1 主席树区间修改 2 #define IO std::ios::sync_with_stdio(0),cin.tie(0),cout.tie(0) 3 #define bug(x) cout<<#x<<" is "<<x<<endl 4 #include <bits/stdc++.h> 5 #define iter ::iterator 6 using namespace std; 7 typedef long long ll; 8 typedef pair<int,int>P; 9 #define pb push_back 10 #define mk make_pair 11 #define se second 12 #define fi first 13 const ll mod=1e9+7; 14 const int N=1e5+5; 15 int n,q; 16 int a[N],rt[N*25],ls[N*25],rs[N*25]; 17 ll sum[N*25],add[N*25]; 18 int cnt; 19 void build(int &o,int l,int r){ 20 o=++cnt; 21 if(l==r){ 22 sum[o]=a[l]; 23 return; 24 } 25 int m=(l+r)/2; 26 build(ls[o],l,m); 27 build(rs[o],m+1,r); 28 sum[o]=sum[ls[o]]+sum[rs[o]]; 29 } 30 void up(int &o,int pre,int l,int r,int ql,int qr,int val){ 31 o=++cnt; 32 ls[o]=ls[pre]; 33 rs[o]=rs[pre]; 34 add[o]=add[pre]; 35 sum[o]=sum[pre]+1ll*val*(min(r,qr)-max(l,ql)+1); 36 if(l>=ql&&r<=qr){ 37 add[o]+=val; 38 return; 39 } 40 int m=(l+r)/2; 41 if(ql<=m)up(ls[o],ls[pre],l,m,ql,qr,val); 42 if(qr>m)up(rs[o],rs[pre],m+1,r,ql,qr,val); 43 } 44 ll qu(int o,int l,int r,int ql,int qr){ 45 if(l>=ql&&r<=qr)return sum[o]; 46 ll res=add[o]*(min(r,qr)-max(l,ql)+1); 47 int m=(l+r)/2; 48 if(ql<=m)res+=qu(ls[o],l,m,ql,qr); 49 if(qr>m)res+=qu(rs[o],m+1,r,ql,qr); 50 return res; 51 } 52 int main(){ 53 while(~scanf("%d%d",&n,&q)){ 54 for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)scanf("%d",&a[i]); 55 cnt=0; 56 build(rt[0],1,n); 57 int time=0; 58 while(q--){ 59 char op; 60 int L,R,val; 61 scanf(" %c",&op); 62 if(op=='Q'){ 63 scanf("%d%d",&L,&R); 64 ll ans=qu(rt[time],1,n,L,R); 65 printf("%lld\n",ans); 66 } 67 else if(op=='C'){ 68 scanf("%d%d%d",&L,&R,&val); 69 ++time; 70 up(rt[time],rt[time-1],1,n,L,R,val); 71 72 } 73 else if(op=='H'){ 74 scanf("%d%d%d",&L,&R,&val); 75 ll ans=qu(rt[val],1,n,L,R); 76 printf("%lld\n",ans); 77 } 78 else{ 79 scanf("%d",&val); 80 time=val; 81 } 82 } 83 printf("\n"); 84 } 85 } 86 87 JAVA大数 88 import java.math.RoundingMode; 89 import java.math.BigDecimal; 90 import java.math.BigInteger; 91 import java.util.Scanner; 92 import java.util.*; 93 import java.io.*; 94 public class Main { 95 public static long mod=(long)(1e9+7);//1e9会被java看作double 96 public static long fastpow(long x, long y) {//快速幂 97 long res=1; 98 while(y>0) { 99 if((y&1)==1) { 100 res=(res*x)%mod; 101 } 102 x=(x*x)%mod; 103 y>>=1; 104 } 105 return res; 106 } 107 public static int N=200005; 108 public static long[] b=new long[N];//声明数组 109 public static void init(int n){//求n的阶乘 110 b[0]=1; 111 for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ 112 b[i]=(b[i-1]*i)%mod; 113 } 114 } 115 public static void main(String [] args){ 116 Scanner cin = new Scanner(System.in); 117 int T = cin.nextInt(); 118 while (T-- > 0) { 119 BigInteger x = cin.nextBigInteger();//输入大数 120 BigInteger y = cin.nextBigInteger(); 121 BigInteger z = BigInteger.valueOf(123456789L);//L标记是long类型 122 BigInteger k = BigInteger.ZERO;//赋值k为大数类型的0 123 System.out.println(k); 124 System.out.println(fastpow(2L,x.longValue()));//快速幂输出2的x次方 125 126 if(x.compareTo(y)==0)System.out.println("x=y");//大数的比较函数 127 else if(x.compareTo(y)<0)System.out.println("x<y"); 128 else if(x.compareTo(y)>0)System.out.println("x>y"); 129 String s=x.toString(2);//把十进制大数转化为二进制数存入字符串。 130 int n=s.length();//获取字符串长度 131 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { 132 System.out.print(s.charAt(i) + " ");//空格隔开输出字符. 