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时间:2024-05-14 11:53:47浏览次数:12  
标签:... lesson5 sth 从句 editor press sb


editor n 编辑

editor of... the editor of the Washington post

chief editor=editor in chief


a paperback/ hard-cover/deluxe edition / the first edition/ a revised edition

editorial n 报社社评/社论

extreme n 极端

go to extremes 走极端

extreme adj 极端

extremely adv

be extremely difficult/important/pleased

journalist n 记者

reporter columnist(专栏记者) correspondent(驻某地记者/专门写某个题材的记者)

journalism n (新闻行业)

I plan to study journalist in colleague

pubilishing n 出版行业

the press 新闻行业/舆论界

the freedom of the press言论自由

go to press 付梓

pirate v 非法出版 pirated books/CDs

fire v 解雇

fire/dismiss sb from...

She claims that she was unfairly dimissed from post

lose ones job

Many people wont complain about pay and conditions because they are terrified of losing their jobs

lay off laid-off workers


King charles I was deposed from the English throne in 1646



instruct sb in sth

I instruct a class in history.

instruct/direct sb to do sth

ive been instructed by the company to offer you a refund

lead to 通往

surround v 包围

surrouning adj 周围的

send sb a fax/letter/an email/card

get/receive a fax from ...

find out:get information

find 找到具体的东西

set out:to start a journey,especially a long journey.

set out to do sth:begin a job ,task

spend..on sth/(in)doing sth

meanwhile / at the same time/ (in the)meantime

one more=another two more=another two

yet/still(强调) one more/another 又一个

what that boil down to (归根结底)

inform sb of sth 通知某人某事


not only(倒装)...but also 不但...而且

Only then did he realize that he was mistaken

状语从句的省略 当主语一致且从句谓语包含be动词则可同时省略从句主语和be动词

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/yzuking/p/18190581


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