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Render Web Content in Native

时间:2024-05-26 22:30:25浏览次数:26  
标签:control Web Render web allows WebView2 Content Studio PowerShell

Render Web Content in Native

  PowerShell Studio 2024 streamlines embedding modern web content with enhanced WebView2 support, including improved designer tools.

  PowerShell Studio by SAPIEN is an Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE) designed specifically for PowerShell development. It offers a comprehensive editing experience with features like syntax coloring, code completion, and debugging. Beyond editing, PowerShell Studio allows you to visually design GUIs for your scripts, convert them into executables, and create modules and Windows services. This comprehensive toolset caters to developers who want to streamline PowerShell scripting and extend its functionality.

  The PowerShell Studio 2024 release includes enhanced support for the WebView2 control with improved access to the Assemblies dialog from the designer tab and a helper function to initialize the control. The WebView2 control, developed by Microsoft allows developers to embed web content (HTML, CSS and JavaScript) directly within native Windows applications. It utilizes the Chromium engine, which also powers Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, to ensure up-to-date web standard compatibility and good performance. This functionality allows for creating hybrid applications that seamlessly blend the power and flexibility of web technologies with the familiar features and performance of native apps.

From: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_45330297/article/details/139158696


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