133 } 134 System.out.println(); 135 136 BigInteger sum = x.add(y); 137 BigInteger difference = x.subtract(y); 138 BigInteger product = x.multiply(y); 139 BigInteger quotient = x.divide(y); // 假设y不为0 140 BigInteger remainder = x.remainder(y); // 假设y不为0 141 142 BigInteger gcd = x.gcd(y); // 最大公约数 143 BigInteger modInverse = (y.signum() > 0 && x.gcd(y).equals(BigInteger.ONE)) ? x.modInverse(y) : null; //求逆元 144 BigInteger power = x.pow(2); // x的2次幂 145 BigInteger shiftedLeft = x.shiftLeft(1); // x左移1位 146 BigInteger shiftedRight = x.shiftRight(1); // x右移1位 147 BigInteger andResult = x.and(y); // 位与 148 BigInteger orResult = x.or(y); // 位或 149 BigInteger xorResult = x.xor(y); // 位异或 150 151 System.out.println("x + y = " + sum); 152 System.out.println("x - y = " + difference); 153 System.out.println("x * y = " + product); 154 System.out.println("x / y = " + quotient); 155 System.out.println("x % y = " + remainder); 156 System.out.println("gcd(x, y) = " + gcd); 157 System.out.println("x modInverse y = " + (modInverse != null ? modInverse : "undefined (no inverse)")); 158 System.out.println("x^2 = " + power); 159 System.out.println("x << 1 = " + shiftedLeft); 160 System.out.println("x >> 1 = " + shiftedRight); 161 System.out.println("x & y = " + andResult); 162 System.out.println("x | y = " + orResult); 163 System.out.println("x ^ y = " + xorResult); 164 165 BigDecimal x1 = new BigDecimal(cin.next()); // 读取高精度小数 166 BigDecimal y1 = new BigDecimal(cin.next()); 167 168 BigDecimal sum1 = x1.add(y1); 169 BigDecimal difference1 = x1.subtract(y1); 170 BigDecimal product1 = x1.multiply(y1); 171 BigDecimal quotient1 = x1.divide(y1, 10, RoundingMode.HALF_UP); // 设置结果精度为10位小数并使用四舍五入 172 173 System.out.println("x + y = " + sum1); 174 System.out.println("x - y = " + difference1); 175 System.out.println("x * y = " + product1); 176 System.out.println("x / y = " + quotient1); // 假设y不为0 177 178 BigDecimal original = new BigDecimal("123.456789"); 179 BigDecimal result1 = original.setScale(3, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);// 小数点后保留3位,采用四舍五入 180 System.out.println(result1); // 输出:123.457 181 BigDecimal dividend1 = new BigDecimal("10"); 182 BigDecimal divisor1 = new BigDecimal("3"); 183 // 指定精度为10位小数,使用四舍五入模式 184 result1 = dividend1.divide(divisor1, 10, RoundingMode.HALF_UP); 185 System.out.println(result1); // 输出: 3.3333333333 186 } 187 cin.close(); 188 } 189 } 190 /* 191 c=a.max(b); // 取a,b中较大的,a.min(b)就是取较小的 192 d=a.compareTo(b); //比较a与b的大小 d=-1小于d=0等于 d=1大于 d为int型 193 a.equals(b); // 判断a与b是否相等 相等返回true 不相等返回false 194 d=a.intValue(); // 将大数a转换为 int 类型赋值给 d 195 e=a.longValue(); // 将大数a转换为 long 类型赋值给 e 196 f=a.floatValue(); // 将大数a转换为 float 类型赋值给 f 197 g=a.doubleValue(); // 将大数a转换为 double 类型赋值给 g 198 s=a.toString(); // 将大数a转换为 String 类型赋值给 s 199 s=a.toPlainString(); //将大数a转换为String类型赋值给s,且不表示为科学计数法 200 a=BigInteger.valueOf(e); // 将 e 以大数形式赋值给大数 a e只能为long或int 201 a=newBigInteger(s, d); // 将s数字字符串以d进制赋值给大数a如果d=s字符数字的进制则等同于将数字字符串以大数形式赋值给大数a 202 String st = Integer.toString(num, base); //把int型num当10进制的数转成base进制数存入st中(base <= 35). 203 int num = Integer.parseInt(st, base); //把st当做base进制,转成10进制的int 204 (parseInt有两个参数,第一个为要转的字符串,第二个为说明是什么进制). 205 BigInter m = new BigInteger(st, base); // st是字符串,base是st的进制. 206 a=cin.nextBigInteger(b); //以b进制读入一个大数赋值给a 207 c=a.toString(b); // 将大数a以b进制的方式赋给字符串c 208 a=newBigInteger(c, b); //把c 当做“b进制“转为十进制大数赋值给a 209 */ 210 211 计算几何 212 链接:https://ac.