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时间:2024-05-31 15:55:05浏览次数:10  
标签:2e9 OPTION val int Options 数据结构 cadical options 运行


  1 #ifndef _options_hpp_INCLUDED
  2 #define _options_hpp_INCLUDED
  4 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  6 // In order to add a new option, simply add a new line below. Make sure that
  7 // options are sorted correctly (with '!}sort -k 2' in 'vi').  Otherwise
  8 // initializing the options will trigger an internal error.  For the model
  9 // based tester 'mobical' the policy is that options which become redundant
 10 // because another one is disabled (set to zero) should have the name of the
 11 // latter as prefix.  The 'O' column determines the options which are
 12 // target to 'optimize' them ('-O[1-3]').  A zero value in the 'O' column
 13 // means that this option is not optimized.  A value of '1' results in
 14 // optimizing its value exponentially with exponent base '2', and a value
 15 // of '2' uses base '10'.  The 'P' column determines simplification
 16 // options (disabled with '--plain') and 'R' which values can be reset.
 18 // clang-format off
 20 #define OPTIONS \
 21 \
 22 /*      NAME         DEFAULT, LO, HI,O,P,R, USAGE */ \
 23 \
 24 OPTION( arena,             1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "allocate clauses in arena") \
 25 OPTION( arenacompact,      1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "keep clauses compact") \
 26 OPTION( arenasort,         1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "sort clauses in arena") \
 27 OPTION( arenatype,         3,  1,  3,0,0,1, "1=clause, 2=var, 3=queue") \
 28 OPTION( binary,            1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "use binary proof format") \
 29 OPTION( block,             0,  0,  1,0,1,1, "blocked clause elimination") \
 30 OPTION( blockmaxclslim,  1e5,  1,2e9,2,0,1, "maximum clause size") \
 31 OPTION( blockminclslim,    2,  2,2e9,0,0,1, "minimum clause size") \
 32 OPTION( blockocclim,     1e2,  1,2e9,2,0,1, "occurrence limit") \
 33 OPTION( bump,              1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "bump variables") \
 34 OPTION( bumpreason,        1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "bump reason literals too") \
 35 OPTION( bumpreasondepth,   1,  1,  3,0,0,1, "bump reason depth") \
 36 OPTION( check,             0,  0,  1,0,0,0, "enable internal checking") \
 37 OPTION( checkassumptions,  1,  0,  1,0,0,0, "check assumptions satisfied") \
 38 OPTION( checkconstraint,   1,  0,  1,0,0,0, "check constraint satisfied") \
 39 OPTION( checkfailed,       1,  0,  1,0,0,0, "check failed literals form core") \
 40 OPTION( checkfrozen,       0,  0,  1,0,0,0, "check all frozen semantics") \
 41 OPTION( checkproof,        3,  0,  3,0,0,0, "1=drat, 2=lrat, 3=both") \
 42 OPTION( checkwitness,      1,  0,  1,0,0,0, "check witness internally") \
 43 OPTION( chrono,            1,  0,  2,0,0,1, "chronological backtracking") \
 44 OPTION( chronoalways,      0,  0,  1,0,0,1, "force always chronological") \
 45 OPTION( chronolevelim,   1e2,  0,2e9,0,0,1, "chronological level limit") \
 46 OPTION( chronoreusetrail,  1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "reuse trail chronologically") \
 47 OPTION( compact,           1,  0,  1,0,1,1, "compact internal variables") \
 48 OPTION( compactint,      2e3,  1,2e9,0,0,1, "compacting interval") \
 49 OPTION( compactlim,      1e2,  0,1e3,0,0,1, "inactive limit per mille") \
 50 OPTION( compactmin,      1e2,  1,2e9,0,0,1, "minimum inactive limit") \
 51 OPTION( condition,         0,  0,  1,0,0,1, "globally blocked clause elim") \
 52 OPTION( conditionint,    1e4,  1,2e9,0,0,1, "initial conflict interval") \
 53 OPTION( conditionmaxeff, 1e7,  0,2e9,1,0,1, "maximum condition efficiency") \
 54 OPTION( conditionmaxrat, 100,  1,2e9,1,0,1, "maximum clause variable ratio") \
 55 OPTION( conditionmineff, 1e6,  0,2e9,1,0,1, "minimum condition efficiency") \
 56 OPTION( conditionreleff, 100,  1,1e5,0,0,1, "relative efficiency per mille") \
