首页 > 其他分享 >本地SSL证书过期 输入命令在IIS自动生成

本地SSL证书过期 输入命令在IIS自动生成

时间:2024-05-15 09:09:11浏览次数:25  
标签:zhiyong prompt IIS certificate 过期 SSL HTTPS win10 Users

C:\Users\win10-zhiyong>dotnet dev-certs https --trust
Trusting the HTTPS development certificate was requested. A confirmation prompt will be displayed if the certificate was not previously trusted. Click yes on the prompt to trust the certificate.
Successfully trusted the existing HTTPS certificate.

C:\Users\win10-zhiyong>dotnet dev-certs https
A valid HTTPS certificate is already present.

C:\Users\win10-zhiyong>dotnet dev-certs https --trust
Trusting the HTTPS development certificate was requested. A confirmation prompt will be displayed if the certificate was not previously trusted. Click yes on the prompt to trust the certificate.
Successfully trusted the existing HTTPS certificate.

C:\Users\win10-zhiyong>dotnet dev-certs https --trust
Trusting the HTTPS development certificate was requested. A confirmation prompt will be displayed if the certificate was not previously trusted. Click yes on the prompt to trust the certificate.
Successfully trusted the existing HTTPS certificate.

C:\Users\win10-zhiyong>dotnet dev-certs https
A valid HTTPS certificate is already present.

C:\Users\win10-zhiyong>dotnet dev-certs https
A valid HTTPS certificate is already present.

C:\Users\win10-zhiyong>dotnet dev-certs https --trust
Trusting the HTTPS development certificate was requested. A confirmation prompt will be displayed if the certificate was not previously trusted. Click yes on the prompt to trust the certificate.
Successfully trusted the existing HTTPS certificate.

C:\Users\win10-zhiyong>dotnet dev-certs https --clean
Cleaning HTTPS development certificates from the machine. A prompt might get displayed to confirm the removal of some of the certificates.
HTTPS development certificates successfully removed from the machine.

C:\Users\win10-zhiyong>dotnet dev-certs https --trust
Trusting the HTTPS development certificate was requested. A confirmation prompt will be displayed if the certificate was not previously trusted. Click yes on the prompt to trust the certificate.
Successfully created and trusted a new HTTPS certificate.

C:\Users\win10-zhiyong>dotnet dev-certs https --clean
Cleaning HTTPS development certificates from the machine. A prompt might get displayed to confirm the removal of some of the certificates.
There was an error trying to clean HTTPS development certificates on this machine.




C:\Users\win10-zhiyong>cd C:\Program Files\IIS Express

C:\Program Files\IIS Express>IisExpressAdminCmd.exe setupSslUrl -url: https://localhost:44329 -UseSelfSigned

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/shangdishijiao/p/18192672


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