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/1112/J 213 来源:牛客网 214 215 Bobo 有一个三角形和一个矩形,他想求他们交的面积。 216 具体地,三角形和矩形由 8 个整数 x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, x_3, y_3, x_4, y_4x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4 描述。 217 表示三角形的顶点坐标是 (x1,y1),(x1,y2),(x2,y1)(x_1, y_1), (x_1, y_2), (x_2, y_1)(x1,y1),(x1,y2),(x2,y1), 218 矩形的顶点坐标是 (x3,y3),(x3,y4),(x4,y4),(x4,y3)(x_3, y_3), (x_3, y_4), (x_4, y_4), (x_4, y_3)(x3,y3),(x3,y4),(x4,y4),(x4,y3) 219 220 把三角形的顶点里在矩形里面的点放进数组; 221 把矩形的顶点里在三角形里面的点放进数组; 222 把三角形三条边和矩形四条边的交点放进数组(规范相交); 223 对这个数组去重并求凸包然后求凸包面积就是答案。 224 #include <bits/stdc++.h> 225 using namespace std; 226 #define ll long long 227 const int N=1e3+10; 228 double eps=1e-8; 229 double pi=acos(-1); 230 struct Point{ 231 double x,y; 232 Point(double x=0,double y=0):x(x),y(y){}; 233 }; 234 typedef Point Vector; 235 Vector operator +(Vector A,Vector B){return Vector(A.x+B.x,A.y+B.y);} 236 Vector operator -(Vector A,Vector B){return Vector(A.x-B.x,A.y-B.y);} 237 Vector operator *(Vector A,double B){return Vector(A.x*B,A.y*B);} 238 Vector operator /(Vector A,double B){return Vector(A.x/B,A.y/B);} 239 int dcmp(double x){ 240 if(fabs(x)<eps)return 0; 241 return x<0?-1:1; 242 } 243 bool operator<(const Point&a,const Point&b){return a.x<b.x||(a.x==b.x&&a.y<b.y);} 244 bool operator == (const Point &a,const Point &b){return dcmp(a.x-b.x)==0&&dcmp(a.y-b.y)==0;} 245 double Dot(Vector A,Vector B){return A.x*B.x+A.y*B.y;} 246 double Length(Vector A){return sqrt(Dot(A,A));} 247 double Cross(Vector A,Vector B){return A.x*B.y-A.y*B.x;} 248 double Angle(Vector A,Vector B){return acos(Dot(A,B)/Length(A)/Length(B));} 249 double Angle(Vector A) {return atan2(A.y, A.x);} 250 251 struct Circle{ //圆 252 Point c; 253 double r; 254 Circle(Point c = Point(0, 0), double r = 0):c(c),r(r){} 255 Point point(double a){ 256 return Point(c.x+cos(a)*r,c.y+sin(a)*r); 257 } 258 }; 259 double dis(Point A,Point B){ 260 return sqrt((A.x-B.x)*(A.x-B.x)+(A.y-B.y)*(A.y-B.y)); 261 } 262 int circle_circle(Circle C1,Circle C2,vector<Point>&sol){//返回圆与圆的交点个数 263 double d=Length(C1.c-C2.c); 264 if(dcmp(d)==0){ 265 if(dcmp(C1.r-C2.r)==0)return -1; 266 return 0; 267 } 268 if(dcmp(C1.r+C2.r-d)<0)return 0; 269 if(dcmp(fabs(C1.r-C2.r)-d)>0)return 0; 270 double a=Angle(C2.c-C1.c); 271 double da=acos((C1.r*C1.r+d*d-C2.r*C2.r)/(2*d*C1.r)); 272 Point p1=C1.point(a-da),p2=C1.point(a+da); 273 sol.push_back(p1); 274 if(p1==p2)return 1; 275 sol.push_back(p2); 276 return 2; 277 } 278 279 Point line_point(Point p,Vector v,Point q,Vector w){//直线交点 280 Vector u=p-q; 281 double t=Cross(w,u)/Cross(v,w); 282 return p+v*t; 283 } 284 bool onsegment(Point p,Point a1,Point a2){ 285 if(p==a1||p==a2)return true; 286 return dcmp(Cross(a1-p,a2-p))==0&&dcmp(Dot(a1-p,a2-p))<0; 287 } 288 bool segmentcross(Point a1,Point a2,Point b1,Point b2){ 289 double c1=Cross(a2-a1,b1-a1),c2=Cross(a2-a1,b2-a1), 290 c3=Cross(b2-b1,a1-b1),c4=Cross(b2-b1,a2-b1); 291 return dcmp(c1)*dcmp(c2)<0&&dcmp(c3)*dcmp(c4)<0; 292 } 293 Point line_line(Point A,Point B,Point C,Vector D){//线段交点 294 if(segmentcross(A,B,C,D)){ 295 return line_point(A,B-A,C,D-C); 296 } 297 return Point(123.456,0); 298 } 299 int tubao(Point *p,int n,Point *ch){ 300 sort(p,p+n); 301 n=unique(p,p+n)-p; 302 int m=0; 303 for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ 304 while(m>1&&Cross(ch[m-1]-ch[m-2],p[i]-ch[m-2])<=0)m--; 305 ch[m++]=p[i]; 306 } 307 int k=m; 308 for(int