 57 OPTION( cover,             0,  0,  1,0,1,1, "covered clause elimination") \
 58 OPTION( covermaxclslim,  1e5,  1,2e9,2,0,1, "maximum clause size") \
 59 OPTION( covermaxeff,     1e8,  0,2e9,1,0,1, "maximum cover efficiency") \
 60 OPTION( coverminclslim,    2,  2,2e9,0,0,1, "minimum clause size") \
 61 OPTION( covermineff,     1e6,  0,2e9,1,0,1, "minimum cover efficiency") \
 62 OPTION( coverreleff,       4,  1,1e5,1,0,1, "relative efficiency per mille") \
 63 OPTION( decompose,         1,  0,  1,0,1,1, "decompose BIG in SCCs and ELS") \
 64 OPTION( decomposerounds,   2,  1, 16,1,0,1, "number of decompose rounds") \
 65 OPTION( deduplicate,       1,  0,  1,0,1,1, "remove duplicated binaries") \
 66 OPTION( eagersubsume,      1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "subsume recently learned") \
 67 OPTION( eagersubsumelim,  20,  1,1e3,0,0,1, "limit on subsumed candidates") \
 68 OPTION( elim,              1,  0,  1,0,1,1, "bounded variable elimination") \
 69 OPTION( elimands,          1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "find AND gates") \
 70 OPTION( elimaxeff,       2e9,  0,2e9,1,0,1, "maximum elimination efficiency") \
 71 OPTION( elimbackward,      1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "eager backward subsumption") \
 72 OPTION( elimboundmax,     16, -1,2e6,1,0,1, "maximum elimination bound") \
 73 OPTION( elimboundmin,      0, -1,2e6,0,0,1, "minimum elimination bound") \
 74 OPTION( elimclslim,      1e2,  2,2e9,2,0,1, "resolvent size limit") \
 75 OPTION( elimequivs,        1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "find equivalence gates") \
 76 OPTION( elimineff,       1e7,  0,2e9,1,0,1, "minimum elimination efficiency") \
 77 OPTION( elimint,         2e3,  1,2e9,0,0,1, "elimination interval") \
 78 OPTION( elimites,          1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "find if-then-else gates") \
 79 OPTION( elimlimited,       1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "limit resolutions") \
 80 OPTION( elimocclim,      1e2,  0,2e9,2,0,1, "occurrence limit") \
 81 OPTION( elimprod,          1,  0,1e4,0,0,1, "elim score product weight") \
 82 OPTION( elimreleff,      1e3,  1,1e5,1,0,1, "relative efficiency per mille") \
 83 OPTION( elimrounds,        2,  1,512,1,0,1, "usual number of rounds") \
 84 OPTION( elimsubst,         1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "elimination by substitution") \
 85 OPTION( elimsum,           1,  0,1e4,0,0,1, "elimination score sum weight") \
 86 OPTION( elimxorlim,        5,  2, 27,1,0,1, "maximum XOR size") \
 87 OPTION( elimxors,          1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "find XOR gates") \
 88 OPTION( emagluefast,      33,  1,2e9,0,0,1, "window fast glue") \
 89 OPTION( emaglueslow,     1e5,  1,2e9,0,0,1, "window slow glue") \
 90 OPTION( emajump,         1e5,  1,2e9,0,0,1, "window back-jump level") \
 91 OPTION( emalevel,        1e5,  1,2e9,0,0,1, "window back-track level") \
 92 OPTION( emasize,         1e5,  1,2e9,0,0,1, "window learned clause size") \
 93 OPTION( ematrailfast,    1e2,  1,2e9,0,0,1, "window fast trail") \
 94 OPTION( ematrailslow,    1e5,  1,2e9,0,0,1, "window slow trail") \
 95 OPTION( externallrat,      0,  0,  1,0,0,1, "external lrat") \
 96 OPTION( flush,             0,  0,  1,0,0,1, "flush redundant clauses") \
 97 OPTION( flushfactor,       3,  1,1e3,0,0,1, "interval increase") \
 98 OPTION( flushint,        1e5,  1,2e9,0,0,1, "initial limit") \
 99 OPTION( forcephase,        0,  0,  1,0,0,1, "always use initial phase") \
100 OPTION( frat,              0,  0,  2,0,0,1, "1=frat(lrat), 2=frat(drat)") \
101 OPTION( idrup,             0,  0,  1,0,0,1, "incremental proof format") \
102 OPTION( ilb,               1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "ILB (incremental lazy backtrack)") \
103 OPTION( ilbassumptions,    1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "trail reuse for assumptions (ILB-like)") \
104 OPTION( inprocessing,      1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "enable inprocessing") \
