body{background:#000}.upload-container{position:absolute;left:50%;top:50%;margin-left:-57px;margin-top:-57px}.upload-pretty{position:relative;left:0;top:0;display:block;overflow:hidden}.upload-pretty input{position:absolute;top:0;right:0;font-size:100px;opacity:0;cursor:pointer}.nav-bar{position:fixed;z-index:10;right:0;left:0;height:44px;padding-right:10px;padding-left:10px;border-bottom:0;background-color:#f7f7f7;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 1px rgba(0,0,0,.85);box-shadow:0 0 1px rgba(0,0,0,.85);-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden;backface-visibility:hidden}.nav-bar-tab{bottom:0;display:table;width:100%;height:50px;padding:0;table-layout:fixed;border-top:0;border-bottom:0;-webkit-touch-callout:none}.tab-item{display:table-cell;overflow:hidden;width:1%;height:50px;text-align:center;vertical-align:middle;white-space:nowrap;text-overflow:ellipsis;color:#000}.nav-bar-tab .tab-item:active{background:#D3D3D3}.nav-bar-tab .tab-icon{font-size:28px;position:relative;z-index:20;top:3px;width:24px;height:24px;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0}.nav-bar-tab .tab-item .mui-icon~.tab-label{font-size:11px;display:block;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis}.nav-bar-tab .tab-item .mui-icon.rotate90{-webkit-transform:scaleX(-1);transform:scaleX(-1)}.button-three-dimen{display:block;zoom:1;vertical-align:baseline;margin:0 2px;outline:0;cursor:pointer;text-align:center;text-decoration:none;font:14px/100% Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;padding:.5em 2em .55em;text-shadow:0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.3);-webkit-border-radius:.5em;-moz-border-radius:.5em;border-radius:.5em;-webkit-box-shadow:0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.2);-moz-box-shadow:0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.2);box-shadow:0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.2);color:#606060;border:1px solid #b7b7b7;background:#fff;background:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,from(#fff),to(#ededed));background:-moz-linear-gradient(top,#fff,#ededed)}.button-three-dimen:hover{text-decoration:none;background:#ededed;background:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,from(#fff),to(#dcdcdc));background:-moz-linear-gradient(top,#fff,#dcdcdc)}.button-three-dimen:active{position:relative;top:1px;color:#999;background:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,from(#ededed),to(#fff));background:-moz-linear-gradient(top,#ededed,#fff)}.img-clip{margin-top:5rem !important;}.img-wrap,.show-content{margin:0 auto}.show-content{position:relative;text-align:center;vertical-align:middle}.choose-gallery{margin-top:-10px}.choose-camera{margin-top:50px}.clip-content{width:100%;z-index:3;position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;left:0;right:0;background:#000;display:none}@font-face{font-family:Muiicons;font-weight:400;font-style:normal;src:url(../fonts/mui.ttf) format('truetype')}.mui-icon{font-family:Muiicons;font-size:24px;font-weight:400;font-style:normal;line-height:1;display:inline-block;text-decoration:none;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased}.mui-icon-checkmarkempty:before{content:'\e472'}.mui-icon-refreshempty:before{content:'\e461'}.mui-icon-arrowleft:before{content:'\e582'}.hidden{display:none!important}.img-clip{position:relative;width:95%;margin:0 auto;padding:0}.img-clip