i=n-2;i>=0;i--){ 309 while(m>k&&Cross(ch[m-1]-ch[m-2],p[i]-ch[m-2])<=0)m--; 310 ch[m++]=p[i]; 311 } 312 if(n>1)m--; 313 return m; 314 } 315 double tubaos(Point *p,int n){ 316 double area=0; 317 for(int i=1;i<n-1;i++){ 318 area+=Cross(p[i]-p[0],p[i+1]-p[0]); 319 } 320 return area/2; 321 } 322 int intubao(Point *ch,int n,Point p){ 323 Vector A,B; 324 int flag=0; 325 for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ 326 A=ch[(i+1)%n]-ch[i]; 327 B=p-ch[i]; 328 if(onsegment(p,ch[i],ch[(i+1)%n])){ 329 flag=-1; 330 break; 331 } 332 else if(Cross(A,B)>0){ 333 flag++; 334 } 335 } 336 if(flag==-1||flag==n)return 1; 337 return 0; 338 } 339 double x[N],y[N]; 340 Point p[N],q[N],ch[N],ans[N]; 341 int main(){ 342 while(~scanf("%lf%lf",&x[1],&y[1])){ 343 scanf("%lf%lf",&x[2],&y[2]); 344 scanf("%lf%lf",&x[3],&y[3]); 345 scanf("%lf%lf",&x[4],&y[4]); 346 int n=0; 347 p[n++]=Point(x[3],y[3]); 348 p[n++]=Point(x[4],y[3]); 349 p[n++]=Point(x[4],y[4]); 350 p[n++]=Point(x[3],y[4]); 351 352 int m=0; 353 q[m++]=Point(x[1],y[1]); 354 q[m++]=Point(x[1],y[2]); 355 q[m++]=Point(x[2],y[1]); 356 357 tubao(q,m,ch); 358 int cnt=0; 359 for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ 360 if(intubao(ch,m,p[i])){ 361 ans[cnt++]=p[i]; 362 } 363 } 364 for(int i=0;i<m;i++){ 365 if(intubao(p,n,q[i])){ 366 ans[cnt++]=q[i]; 367 } 368 } 369 p[n]=p[0]; 370 q[m]=q[0]; 371 for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ 372 for(int j=0;j<m;j++){ 373 Point A=line_line(p[i],p[i+1],q[j],q[j+1]); 374 if(dcmp(A.x-123.456)!=0)ans[cnt++]=A; 375 } 376 } 377 int n1=tubao(ans,cnt,ch); 378 if(n1<=2)printf("%.8lf\n",0.0); 379 else printf("%.8lf\n",tubaos(ch,n1)); 380 } 381 } 382 字符串双哈希 383 https://codeforc.es/contest/1200/problem/E 384 题意:给定一堆字符串,依次插入答案串尾部,每次删掉答案串的后缀 与 待插入串的前缀的最大匹配串 385 思路:hash匹配后缀和前缀,不断更新hash值 386 387 #define bug(x) cout<<#x<<" is "<<x<<endl 388 #define IO std::ios::sync_with_stdio(0) 389 #include <bits/stdc++.h> 390 #define iter ::iterator 391 #define pa pair<int,int> 392 using namespace std; 393 #define ll long long 394 #define mk make_pair 395 #define pb push_back 396 #define se second 397 #define fi first 398 #define ls o<<1 399 #define rs o<<1|1 400 const int N=1e6+5; 401 int n; 402 ll mod[5]={1000000009,998244353}; 403 ll base[5]={666127,777131}; 404 ll p[N][2]; 405 ll h[N][2]; 406 void init(){ 407 for(int i=0;i<2;i++)p[0][i]=1; 408 for(int i=1;i<=N-2;i++){ 409 for(int j=0;j<2;j++){ 410 p[i][j]=p[i-1][j]*base[j]%mod[j]; 411 } 412 } 413 } 414 ll cal(int l,int r,int t){ 415 return (h[r][t]-h[l-1][t]*p[(r-l+1)][t]%mod[t]+mod[t])%mod[t]; 416 } 417 ll get(char c){ 418 if('a'<=c&&c<='z')return c-'a'; 419 if('A'<=c&&c<='Z')return c-'A'+26; 420 if('0'<=c&&c<='9')return c-'0'+52; 421 } 422 string s,t; 423 int main(){ 424 IO; 425 cin>>n; 426 cin>>s; 427 int pre=1; 428 init(); 429 for(int g=1;g<n;g++){ 430 cin>>t; 431 int ns=s.length(); 432 for(int i=pre;i<=ns;i++){ 433 ll c=get(s[i-1]); 434 for(int j=0;j<2;j++){ 435 h[i][j]=(h[i-1][j]*base[j]%mod[j]+c)%mod[j]; 436 } 437 } 438 int nt=t.length(); 439 ll H[2]={0}; 440 pre=ns+1; 441 int id=0; 442 for(int i=1;i<=nt;i++){ 443 int f=0; 444 ll c=get(t[i-1]); 445 for(int j=0;j<2;j++){ 446 H[j]=(H[j]*base[j]%mod[j]+c)%mod[j]; 447 if(cal(ns-i+1,ns,j)==H[j])f++; 448 } 449 if(f==2){ 450 id=i; 451 } 452 if(i==ns)break; 453 } 454 s+=t.substr(id,nt-id); 455 } 456 cout<<s<<endl; 457 } 458 /* 459 7 460 RAtONC14epz KfIenADgDKDci OMmOOQOc