105 OPTION( instantiate,       0,  0,  1,0,1,1, "variable instantiation") \
106 OPTION( instantiateclslim, 3,  2,2e9,0,0,1, "minimum clause size") \
107 OPTION( instantiateocclim, 1,  1,2e9,2,0,1, "maximum occurrence limit") \
108 OPTION( instantiateonce,   1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "instantiate each clause once") \
109 LOGOPT( log,               0,  0,  1,0,0,0, "enable logging") \
110 LOGOPT( logsort,           0,  0,  1,0,0,0, "sort logged clauses") \
111 OPTION( lrat,              0,  0,  1,0,0,1, "use LRAT proof format") \
112 OPTION( lucky,             1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "search for lucky phases") \
113 OPTION( minimize,          1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "minimize learned clauses") \
114 OPTION( minimizedepth,   1e3,  0,1e3,0,0,1, "minimization depth") \
115 OPTION( otfs,              1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "on-the-fly self subsumption") \
116 OPTION( phase,             1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "initial phase") \
117 OPTION( probe,             1,  0,  1,0,1,1, "failed literal probing" ) \
118 OPTION( probehbr,          1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "learn hyper binary clauses") \
119 OPTION( probeint,        5e3,  1,2e9,0,0,1, "probing interval" ) \
120 OPTION( probemaxeff,     1e8,  0,2e9,1,0,1, "maximum probing efficiency") \
121 OPTION( probemineff,     1e6,  0,2e9,1,0,1, "minimum probing efficiency") \
122 OPTION( probereleff,      20,  1,1e5,1,0,1, "relative efficiency per mille") \
123 OPTION( proberounds,       1,  1, 16,1,0,1, "probing rounds" ) \
124 OPTION( profile,           2,  0,  4,0,0,0, "profiling level") \
125 QUTOPT( quiet,             0,  0,  1,0,0,0, "disable all messages") \
126 OPTION( radixsortlim,    800,  0,2e9,0,0,1, "radix sort limit") \
127 OPTION( realtime,          0,  0,  1,0,0,0, "real instead of process time") \
128 OPTION( reduce,            1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "reduce useless clauses") \
129 OPTION( reduceint,       300, 10,1e6,0,0,1, "reduce interval") \
130 OPTION( reducetarget,     75, 10,1e2,0,0,1, "reduce fraction in percent") \
131 OPTION( reducetier1glue,   2,  1,2e9,0,0,1, "glue of kept learned clauses") \
132 OPTION( reducetier2glue,   6,  1,2e9,0,0,1, "glue of tier two clauses") \
133 OPTION( reluctant,      1024,  0,2e9,0,0,1, "reluctant doubling period") \
134 OPTION( reluctantmax,1048576,  0,2e9,0,0,1, "reluctant doubling period") \
135 OPTION( rephase,           1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "enable resetting phase") \
136 OPTION( rephaseint,      1e3,  1,2e9,0,0,1, "rephase interval") \
137 OPTION( report,reportdefault,  0,  1,0,0,1, "enable reporting") \
138 OPTION( reportall,         0,  0,  1,0,0,1, "report even if not successful") \
139 OPTION( reportsolve,       0,  0,  1,0,0,1, "use solving not process time") \
140 OPTION( restart,           1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "enable restarts") \
141 OPTION( restartint,        2,  1,2e9,0,0,1, "restart interval") \
142 OPTION( restartmargin,    10,  0,1e2,0,0,1, "slow fast margin in percent") \
143 OPTION( restartreusetrail, 1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "enable trail reuse") \
144 OPTION( restoreall,        0,  0,  2,0,0,1, "restore all clauses (2=really)") \
145 OPTION( restoreflush,      0,  0,  1,0,0,1, "remove satisfied clauses") \
146 OPTION( reverse,           0,  0,  1,0,0,1, "reverse variable ordering") \
147 OPTION( score,             1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "use EVSIDS scores") \
148 OPTION( scorefactor,     950,500,1e3,0,0,1, "score factor per mille") \
149 OPTION( seed,              0,  0,2e9,0,0,1, "random seed") \
150 OPTION( shrink,            3,  0,  3,0,0,1, "shrink conflict clause") \
151 OPTION( shrinkreap,        1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "use a reap for shrinking") \