canvas{width:100% !important;height:auto !important;display:block}.img-clip .magnifier{display:none !important;position:absolute;top:-90px;right:0;width:80px;height:80px;border-radius:50%;border:2px solid #fff}.img-clip .clip-hidden{display:none}.img-clip .clip-rect{position:absolute;border:1px dashed #de3c50;top:10px;left:10px;width:100px;height:100px;cursor:move}.img-clip .clip-rect .clip-tips{position:absolute;top:-40px;left:0;padding:5px;font-size:13px;background-color:#333;border-radius:5px;color:#fff}.img-clip .clip-rect-horn{position:absolute;display:block;background-color:rgba(222,60,80,.7);border-radius:50%;width:20px;height:20px}.img-clip .horn-n{top:-10px;left:50%;margin-left:-10px;cursor:n-resize}.img-clip .horn-s{bottom:-10px;left:50%;margin-left:-10px;cursor:s-resize}.img-clip .horn-w{top:50%;left:-10px;margin-top:-10px;cursor:w-resize}.img-clip .horn-e{top:50%;right:-10px;margin-top:-10px;cursor:e-resize}.img-clip .horn-nw{top:-10px;left:-10px;cursor:nw-resize}.img-clip .horn-ne{top:-10px;right:-10px;cursor:ne-resize}.img-clip .horn-sw{bottom:-10px;left:-10px;cursor:sw-resize}.img-clip .horn-se{bottom:-10px;right:-10px;cursor:se-resize}
(function() {
var debug = false;
var root = this;
var EXIF = function(obj) {
if (obj instanceof EXIF) return obj;
if (!(this instanceof EXIF)) return new EXIF(obj);
this.EXIFwrapped = obj;
if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
exports = module.exports = EXIF;
exports.EXIF = EXIF;
} else {
root.EXIF = EXIF;
var ExifTags = EXIF.Tags = {
// version tags
0x9000 : "ExifVersion", // EXIF version
0xA000 : "FlashpixVersion", // Flashpix format version
// colorspace tags
0xA001 : "ColorSpace", // Color space information tag
// image configuration
0xA002 : "PixelXDimension", // Valid width of meaningful image
0xA003 : "PixelYDimension", // Valid height of meaningful image
0x9101 : "ComponentsConfiguration", // Information about channels
0x9102 : "CompressedBitsPerPixel", // Compressed bits per pixel
// user information
0x927C : "MakerNote", // Any desired information written by the manufacturer
0x9286 : "UserComment", // Comments by user
// related file
0xA004 : "RelatedSoundFile", // Name of related sound file
// date and time
0x9003 : "DateTimeOriginal", // Date and time when the original image was generated
0x9004 : "DateTimeDigitized", // Date and time when the image was stored digitally
0x9290 : "SubsecTime", // Fractions of seconds for DateTime
0x9291 : "SubsecTimeOriginal", // Fractions of seconds for DateTimeOriginal
0x9292 : "SubsecTimeDigitized", // Fractions of seconds for DateTimeDigitized
// picture-taking conditions
0x829A : "ExposureTime", // Exposure time (in seconds)
0x829D : "FNumber", // F number
0x8822 : "ExposureProgram", // Exposure program
0x8824 : "SpectralSensitivity", // Spectral sensitivity
0x8827 : "ISOSpeedRatings", // ISO speed rating
0x8828 : "OECF", // Optoelectric conversion factor
0x9201 : "ShutterSpeedValue", // Shutter speed
0x9202 : "ApertureValue", // Lens aperture
0x9203 : "BrightnessValue", // Value of brightness
0x9204 : "ExposureBias", // Exposure bias
0x9205 : "MaxApertureValue", // Smallest F number of lens
0x9206 : "SubjectDistance", // Distance to subject in meters
0x9207 : "MeteringMode", // Metering mode
0x9208 : "LightSource", // Kind of light source
0x9209 : "Flash", // Flash status
0x9214 : "SubjectArea", // Location and area of main subject
0x920A : "FocalLength", // Focal length of the lens in mm