yVrfGLV49fW1 xntodZLM5 2f7LXdzX xIhm 461 5 462 I want to order pizza 463 */ 464 465 并查集、倍增 466 #include <cmath> 467 #include <cstdio> 468 #include <iostream> 469 using namespace std; 470 const int maxn = 100005, mod = 1000000007; 471 int n, m, fa[maxn][18], ans; 472 int find(int x, int k) { 473 return fa[x][k] == x ? x : fa[x][k] = find(fa[x][k], k); 474 } 475 void merge(int x, int y, int k) { 476 x = find(x, k), y = find(y, k); 477 if(x != y) fa[x][k] = y; 478 } 479 int main() { 480 scanf("%d %d", &n, &m); 481 const int maxk = floor(log2(n)); 482 for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) 483 for(int k = 0; k <= maxk; ++k) 484 fa[i][k] = i; 485 for(int i = 1, l1, r1, l2, r2; i <= m; ++i) { 486 scanf("%d %d %d %d", &l1, &r1, &l2, &r2); 487 for(int k = maxk; ~k; --k) 488 if(l1+(1<<k)-1 <= r1) merge(l1, l2, k), l1 += 1<<k, l2 += 1<<k; 489 } 490 for(int k = maxk; k; --k) 491 for(int i = 1; i+(1<<k)-1 <= n; ++i) { 492 int pos = find(i, k); 493 merge(i, pos, k-1), merge(i+(1<<k-1), pos+(1<<k-1), k-1); 494 } 495 for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) 496 if(fa[i][0] == i) ans = !ans ? 9 : ans * 10ll % mod; 497 printf("%d\n", ans); 498 return 0; 499 } 500 501 502 笛卡尔树 503 #define IO std::ios::sync_with_stdio(0),cin.tie(0),cout.tie(0) 504 #define bug(x) cout<<#x<<" is "<<x<<endl 505 #include <bits/stdc++.h> 506 #define iter ::iterator 507 using namespace std; 508 typedef long long ll; 509 const int N=1e5+5; 510 int n; 511 ll a[N],b[N]; 512 int st[N],ls[N],rs[N]; 513 ll ans; 514 ll dfs(int u){ 515 if(!u)return 0; 516 ll res=dfs(ls[u])+dfs(rs[u])+b[u]; 517 ll res1=min(res,a[u]); 518 res1*=res1; 519 ans=max(ans,res1); 520 return res; 521 } 522 int main(){ 523 IO; 524 cin>>n; 525 for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)cin>>a[i]>>b[i]; 526 int h=0; 527 for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ 528 int k=h; 529 while(k>0&&a[st[k]]>a[i])k--; 530 if(k>0)rs[st[k]]=i; 531 if(k<h) ls[i]=st[k+1]; 532 st[++k]=i; 533 h=k; 534 } 535 ans=0; 536 dfs(st[1]); 537 cout<<ans<<endl; 538 539 } 540 /* 541 11 542 9 3 7 1 8 12 10 20 15 18 5 543 */View Code
#define IO std::ios::sync_with_stdio(0),cin.tie(0),cout.tie(0)
#define bug(x) cout<<#x<<" is "<<x<<endl
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define iter ::iterator
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
typedef pair<int,int>P;
#define pb push_back
#define mk make_pair
#define se second
#define fi first
const ll mod=1e9+7;
const int N=1e5+5;
int n,q;
int a[N],rt[N*25],ls[N*25],rs[N*25];
ll sum[N*25],add[N*25];
int cnt;
void build(int &o,int l,int r){
int m=(l+r)/2;
void up(int &o,int pre,int l,int r,int ql,int qr,int val){
int m=(l+r)/2;
ll qu(int o,int l,int r,int ql,int qr){
if(l>=ql&&r<=qr)return sum[o];
ll res=add[o]*(min(r,qr)-max(l,ql)+1);
int m=(l+r)/2;
return res;
int main(){
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)scanf("%d",&a[i]);
int time=0;
char op;
int L,R,val;
scanf(" %c",&op);
ll ans=qu(rt[time],1,n,L,R);
else if(op=='C'){
else if(op=='H'){
ll ans=qu(rt[val],1,n,L,R);
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
public class Main {
public static long mod=(long)(1e9+7);//1e9会被java看作double
public static long fastpow(long x, long y) {//快速幂
long res=1;
while(y>0) {
if((y&1)==1) {
return res;
public static int N=200005;
public static long[] b=new long[N];//声明数组
public static void init(int n){//求n的阶乘