152 OPTION( shuffle,           0,  0,  1,0,0,1, "shuffle variables") \
153 OPTION( shufflequeue,      1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "shuffle variable queue") \
154 OPTION( shufflerandom,     0,  0,  1,0,0,1, "not reverse but random") \
155 OPTION( shufflescores,     1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "shuffle variable scores") \
156 OPTION( stabilize,         1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "enable stabilizing phases") \
157 OPTION( stabilizefactor, 200,101,2e9,0,0,1, "phase increase in percent") \
158 OPTION( stabilizeint,    1e3,  1,2e9,0,0,1, "stabilizing interval") \
159 OPTION( stabilizemaxint, 2e9,  1,2e9,0,0,1, "maximum stabilizing phase") \
160 OPTION( stabilizeonly,     0,  0,  1,0,0,1, "only stabilizing phases") \
161 OPTION( stats,             0,  0,  1,0,0,1, "print all statistics at the end of the run") \
162 OPTION( subsume,           1,  0,  1,0,1,1, "enable clause subsumption") \
163 OPTION( subsumebinlim,   1e4,  0,2e9,1,0,1, "watch list length limit") \
164 OPTION( subsumeclslim,   1e2,  0,2e9,2,0,1, "clause length limit") \
165 OPTION( subsumeint,      1e4,  1,2e9,0,0,1, "subsume interval") \
166 OPTION( subsumelimited,    1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "limit subsumption checks") \
167 OPTION( subsumemaxeff,   1e8,  0,2e9,1,0,1, "maximum subsuming efficiency") \
168 OPTION( subsumemineff,   1e6,  0,2e9,1,0,1, "minimum subsuming efficiency") \
169 OPTION( subsumeocclim,   1e2,  0,2e9,1,0,1, "watch list length limit") \
170 OPTION( subsumereleff,   1e3,  1,1e5,1,0,1, "relative efficiency per mille") \
171 OPTION( subsumestr,        1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "strengthen during subsume") \
172 OPTION( target,            1,  0,  2,0,0,1, "target phases (1=stable only)") \
173 OPTION( terminateint,     10,  0,1e4,0,0,1, "termination check interval") \
174 OPTION( ternary,           1,  0,  1,0,1,1, "hyper ternary resolution") \
175 OPTION( ternarymaxadd,   1e3,  0,1e4,1,0,1, "max clauses added in percent") \
176 OPTION( ternarymaxeff,   1e8,  0,2e9,1,0,1, "ternary maximum efficiency") \
177 OPTION( ternarymineff,   1e6,  1,2e9,1,0,1, "minimum ternary efficiency") \
178 OPTION( ternaryocclim,   1e2,  1,2e9,2,0,1, "ternary occurrence limit") \
179 OPTION( ternaryreleff,    10,  1,1e5,1,0,1, "relative efficiency per mille") \
180 OPTION( ternaryrounds,     2,  1, 16,1,0,1, "maximum ternary rounds") \
181 OPTION( transred,          1,  0,  1,0,1,1, "transitive reduction of BIG") \
182 OPTION( transredmaxeff,  1e8,  0,2e9,1,0,1, "maximum efficiency") \
183 OPTION( transredmineff,  1e6,  0,2e9,1,0,1, "minimum efficiency") \
184 OPTION( transredreleff,  1e2,  1,1e5,1,0,1, "relative efficiency per mille") \
185 QUTOPT( verbose,           0,  0,  3,0,0,0, "more verbose messages") \
186 OPTION( veripb,            0,  0,  4,0,0,1, "odd=checkdeletions, > 2=drat") \
187 OPTION( vivify,            1,  0,  1,0,1,1, "vivification") \
188 OPTION( vivifyinst,        1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "instantiate last literal when vivify") \
189 OPTION( vivifymaxeff,    2e7,  0,2e9,1,0,1, "maximum efficiency") \
190 OPTION( vivifymineff,    2e4,  0,2e9,1,0,1, "minimum efficiency") \
191 OPTION( vivifyonce,        0,  0,  2,0,0,1, "vivify once: 1=red, 2=red+irr") \
192 OPTION( vivifyredeff,     75,  0,1e3,1,0,1, "redundant efficiency per mille") \
193 OPTION( vivifyreleff,     20,  1,1e5,1,0,1, "relative efficiency per mille") \
194 OPTION( walk,              1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "enable random walks") \
195 OPTION( walkmaxeff,      1e7,  0,2e9,1,0,1, "maximum efficiency") \
196 OPTION( walkmineff,      1e5,  0,1e7,1,0,1, "minimum efficiency") \
197 OPTION( walknonstable,     1,  0,  1,0,0,1, "walk in non-stabilizing phase") \
198 OPTION( walkredundant,     0,  0,  1,0,0,1, "walk redundant clauses too") \
199 OPTION( walkreleff,       20,  1,1e5,1,0,1, "relative efficiency per mille") \
201 // Note, keep an empty line right before this line because of the last '\'!
