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时间:2024-05-16 19:51:37浏览次数:10  
标签:her Piquette she 游泳 was came 23loons

 23 I set about gaining Piquette' s trust. She was notallowed to go swimming, with her bad leg, but lmanaged to lure her down to the beach  or rather.she came because there was nothing else to do. Thewater was always icy, for the lake was fed by springs.but I swam like a dog, thrashing my arms and legsaround at such speed and with such an output ofenergy that I never grew cold. Finally, when l hadenough, I came out and sat beside Piquette on thesand. When she saw me approaching, her handsquashed flat the sand castle she had been buildingand she looked at me sullenly, without speaking


1. **gain Piquette's trust** - 赢得Piquette的信任。这里的“gain”意味着通过努力或行为来获得某人的信任。

2. **not allowed to go swimming** - 不被允许去游泳。这可能是因为Piquette的腿有残疾,家人或监护人担心她游泳会有危险。

3. **bad leg** - 坏腿,这里指的是Piquette的腿部残疾。

4. **managed to lure her down to the beach** - 设法引诱她到海滩去。“Managed to”表示成功地做了某事,而“lure”则是诱导或诱惑的意思。

5. **came because there was nothing else to do** - 她来是因为没有其他事情可做。这表明Piquette可能感到无聊或没有其他娱乐选择。

6. **The water was always icy** - 水总是冰冷的。这里的“icy”形容湖水非常冷,可能是因为湖是由泉水补给的。

7. **fed by springs** - 由泉水补给。这意味着湖水的来源是地下泉水,这通常使得湖水保持低温。

8. **swam like a dog** - 像狗一样游泳。这是一种非正式的表达方式,用来形容游泳的动作,可能指的是游泳的方式笨拙但有效。

9. **thrashing my arms and legs around** - 猛烈地挥动着胳膊和腿。“Thrashing”在这里描述了游泳时动作的力度和速度。

10. **output of energy** - 能量输出。这个短语用来描述游泳时消耗的体力。

11. **never grew cold** - 从不感到冷。这表明作者游泳时因为活动量大,所以没有感到寒冷。

12. **came out and sat beside Piquette on the sand** - 走出来坐在Piquette旁边的沙滩上。“Came out”在这里指的是从水中出来。

13. **squashed flat the sand castle** - 压扁了沙堡。“Squashed flat”意味着彻底压平。

14. **sullenly** - 愠怒地。“Sullen”用来形容因为不满或生气而显得不高兴或不友好的情绪。

15. **without speaking** - 没有说话。这表明Piquette对作者的到来没有作出任何口头上的回应。





From: https://www.cnblogs.com/flyingsir/p/18196649
