],'username': 'admin'} return jsonify({ "code": 0, "msg": "success", "data": marshal(user, {'id': fields.Integer,'username': fields.String}) }) @login_required_api def post(self): parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument("username", type=str, required=True, help="username is required")\ .add_argument("password", type=str, required=True, help="password is required") args = parser.parse_args() print(args) return jsonify(code=0, msg="添加成功") testapi.add_resource(User,"/user")
from test.test import testbp app.register_blueprint(testbp)
改写 test.py
from flask_restful_swagger_2 import Resource, Api testbp = Blueprint('test',__name__,url_prefix="/test") testapi = Api(testbp) class User(Resource):
Parameter | Description |
add_api_spec_resource |
Set to True to add an endpoint to serve the swagger specification (defaults to True ). |
api_version |
The API version string (defaults to '0.0'). Maps to the version field of the info object. |
api_spec_base |
Instead of specifying individual swagger fields, you can pass in a minimal schema object to use as a template. Note that parameters specified explicity will overwrite the values in this template. |
api_spec_url |
The URL path that serves the swagger specification document (defaults to /api/swagger ). The path is appended with .json and .html (i.e. /api/swagger.json and /api/swagger.html ). |
base_path |
The base path on which the API is served. Maps to the basePath field of the schema object. |
consumes |
A list of MIME types the API can consume. Maps to the consumes field of the schema object. |
contact |
The contact information for the API. Maps to the contact field of the info object. |
description |
A short description of the application. Maps to the description field of the info object. |
external_docs |
Additional external documentation. Maps to the externalDocs field of the schema object. |
host |
The host serving the API. Maps to the host field of the schema object. |
license |
The license information for the API. Maps to the license field of the info object. |
parameters |
The parameters that can be used across operations. Maps to the parameters field of the schema object. |
produces |
A list of MIME types the API can produce. Maps to the produces field of the schema object. |
responses |
The responses that can be used across operations. Maps to the responses field of the schema object. |
schemes |
The transfer protocol of the API. Maps the the schemes field of the schema object. |
security |
The security schemes for the API as a whole. Maps to the security field of the schema object. |
security_definitions |
The security definitions for the API. Maps to the securityDefinitions field of the schema object. |
tags |
A list of tags used by the specification with additional metadata. Maps to the tags field fo the schema object. |
terms |
The terms of service for the API. Maps to the termsOfService field of the info object. |
title |
The title of the application (defaults to the flask app module name). Maps to the title field of the info object. |
class User(Resource): @login_required_api @swagger.doc({ 'tags': ['user'], 'summary': '用户信息', 'description': 'Returns a user', 'parameters': [ { 'name': 'id', 'description': 'id', 'in': 'query', 'type': 'integer' } ], 'responses': { '200': { 'description': 'User', 'examples': { 'application/json': { "code": 0, "data": { "id": 1, "username": "admin" }, "msg": "success" } } } } }) def get(self): parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument("id", required=True, type=int, location="args", help="id is required") args = parser.parse_args() user = {'id': args['id'],'username': 'admin'} return jsonify({ "code": 0, "msg": "success", "data": marshal(user, {'id': fields.Integer,'username': fields.String}) }) parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument("username", type=str, required=True, help="username is required") \ .add_argument("password", type=str, required=True, help="password is required") @login_required_api @swagger.doc({ 'tags': ['user'], 'summary': '新增用户', 'description': 'ADD User', 'reqparser': {'name': 'adduser', 'parser': parser}, 'responses': { '201': { 'description': 'Created user', 'examples': { 'application/json': { "code": 0, "msg": "success" } } } } }) def post(self): args = self.parser.parse_args() print(args) return jsonify(code=0, msg="添加成功")
from flask_restful import reqparse usergetps = reqparse.RequestParser()\ .add_argument("id", required=True, type=int, location="args", help="id is required") useraddps = reqparse.RequestParser()\ .add_argument("Authorization",location="headers",required=True, type=str, help="Authorization is required")\ .add_argument("username", type=str, required=True, help="username is required")\ .add_argument("password", type=str, required=True, help="password is required")
from .parser import useraddps,usergetps userget = { 'tags': ['user'], 'summary': '用户信息', 'description': 'Returns a user', 'reqparser': {'name': 'getuser', 'parser': usergetps}, 'responses': { '200': { 'description': 'User', 'examples': { 'application/json': { "code": 0, "data": { "id": 1, "username": "admin" }, "msg": "success" } } } } } useradd = { 'tags': ['user'], 'summary': '新增用户', 'description': 'ADD User', 'reqparser': {'name': 'adduser', 'parser': usergetps}, 'responses': { '201': { 'description': 'Created user', 'examples': { 'application/json': { "code": 0, "msg": "success" } } } } }
from flask import Blueprint, jsonify from flask_restful import Resource, Api, fields, marshal, reqparse from auth import login_required_api from flask_restful_swagger_2 import Resource, Api, swagger from . import swag, parser testbp = Blueprint('test',__name__,url_prefix="/test") testapi = Api(testbp, add_api_spec_resource=False) class User(Resource): @login_required_api @swagger.doc(swag.userget) def get(self): args = parser.usergetps.uparse_args() user = {'id': args['id'],'username': 'admin'} return jsonify({ "code": 0, "msg": "success", "data": marshal(user, {'id': fields.Integer,'username': fields.String}) }) @login_required_api @swagger.doc(swag.useradd) def post(self): args = parser.useraddps.parse_args() print(args) return jsonify(code=0, msg="添加成功") testapi.add_resource(User,"/user")
from flask_restful_swagger_2 import get_swagger_blueprint from flask_cors import CORS from test.test import testapi CORS(app) docs = [] docs.append(testapi.get_swagger_doc()) app.register_blueprint(testapi.blueprint) app.register_blueprint(get_swagger_blueprint(docs, '/api/swagger', title='falsktest', api_version='1'))
testapi = Api(testbp, api_version='0.0', api_spec_url='/api/swagger')
标签:2.0,flask,args,parser,required,api,swagger From: https://www.cnblogs.com/zerotest/p/16804671.html