202 // Also keep those single spaces after 'OPTION(' for proper sorting.
204 // clang-format on
206 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
208 // Some of the 'OPTION' macros above should only be included if certain
209 // compile time options are enabled.  This has the effect, that for instance
210 // if 'LOGGING' is defined, and thus logging code is included, then also the
211 // 'log' option is defined.  Otherwise the 'log' option is not included.
213 #ifdef LOGGING
214 #define LOGOPT OPTION
215 #else
216 #define LOGOPT(...) /**/
217 #endif
219 #ifdef QUIET
220 #define QUTOPT(...) /**/
221 #else
222 #define QUTOPT OPTION
223 #endif
225 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
227 namespace CaDiCaL {
229 struct Internal;
231 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
233 class Options;
235 struct Option {
236   const char *name;
237   int def, lo, hi;
238   int optimizable;
239   bool preprocessing;
240   const char *description;
241   int &val (Options *);
242 };
244 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
246 // Produce a compile time constant for the number of options.
248 static const size_t number_of_options =
249 #define OPTION(N, V, L, H, O, P, R, D) 1 +
250     OPTIONS
251 #undef OPTION
252     + 0;
254 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
256 class Options {
258   Internal *internal;
260   void set (Option *, int val); // Force to [lo,hi] interval.
262   friend struct Option;
263   static Option table[];
265   static void initialize_from_environment (int &val, const char *name,
266                                            const int L, const int H);
268   friend Config;
270   void reset_default_values ();
271   void disable_preprocessing ();
273 public:
274   // For library usage we disable reporting by default while for the stand
275   // alone SAT solver we enable it by default.  This default value has to
276   // be set before the constructor of 'Options' is called (which in turn is
277   // called from the constructor of 'Solver').  If we would simply overwrite
278   // its initial value while initializing the stand alone solver,  we will
279   // get that change of the default value (from 'false' to 'true') shown
280   // during calls to 'print ()', which is confusing to the user.
281   //
282   static int reportdefault;
284   Options (Internal *);
286   // Makes options directly accessible, e.g., for instance declares the
287   // member 'int restart' here.  This will give fast access to option values
288   // internally in the solver and thus can also be used in tight loops.
289   //
290 private:
291   int __start_of_options__; // Used by 'val' below.
292 public:
293 #define OPTION(N, V, L, H, O, P, R, D) \
294   int N; // Access option values by name.
296 #undef OPTION
298   // It would be more elegant to use an anonymous 'struct' of the actual
299   // option values overlayed with an 'int values[number_of_options]' array
300   // but that is not proper ISO C++ and produces a warning.  Instead we use
301   // the following construction which relies on '__start_of_options__' and
302   // that the following options are really allocated directly after it.
303   //
304   inline int &val (size_t idx) {
305     assert (idx < number_of_options);
306     return (&__start_of_options__ + 1)[idx];
307   }
309   // With the following function we can get rather fast access to the option
310   // limits, the default value and the description.  The code uses binary
311   // search over the sorted option 'table'.  This static data is shared
312   // among different instances of the solver.  The actual current option
313   // values are here in the 'Options' class.  They can be accessed by the
314   // offset of the static options using 'Option::val' if you have an
315   // 'Option' or to have even faster access directly by the member function
316   // (the 'N' above, e.g., 'restart').
317   //
318   static Option *has (const char *name);
320   bool set (const char *name, int); // Explicit version.
321   int get (const char *name);       // Get current value.
323   void print ();        // Print current values in command line form
324   static void usage (); // Print usage message for all options.
326   void optimize (int val); // increase some limits (val=0..31)
328   static bool is_preprocessing_option (const char *name);
330   // Parse long option argument
331   //
332   //   --<name>
333   //   --<name>=<val>
334   //   --no-<name>
335   //
336   // where '<val>' is as in 'parse_option_value'.  If parsing succeeds,
337   // 'true' is returned and the string will be set to the name of the
338   // option.  Additionally the parsed value is set (last argument).
339   //
340   static bool parse_long_option (const char *, string &, int &);
342   // Iterating options.
344   typedef Option *iterator;
345   typedef const Option *const_iterator;
347   static iterator begin () { return table; }
348   static iterator end () { return table + number_of_options; }
350   void copy (Options &other) const; // Copy 'this' into 'other'.
