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Preserve Built-in and User-Defined Styles as CSS

时间:2024-05-26 22:30:41浏览次数:35  
标签:Preserve Styles Java Built HTML external editing CSS Editor

  Preserve Built-in and User-Defined Styles as CSS

  GroupDocs.Editor for Java 24.4 adds the ability to preserve and store built-in and user-defined styles as CSS rulesets in an external stylesheet.

  GroupDocs.Editor for Java is a document editing library that lets you integrate rich editing functionalities into your Java applications. It works by converting various document formats like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint presentations into editable HTML. This allows you to leverage any external HTML editor, be it open-source or commercial, for in-app document editing. After edits are made in the HTML, GroupDocs.Editor can save them back to the original format or even convert them to different file types.

  The GroupDocs.Editor for Java V24.4 release introduces a new forward conversion mode for Word Processing documents. When converting original documents such as DOCX to HTML, all built-in and user-defined styles are preserved and stored as CSS rulesets in an external stylesheet. This enhancement allows users to manipulate, edit, and apply these styles directly within the external WYSIWYG editor, facilitating a seamless document editing experience.

From: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_45330297/article/details/139073482


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