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
public static void main(String [] args){
Scanner cin = new Scanner(System.in);
int T = cin.nextInt();
while (T-- > 0) {
BigInteger x = cin.nextBigInteger();//输入大数
BigInteger y = cin.nextBigInteger();
BigInteger z = BigInteger.valueOf(123456789L);//L标记是long类型
BigInteger k = BigInteger.ZERO;//赋值k为大数类型的0
else if(x.compareTo(y)<0)System.out.println("x<y");
else if(x.compareTo(y)>0)System.out.println("x>y");
String s=x.toString(2);//把十进制大数转化为二进制数存入字符串。
int n=s.length();//获取字符串长度
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
System.out.print(s.charAt(i) + " ");//空格隔开输出字符.
BigInteger sum = x.add(y);
BigInteger difference = x.subtract(y);
BigInteger product = x.multiply(y);
BigInteger quotient = x.divide(y); // 假设y不为0
BigInteger remainder = x.remainder(y); // 假设y不为0
BigInteger gcd = x.gcd(y); // 最大公约数
BigInteger modInverse = (y.signum() > 0 && x.gcd(y).equals(BigInteger.ONE)) ? x.modInverse(y) : null; //求逆元
BigInteger power = x.pow(2); // x的2次幂
BigInteger shiftedLeft = x.shiftLeft(1); // x左移1位
BigInteger shiftedRight = x.shiftRight(1); // x右移1位
BigInteger andResult = x.and(y); // 位与
BigInteger orResult = x.or(y); // 位或
BigInteger xorResult = x.xor(y); // 位异或
System.out.println("x + y = " + sum);
System.out.println("x - y = " + difference);
System.out.println("x * y = " + product);
System.out.println("x / y = " + quotient);
System.out.println("x % y = " + remainder);
System.out.println("gcd(x, y) = " + gcd);
System.out.println("x modInverse y = " + (modInverse != null ? modInverse : "undefined (no inverse)"));
System.out.println("x^2 = " + power);
System.out.println("x << 1 = " + shiftedLeft);
System.out.println("x >> 1 = " + shiftedRight);
System.out.println("x & y = " + andResult);
System.out.println("x | y = " + orResult);
System.out.println("x ^ y = " + xorResult);
BigDecimal x1 = new BigDecimal(cin.next()); // 读取高精度小数
BigDecimal y1 = new BigDecimal(cin.next());
BigDecimal sum1 = x1.add(y1);
BigDecimal difference1 = x1.subtract(y1);
BigDecimal product1 = x1.multiply(y1);
BigDecimal quotient1 = x1.divide(y1, 10, RoundingMode.HALF_UP); // 设置结果精度为10位小数并使用四舍五入
System.out.println("x + y = " + sum1);
System.out.println("x - y = " + difference1);
System.out.println("x * y = " + product1);
System.out.println("x / y = " + quotient1); // 假设y不为0
BigDecimal original = new BigDecimal("123.456789");
BigDecimal result1 = original.setScale(3, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);// 小数点后保留3位,采用四舍五入
System.out.println(result1); // 输出:123.457
BigDecimal dividend1 = new BigDecimal("10");
BigDecimal divisor1 = new BigDecimal("3");
// 指定精度为10位小数,使用四舍五入模式
result1 = dividend1.divide(divisor1, 10, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
System.out.println(result1); // 输出: 3.3333333333
c=a.max(b); // 取a,b中较大的,a.min(b)就是取较小的
d=a.compareTo(b); //比较a与b的大小 d=-1小于d=0等于 d=1大于 d为int型
a.equals(b); // 判断a与b是否相等 相等返回true 不相等返回false
d=a.intValue(); // 将大数a转换为 int 类型赋值给 d
e=a.longValue(); // 将大数a转换为 long 类型赋值给 e
f=a.floatValue(); // 将大数a转换为 float 类型赋值给 f
g=a.doubleValue(); // 将大数a转换为 double 类型赋值给 g
s=a.toString(); // 将大数a转换为 String 类型赋值给 s
s=a.toPlainString(); //将大数a转换为String类型赋值给s,且不表示为科学计数法
a=BigInteger.valueOf(e); // 将 e 以大数形式赋值给大数 a e只能为long或int
a=newBigInteger(s, d); // 将s数字字符串以d进制赋值给大数a如果d=s字符数字的进制则等同于将数字字符串以大数形式赋值给大数a
String st = Integer.toString(num, base); //把int型num当10进制的数转成base进制数存入st中(base <= 35).