351 };
353 inline int &Option::val (Options *opts) {
354   assert (Options::table <= this &&
355           this < Options::table + number_of_options);
356   return opts->val (this - Options::table);
357 }
359 } // namespace CaDiCaL
361 #endif


  1 #include "internal.hpp"
  3 namespace CaDiCaL {
  5 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  7 // By default, e.g., for library usage, the 'opts.report' value is zero
  8 // ('false') but can be set to '1' by the stand alone solver.  Using here
  9 // a static default value avoids that the stand alone solver reports that
 10 // '--report=1' is different from the default in 'print ()' below.
 11 //
 12 int Options::reportdefault;
 14 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 16 // The order of initializations of static objects is undefined and thus we
 17 // can not assume that this table is already initialized if a solver and
 18 // thus the constructor of 'Options' is called.  Therefore we just have to
 19 // reinitialize this table in every call to 'Options::Options'.  This does
 20 // not produce a data race even for parallel initialization since the
 21 // same values are written by all threads under the assumption that the
 22 // 'reportdefault' is set before any solver is initialized.  We do have to
 23 // perform this static initialization though, since 'has' is static and does
 24 // not require that the 'Options' constructor was called.
 26 Option Options::table[] = {
 27 #define OPTION(N, V, L, H, O, P, R, D) \
 28   {#N, (int) V, (int) L, (int) H, (int) O, (bool) P, D},
 29     OPTIONS
 30 #undef OPTION
 31 };
 33 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 35 // Binary search in 'table', which requires option names to be sorted, which
 36 // in turned is checked at start-up in 'Options::Options'.
 38 Option *Options::has (const char *name) {
 39   size_t l = 0, r = number_of_options;
 40   while (l < r) {
 41     size_t m = l + (r - l) / 2;
 42     Option *res = &table[m];
 43     int tmp = strcmp (name, res->name);
 44     if (!tmp)
 45       return res;
 46     if (tmp < 0)
 47       r = m;
 48     if (tmp > 0)
 49       l = m + 1;
 50   }
 51   return 0;
 52 }
 54 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 56 bool Options::parse_long_option (const char *arg, string &name, int &val) {
 57   if (arg[0] != '-' || arg[1] != '-')
 58     return false;
 59   const bool has_no_prefix =
 60       (arg[2] == 'n' && arg[3] == 'o' && arg[4] == '-');
 61   const size_t offset = has_no_prefix ? 5 : 2;
 62   name = arg + offset;
 63   const size_t pos = name.find_first_of ('=');
 64   if (pos != string::npos)
 65     name[pos] = 0;
 66   if (!Options::has (name.c_str ()))
 67     return false;
 68   if (pos == string::npos)
 69     val = !has_no_prefix;
 70   else {
 71     const char *val_str = name.c_str () + pos + 1;
 72     if (!parse_int_str (val_str, val))
 73       return false;
 74   }
 75   return true;
 76 }
 78 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 80 void Options::initialize_from_environment (int &val, const char *name,
 81                                            const int L, const int H) {
 82   char key[80], *q;
 83   const char *p;
 84   assert (strlen (name) + strlen ("CADICAL_") + 1 < sizeof (key));
 85   for (p = "CADICAL_", q = key; *p; p++)
 86     *q++ = *p;
 87   for (p = name; *p; p++)
 88     *q++ = toupper (*p);
 89   assert (q < key + sizeof (key));
 90   *q = 0;
 91   const char *val_str = getenv (key);
 92   if (!val_str)
 93     return;
 94   if (!parse_int_str (val_str, val))
 95     return;
 96   if (val < L)
 97     val = L;
 98   if (val > H)
 99     val = H;
100 }
102 // Initialize all the options to their default value 'V'.
104 Options::Options (Internal *s) : internal (s) {
105   assert (number_of_options == sizeof Options::table / sizeof (Option));
107   // First initialize them according to defaults in 'options.hpp'.
108   //
109   const char *prev = "";
110   size_t i = 0;
111 #define OPTION(N, V, L, H, O, P, R, D) \
112   do { \
113     if ((L) > (V)) \
114       FATAL ("'" #N "' default '" #V "' " \
115              "lower minimum '" #L "' in 'options.hpp'"); \
116     if ((H) < (V)) \
117       FATAL ("'" #N "' default '" #V "' " \
118              "larger maximum '" #H "' in 'options.hpp'"); \
119     if (strcmp (prev, #N) > 0) \
120       FATAL ("'%s' ordered before '" #N "' in 'options.hpp'", prev); \
121     N = (int) (V); \
122     assert (&val (i) == &N); \
123     /* The order of initializing static data is undefined and thus */ \
124     /* it might be the case that the 'table' is not initialized yet. */ \
125     /* Thus this construction just reinitializes the table too even */ \
126     /* though it might not be necessary. */ \
127     assert (!table[i].name || !strcmp (table[i].name, #N)); \
128     table[i] = {#N,        (int) (V),  (int) (L), (int) (H), \
129                 (int) (O), (bool) (P), D}; \
130     prev = #N; \
131     i++; \
132   } while (0);
134 #undef OPTION
136   // Check consistency in debugging mode.
