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时间:2024-05-25 14:08:50浏览次数:19  
标签:adv ... kind ripe lesson12 adj genuinely


paradise n 天堂/伊甸园 heaven

Hawaii is a paradise for surfers

wretched adj 可怜的/艰苦的 wretch n 可怜的人 wreck n 精神上严重伤残的人 poor man ,mentally a wreck

starve v 挨饿 starve to death

I'm starving

hunger/thirst for (渴望渴求)The students thirst for knowledge

element n 元素,要素

There is a element of truth in his words

struggle/fight/battle against the elements 战天斗地

opportunity n 机会

Opportunity seldom knocks twice

take the opportunity to do

genuinely adv 真诚的 sincerely

He was genuinely gald to see Mary.

hypocritical adv 虚伪的 artificial 人造的 fake/counterfeit/pirated(盗版)


life on/at/in/on a desert island/monostery/army/campus

form a picture of...=imagine...

can you form a picture of what i described to you?

Look in the camera/ Hold that pose/ Say cheese

You are photogenic 您还挺上相的

imagine ... to be ... picture ... as ... conceive of ... as...

regard ... as ...把...看作... consider ..(to be)... see ... as... count ... as... I dont cout him as my friend. look on ... as.. think of ... as... be recognized as...

a sort of=a kind of 类似于

kind of = sort of = somewhat adv 有点... Im kind of hungry

ripe adj 成熟 Soon ripe, soon rotten.小时了了,大未必佳 The time is ripe


opposite adj 相反的 The oppsite of the love is hatred

My father is a calm person,bum my mom is qutie the oppsite.

either... or ... 要么...要么....

would rather/sooner(that)/if only 真希望

load A into B/load B with A

Learning is like rowing upstream: not to advance is to drop back.

put it= express it 措辞说 (怎么说捏)

to put it another way 换句话说

genuinely= from the bottom of their hearts sorry:regretful

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/yzuking/p/18212202


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