int num = Integer.parseInt(st, base); //把st当做base进制,转成10进制的int
BigInter m = new BigInteger(st, base); // st是字符串,base是st的进制.
a=cin.nextBigInteger(b); //以b进制读入一个大数赋值给a
c=a.toString(b); // 将大数a以b进制的方式赋给字符串c
a=newBigInteger(c, b); //把c 当做“b进制“转为十进制大数赋值给a
Bobo 有一个三角形和一个矩形,他想求他们交的面积。
具体地,三角形和矩形由 8 个整数 x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, x_3, y_3, x_4, y_4x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4
表示三角形的顶点坐标是 (x1,y1),(x1,y2),(x2,y1)(x_1,
y_1), (x_1, y_2), (x_2, y_1)(x1,y1),(x1,y2),(x2,y1),
矩形的顶点坐标是 (x3,y3),(x3,y4),(x4,y4),(x4,y3)(x_3,
y_3), (x_3, y_4), (x_4, y_4), (x_4, y_3)(x3,y3),(x3,y4),(x4,y4),(x4,y3)
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define ll long long
const int N=1e3+10;
double eps=1e-8;
double pi=acos(-1);
struct Point{
double x,y;
Point(double x=0,double y=0):x(x),y(y){};
typedef Point Vector;
Vector operator +(Vector A,Vector B){return Vector(A.x+B.x,A.y+B.y);}
Vector operator -(Vector A,Vector B){return Vector(A.x-B.x,A.y-B.y);}
Vector operator *(Vector A,double B){return Vector(A.x*B,A.y*B);}
Vector operator /(Vector A,double B){return Vector(A.x/B,A.y/B);}
int dcmp(double x){
if(fabs(x)<eps)return 0;
return x<0?-1:1;
bool operator<(const Point&a,const Point&b){return a.x<b.x||(a.x==b.x&&a.y<b.y);}
bool operator == (const Point &a,const Point &b){return dcmp(a.x-b.x)==0&&dcmp(a.y-b.y)==0;}
double Dot(Vector A,Vector B){return A.x*B.x+A.y*B.y;}
double Length(Vector A){return sqrt(Dot(A,A));}
double Cross(Vector A,Vector B){return A.x*B.y-A.y*B.x;}
double Angle(Vector A,Vector B){return acos(Dot(A,B)/Length(A)/Length(B));}
double Angle(Vector A) {return atan2(A.y, A.x);}
struct Circle{ //圆
Point c;
double r;
Circle(Point c = Point(0, 0), double r = 0):c(c),r(r){}
Point point(double a){
return Point(c.x+cos(a)*r,c.y+sin(a)*r);
double dis(Point A,Point B){
return sqrt((A.x-B.x)*(A.x-B.x)+(A.y-B.y)*(A.y-B.y));
int circle_circle(Circle C1,Circle C2,vector<Point>&sol){//返回圆与圆的交点个数
double d=Length(C1.c-C2.c);
if(dcmp(C1.r-C2.r)==0)return -1;
return 0;
if(dcmp(C1.r+C2.r-d)<0)return 0;
if(dcmp(fabs(C1.r-C2.r)-d)>0)return 0;
double a=Angle(C2.c-C1.c);
double da=acos((C1.r*C1.r+d*d-C2.r*C2.r)/(2*d*C1.r));
Point p1=C1.point(a-da),p2=C1.point(a+da);
if(p1==p2)return 1;
return 2;
Point line_point(Point p,Vector v,Point q,Vector w){//直线交点
Vector u=p-q;
double t=Cross(w,u)/Cross(v,w);
return p+v*t;
bool onsegment(Point p,Point a1,Point a2){
if(p==a1||p==a2)return true;
return dcmp(Cross(a1-p,a2-p))==0&&dcmp(Dot(a1-p,a2-p))<0;
bool segmentcross(Point a1,Point a2,Point b1,Point b2){
double c1=Cross(a2-a1,b1-a1),c2=Cross(a2-a1,b2-a1),
return dcmp(c1)*dcmp(c2)<0&&dcmp(c3)*dcmp(c4)<0;
Point line_line(Point A,Point B,Point C,Vector D){//线段交点
return line_point(A,B-A,C,D-C);
return Point(123.456,0);
int tubao(Point *p,int n,Point *ch){
int m=0;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
int k=m;
for(int i=n-2;i>=0;i--){
return m;
double tubaos(Point *p,int n){
double area=0;
for(int i=1;i<n-1;i++){
return area/2;
int intubao(Point *ch,int n,Point p){
Vector A,B;
int flag=0;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
else if(Cross(A,B)>0){