137   //
138 #ifndef NDEBUG
139   assert (i == number_of_options);
140   assert (!has ("aaaaa"));
141   assert (!has ("non-existing-option"));
142   assert (!has ("zzzzz"));
143 #endif
145   // Now overwrite default options with environment values.
146   //
147 #define OPTION(N, V, L, H, O, P, R, D) \
148   initialize_from_environment (N, #N, L, H);
150 #undef OPTION
151 }
153 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
155 void Options::set (Option *o, int new_val) {
156   assert (o);
157   int &val = o->val (this), old_val = val;
158   if (old_val == new_val) {
159     LOG ("keeping value '%d' of option '%s'", old_val, o->name);
160     return;
161   }
162   if (new_val < o->lo) {
163     LOG ("bounding '%d' to lower limit '%d' for option '%s'", new_val,
164          o->lo, o->name);
165     new_val = o->lo;
166   }
167   if (new_val > o->hi) {
168     LOG ("bounding '%d' to upper limit '%d' for option '%s'", new_val,
169          o->hi, o->name);
170     new_val = o->hi;
171   }
172   val = new_val;
173   LOG ("set option 'set (\"%s\", %d)' from '%d'", o->name, new_val,
174        old_val);
175 }
177 // Explicit option value setting.
179 bool Options::set (const char *name, int val) {
180   Option *o = has (name);
181   if (!o)
182     return false;
183   set (o, val);
184   return true;
185 }
187 int Options::get (const char *name) {
188   Option *o = has (name);
189   return o ? o->val (this) : 0;
190 }
192 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
194 void Options::print () {
195   unsigned different = 0;
196 #ifdef QUIET
197   const bool verbose = false;
198 #endif
199   char buffer[256];
200   // We prefer the macro iteration here since '[VLH]' might be '1e9' etc.
201 #define OPTION(N, V, L, H, O, P, R, D) \
202   if (N != (V)) \
203     different++; \
204   if (verbose || N != (V)) { \
205     if ((L) == 0 && (H) == 1) { \
206       snprintf (buffer, sizeof buffer, "--" #N "=%s", \
207                 (N ? "true" : "false")); \
208       MSG ("  %s%-30s%s (%s default %s'%s'%s)", \
209            ((N == (V)) ? "" : tout.bright_yellow_code ()), buffer, \
210            ((N == (V)) ? "" : tout.normal_code ()), \
211            ((N == (V)) ? "same as" : "different from"), \
212            ((N == (V)) ? tout.green_code () : tout.yellow_code ()), \
213            (bool) (V) ? "true" : "false", tout.normal_code ()); \
214     } else { \
215       snprintf (buffer, sizeof buffer, "--" #N "=%d", N); \
216       MSG ("  %s%-30s%s (%s default %s'" #V "'%s)", \
217            ((N == (V)) ? "" : tout.bright_yellow_code ()), buffer, \
218            ((N == (V)) ? "" : tout.normal_code ()), \
219            ((N == (V)) ? "same as" : "different from"), \
220            ((N == (V)) ? tout.green_code () : tout.yellow_code ()), \
221            tout.normal_code ()); \
222     } \
223   }
225 #undef OPTION
226   if (!different)
227     MSG ("all options are set to their default value");
228 }
230 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
232 void Options::usage () {
233   // We prefer the macro iteration here since '[VLH]' might be '1e9' etc.
