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Exercise 04

时间:2024-06-02 12:32:33浏览次数:27  
标签:04 app apps your Exercise more

Exercise 04

Excercise 04

If you woke up this morning thanks to the alarm on your 1 smartphone ,or if you like watching videos or playing games on your 2 tablet . You are using 3 applications also known as apps. An 4 app is a 5 software program that lets you do things for lack of a better word. You’ll find apps on all of your devices including smartphones ,tablets and computers. Some apps help you complete tasks while others are just for fun. Here are some examples of ways you can use apps. Mobile apps are apps that run on your smartphone or tablet. They can make many things in life more 6 convenient . For instance if you are looking for a place to buy coffee, an app like google maps can determine your current location and then recommend nearby coffee shops. Apps aren’t just for mobile devices , though the programs and applications on your computer can also be considered apps. If you've ever used microsoft word to create a 7 document or a web browser to visit a 8 website or check your email. Guess what? you’ve used an app.Some apps come already 9 installed but you can easily 10 download or buy more online. Apps are about communication ,productivity, entertainment and more. With so many possibilities you’re sure to find several apps that are perfect for the things you do.


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/aslwr/p/18226985/exercise-04-inj0h


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