if(flag==-1||flag==n)return 1;
return 0;
double x[N],y[N];
Point p[N],q[N],ch[N],ans[N];
int main(){
int n=0;
int m=0;
int cnt=0;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
for(int i=0;i<m;i++){
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
for(int j=0;j<m;j++){
Point A=line_line(p[i],p[i+1],q[j],q[j+1]);
int n1=tubao(ans,cnt,ch);
else printf("%.8lf\n",tubaos(ch,n1));
题意:给定一堆字符串,依次插入答案串尾部,每次删掉答案串的后缀 与 待插入串的前缀的最大匹配串
#define bug(x) cout<<#x<<" is "<<x<<endl
#define IO std::ios::sync_with_stdio(0)
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define iter ::iterator
#define pa pair<int,int>
using namespace std;
#define ll long long
#define mk make_pair
#define pb push_back
#define se second
#define fi first
#define ls o<<1
#define rs o<<1|1
const int N=1e6+5;
int n;
ll mod[5]={1000000009,998244353};
ll base[5]={666127,777131};
ll p[N][2];
ll h[N][2];
void init(){
for(int i=0;i<2;i++)p[0][i]=1;
for(int i=1;i<=N-2;i++){
for(int j=0;j<2;j++){
ll cal(int l,int r,int t){
return (h[r][t]-h[l-1][t]*p[(r-l+1)][t]%mod[t]+mod[t])%mod[t];
ll get(char c){
if('a'<=c&&c<='z')return c-'a';
if('A'<=c&&c<='Z')return c-'A'+26;
if('0'<=c&&c<='9')return c-'0'+52;
string s,t;
int main(){
int pre=1;
for(int g=1;g<n;g++){
int ns=s.length();
for(int i=pre;i<=ns;i++){
ll c=get(s[i-1]);
for(int j=0;j<2;j++){
int nt=t.length();
ll H[2]={0};
int id=0;
for(int i=1;i<=nt;i++){
int f=0;
ll c=get(t[i-1]);
for(int j=0;j<2;j++){
RAtONC14epz KfIenADgDKDci OMmOOQOc yVrfGLV49fW1 xntodZLM5 2f7LXdzX xIhm
I want to order pizza
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int maxn = 100005, mod = 1000000007;
int n, m, fa[maxn][18], ans;
int find(int x, int k) {
return fa[x][k] == x ? x : fa[x][k] = find(fa[x][k], k);
void merge(int x, int y, int k) {
x = find(x, k), y = find(y, k);
if(x != y) fa[x][k] = y;
int main() {
scanf("%d %d", &n, &m);
const int maxk = floor(log2(n));
for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
for(int k = 0; k <= maxk; ++k)
fa[i][k] = i;
for(int i = 1, l1, r1, l2, r2; i <= m; ++i) {
scanf("%d %d %d %d", &l1, &r1, &l2, &r2);
for(int k = maxk; ~k; --k)
if(l1+(1<<k)-1 <= r1) merge(l1, l2, k), l1 += 1<<k, l2 += 1<<k;
for(int k = maxk; k; --k)
for(int i = 1; i+(1<<k)-1 <= n; ++i) {
int pos = find(i, k);
merge(i, pos, k-1), merge(i+(1<<k-1), pos+(1<<k-1), k-1);
for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
if(fa[i][0] == i) ans = !ans ? 9 : ans * 10ll % mod;
printf("%d\n", ans);
return 0;
#define IO std::ios::sync_with_stdio(0),cin.tie(0),cout.tie(0)
#define bug(x) cout<<#x<<" is "<<x<<endl
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define iter ::iterator
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int N=1e5+5;
int n;
ll a[N],b[N];
int st[N],ls[N],rs[N];
ll ans;
ll dfs(int u){
if(!u)return 0;
ll res=dfs(ls[u])+dfs(rs[u])+b[u];
ll res1=min(res,a[u]);
return res;
int main(){
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)cin>>a[i]>>b[i];
int h=0;
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
int k=h;
if(k<h) ls[i]=st[k+1];
9 3 7 1 8 12 10 20 15 18 5
标签:return,Point,int,System,ACM,println,模板,out From: https://www.cnblogs.com/ccsu-kid/p/18226053