234 #define OPTION(N, V, L, H, O, P, R, D) \
235   if ((L) == 0 && (H) == 1) \
236     printf ("  %-26s " D " [%s]\n", "--" #N "=bool", \
237             (bool) (V) ? "true" : "false"); \
238   else \
239     printf ("  %-26s " D " [" #V "]\n", "--" #N "=" #L ".." #H);
241 #undef OPTION
242 }
244 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
246 void Options::optimize (int val) {
248   if (val < 0) {
249     LOG ("ignoring negative optimization mode '%d'", val);
250     return;
251   }
253   const int max_val = 31;
254   if (val > max_val) {
255     LOG ("optimization argument '%d' reduced to '%d'", val, max_val);
256     val = max_val;
257   }
259   int64_t factor2 = 1;
260   for (int i = 0; i < val && factor2 <= INT_MAX; i++)
261     factor2 *= 2;
263   int64_t factor10 = 1;
264   for (int i = 0; i < val && factor10 <= INT_MAX; i++)
265     factor10 *= 10;
267   unsigned increased = 0;
268 #define OPTION(N, V, L, H, O, P, R, D) \
269   do { \
270     if (!(O)) \
271       break; \
272     const int64_t factor = ((O) == 1 ? factor2 : factor10); \
273     int64_t new_val = factor * (int64_t) (V); \
274     if (new_val > (H)) \
275       new_val = (H); \
276     if (new_val == (int) (V)) \
277       break; \
278     LOG ("optimization mode '%d' for '%s' " \
279          "gives '%" PRId64 "' instead of '%d", \
280          val, #N, new_val, (int) (V)); \
281     assert (new_val <= INT_MAX); \
282     N = (int) new_val; \
283     increased++; \
284   } while (0);
286 #undef OPTION
287   if (increased)
288     MSG ("optimization mode '-O%d' increased %u limits", val, increased);
289 }
291 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
293 void Options::disable_preprocessing () {
294   size_t count = 0;
295 #define OPTION(N, V, L, H, O, P, R, D) \
296   do { \
297     if (!(P)) \
298       break; \
299     if (!(N)) \
300       break; \
301     assert ((L) == 0); \
302     assert ((H) == 1); \
303     LOG ("plain mode disables '%s'", #N); \
304     count++; \
305     N = 0; \
306   } while (0);
308 #undef OPTION
309   LOG ("forced plain mode disabled %zd preprocessing options", count);
310 #ifndef LOGGING
311   (void) count;
312 #endif
313 }
315 bool Options::is_preprocessing_option (const char *name) {
316   Option *o = has (name);
317   return o ? o->preprocessing : false;
318 }
320 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
322 void Options::reset_default_values () {
323   size_t count = 0;
324 #define OPTION(N, V, L, H, O, P, R, D) \
325   do { \
326     if (!(R)) \
327       break; \
328     if (N == (V)) \
329       break; \
330     LOG ("resetting option '%s' to default %s", #N, #V); \
331     count++; \
332     N = (int) (V); \
333   } while (0);
335 #undef OPTION
336   LOG ("reset %zd options to their default values", count);
337 #ifndef LOGGING
338   (void) count;
339 #endif
340 }
342 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
344 void Options::copy (Options &other) const {
345 #ifdef LOGGING
346   Internal *internal = other.internal;
347 #endif
348 #define OPTION(N, V, L, H, O, P, R, D) \
349   if ((N) == (int) (V)) \
350     LOG ("keeping non default option '--%s=%s'", #N, #V); \
351   else if ((N) != (int) (V)) { \
352     LOG ("overwriting default option by '--%s=%d'", #N, N); \
353     other.N = N; \
354   }
356 #undef OPTION
357 }
359 } // namespace CaDiCaL





1. 重启采用reuse trail —— opts.restartreusetrail设置为真。



int Internal::reuse_trail () {
  const int trivial_decisions =
      assumptions.size ()
      // Plus 1 if the constraint is satisfied via implications of
      // assumptions and a pseudo-decision level was introduced
      + !control[assumptions.size () + 1].decision;
  if (!opts.restartreusetrail)
    return trivial_decisions;
  int decision = next_decision_variable ();
  assert (1 <= decision);
  int res = trivial_decisions;
  if (use_scores ()) {
    while (
        res < level && control[res + 1].decision &&
        score_smaller (this) (decision, abs (control[res + 1].decision))) {
      assert (control[res + 1].decision);
  } else {
    int64_t limit = bumped (decision);
    while (res < level && control[res + 1].decision &&
           bumped (control[res + 1].decision) > limit) {
      assert (control[res + 1].decision);
  int reused = res - trivial_decisions;
  if (reused > 0) {
    stats.reusedlevels += reused;
    if (stable)
  return res;



 2. 重启后设置下次冲突次数界限,用以触发下一次重启 —— opts.restartint 为restart interval

 1 void Internal::restart () {
 2   START (restart);
 3   stats.restarts++;
 4   stats.restartlevels += level;
 5   if (stable)
 6     stats.restartstable++;
 7   LOG ("restart %" PRId64 "", stats.restarts);
 8   backtrack (reuse_trail ());
10   lim.restart = stats.conflicts + opts.restartint;
11   LOG ("new restart limit at %" PRId64 " conflicts", lim.restart);
13   report ('R', 2);
14   STOP (restart);
15 }





From: https://www.cnblogs.com/yuweng1689/p/18224706


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