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时间:2024-05-11 10:56:39浏览次数:19  
标签:butterfly Scrip Zhou was Zhuang dream he

In the Warring States Period, there was a thinker named Zhuangzi. One day, Zhuang Zhou had a dream. In his sleep, he felt that he had become a butterfly. The butterfly was flying in the air and wandering around. He was so happy that he forgot who he was and that he was changed by Zhuang Zhou. After a while, Zhuang Zhou suddenly woke up, but the dream was still clearly imprinted in his mind. He got up and looked at himself, and thought about what was in his dream. For a moment, he was a little confused. He couldn't figure out whether he was Zhuang Zhou or a butterfly. Did he become a butterfly in his dream, or did the butterfly become Zhuang Zhou in his dream? I can't tell which one is true. Zhuang Zhou was very touched by this incident. He felt that sometimes it was difficult to distinguish between dreams and real life in life. Dreams sometimes give people a real feeling, and real life also makes people feel like they are in a dream. Zhuang Zhou believes that everything in the world is constantly changing like this, and life is also constantly changing like this. Nothing is eternal.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/QINGLIN-Iris/p/18186063


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