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COMPILER simplified C programmin

时间:2024-06-11 12:32:28浏览次数:24  
标签:statements CFG programmin syntax simplified EXPR line id COMPILER


The goal of the term-project is to implement a bottom-up syntax analyzer (a.k.a., parser) as we’velearned. More specifically, you will implement the syntax analyzer for a simplified C programminglanguage with the following context free grammar G;



02: VDECL → vtype id semi | vtype ASSIGN semi

03: ASSIGN → id assign RHS

04: RHS → EXPR | literal | character | boolstr

05: EXPR → EXPR addsub EXPR | EXPR multdiv EXPR

06: EXPR → lparen EXPR rparen | id | num

07: FDECL → vtype id lparen ARG rparen lbrace BLOCK RETURN rbrace

08: ARG → vtype id MOREARGS | ϵ

09: MOREARGS → comma vtype id MOREARGS | ϵ


11: STMT → VDECL | ASSIGN semi

12: STMT → if lparen COND rparen lbrace BLOCK rbrace ELSE

13: STMT → while lparen COND rparen lbrace BLOCK rbrace

14: COND → COND comp COND | boolstr

15: ELSE → else lbrace BLOCK rbrace | ϵ

16: RETURN → return RHS semi

Terminals (21)

  1. vtype for the types of variables and functions
  2. num for signed integers
  3. character for a single character
  4. boolstr for Boolean strings
  5. literal for literal strings
  6. id for the identifiers of variables and functions
  7. if, else, while, and return for if, else, while, and return statements respectively8. class for class declarations
  8. addsub for + and - arithmetic operators
  9. multdiv for * and / arithmetic operators
  10. assign for assignment operators
  11. comp for comparison operators
  12. semi and comma for semicolons and commas respectively
  13. lparen, rparen, lbrace, and rbrace for (, ), {, and } respectively


Start symbol: CODE


✓ The given CFG G is non-left recursive, but ambiguous.

✓ Codes include zero or more declarations of functions and variables (CFG line 1)

✓ Variables are declared with or without initialization (CFG line 2 ~ 3)

✓ The right hand side of assignment operations can be classified into four types; 1) arithmeticoperations (expressions), 2) literal strings, 3) a single character, and 4) Boolean strings (CFG4)

✓ Arithmetic operations are the combinations of +, -, *, / operators (CFG line 5 ~ 6)

✓ Functions can have zero or more input arguments (CFG line 7 ~ 9)

✓ Function blocks include zero or more statements (CFG line 10)

✓ There are four types of statements: 1) variable declarations, 2) assignment operations, 3) iflse statements, and 4) while statements (CFG line 11 ~ 13)

✓ if and while statements include a conditional operation which consists of Boolean stringsand condition operators (CFG line 12 ~ 14)✓ if statements can be used with or without an else statement (CFG line 12 & 15)

✓ return statements return 1) the computation result of arithmetic operations, 2) literal strings,

  1. 3) a single character, or 4) Boolean strings (CFG line 16)

✓ This is not a CFG for C. This is for simplified C. So, you don’t need to consider grammarsand structures not mentioned in this specification.Based on thiCFG, you should implement a bottom-up parser as follows:

✓ Discard an ambiguity in the CFG

✓ Construct a SLR parsing table for the non-ambiguous CFG through the following website:http://jsmachines.sourceforge.net/machines/slr.html

✓ Implement a SLR parsing program for the simplified Java programming language by using theconstructed table.For the implementation, please use C, C++, or Python (If you want to use . Your syntax analyzermust run on Linux or Unix-like OS without any error.

Your syntax analyzer should work as follows:

The execution flow of your syntax analyzer: yntax_analyzer <input file>

Input: A sequence of tokens (terminals) written in the input filee.g., vtype id semi vtype id lparen rparen lbrace if lparen boolstr comp boolstr rparen lbracerbrace


◼ (If a parsing decision output is “accept”) please construct a parse tree (not abstract syntax tree) for the input sequence

◆ You can design the data structure to represent the tree as you want.

◼ (If an output is “reject”) please make an error report which explains why and where the error occurred (e.g., line number)

Term-project schedule and submission

Deadline: 6/9, 23:59 (through an e-class system)

◼ For a delayed submission, you will lose 0.1 * your original project score per eachdelayed day

✓ Submission file: team_<your_team_number>.zip or .tar.gz

◼ The compressed file should contain

◆ The source code of your syntax analyzer with detailed comments

◆ The executable binary file of your syntax analyzer (if you implemented using

a complied language)

◆ Documentation (the most important thing!)

⚫ It must include 1) your non-ambiguous CFG G and 2) your SLR parsing table

⚫ It must also include any change in the CFG G and all about how your syntaxnalyzer works for validating token sequences (for example, overallprocedures, implementation details like algorithms and data structures,working examples, and so on)◆ Test input files and outputs which you used inthis project

⚫ The test input files are not given. You should make the test files, by yourself,which can examine all the syntax grammars.

✓ If there exist any error in the given CFG, please send an e-mail to [email protected]

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/qq99515681/p/18240954


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