0xA20B : "FlashEnergy", // Strobe energy in BCPS
0xA20C : "SpatialFrequencyResponse", //
0xA20E : "FocalPlaneXResolution", // Number of pixels in width direction per FocalPlaneResolutionUnit
0xA20F : "FocalPlaneYResolution", // Number of pixels in height direction per FocalPlaneResolutionUnit
0xA210 : "FocalPlaneResolutionUnit", // Unit for measuring FocalPlaneXResolution and FocalPlaneYResolution
0xA214 : "SubjectLocation", // Location of subject in image
0xA215 : "ExposureIndex", // Exposure index selected on camera
0xA217 : "SensingMethod", // Image sensor type
0xA300 : "FileSource", // Image source (3 == DSC)
0xA301 : "SceneType", // Scene type (1 == directly photographed)
0xA302 : "CFAPattern", // Color filter array geometric pattern
0xA401 : "CustomRendered", // Special processing
0xA402 : "ExposureMode", // Exposure mode
0xA403 : "WhiteBalance", // 1 = auto white balance, 2 = manual
0xA404 : "DigitalZoomRation", // Digital zoom ratio
0xA405 : "FocalLengthIn35mmFilm", // Equivalent foacl length assuming 35mm film camera (in mm)
0xA406 : "SceneCaptureType", // Type of scene
0xA407 : "GainControl", // Degree of overall image gain adjustment
0xA408 : "Contrast", // Direction of contrast processing applied by camera
0xA409 : "Saturation", // Direction of saturation processing applied by camera
0xA40A : "Sharpness", // Direction of sharpness processing applied by camera
0xA40B : "DeviceSettingDescription", //
0xA40C : "SubjectDistanceRange", // Distance to subject
// other tags
0xA005 : "InteroperabilityIFDPointer",
0xA420 : "ImageUniqueID" // Identifier assigned uniquely to each image
var TiffTags = EXIF.TiffTags = {
0x0100 : "ImageWidth",
0x0101 : "ImageHeight",
0x8769 : "ExifIFDPointer",
0x8825 : "GPSInfoIFDPointer",
0xA005 : "InteroperabilityIFDPointer",
0x0102 : "BitsPerSample",
0x0103 : "Compression",
0x0106 : "PhotometricInterpretation",
0x0112 : "Orientation",
0x0115 : "SamplesPerPixel",
0x011C : "PlanarConfiguration",
0x0212 : "YCbCrSubSampling",
0x0213 : "YCbCrPositioning",
0x011A : "XResolution",
0x011B : "YResolution",
0x0128 : "ResolutionUnit",
0x0111 : "StripOffsets",
0x0116 : "RowsPerStrip",
0x0117 : "StripByteCounts",
0x0201 : "JPEGInterchangeFormat",
0x0202 : "JPEGInterchangeFormatLength",
0x012D : "TransferFunction",
0x013E : "WhitePoint",
0x013F : "PrimaryChromaticities",
0x0211 : "YCbCrCoefficients",
0x0214 : "ReferenceBlackWhite",
0x0132 : "DateTime",
0x010E : "ImageDescription",
0x010F : "Make",
0x0110 : "Model",
0x0131 : "Software",
0x013B : "Artist",
0x8298 : "Copyright"
var GPSTags = EXIF.GPSTags = {
0x0000 : "GPSVersionID",
0x0001 : "GPSLatitudeRef",
0x0002 : "GPSLatitude",
0x0003 : "GPSLongitudeRef",
0x0004 : "GPSLongitude",
0x0005 : "GPSAltitudeRef",
0x0006 : "GPSAltitude",
0x0007 : "GPSTimeStamp",
0x0008 : "GPSSatellites",
0x0009 : "GPSStatus",
0x000A : "GPSMeasureMode",
0x000B : "GPSDOP",
0x000C : "GPSSpeedRef",
0x000D : "GPSSpeed",
0x000E : "GPSTrackRef",
0x000F : "GPSTrack",
0x0010 : "GPSImgDirectionRef",
0x0011 : "GPSImgDirection",
0x0012 : "GPSMapDatum",
0x0013 : "GPSDestLatitudeRef",
0x0014 : "GPSDestLatitude",
0x0015 : "GPSDestLongitudeRef",
0x0016 : "GPSDestLongitude",
0x0017 : "GPSDestBearingRef",
0x0018 : "GPSDestBearing",
0x0019 : "GPSDestDistanceRef",
0x001A : "GPSDestDistance",
0x001B : "GPSProcessingMethod",
0x001C : "GPSAreaInformation",
0x001D : "GPSDateStamp",
0x001E : "GPSDifferential"
// EXIF 2.3 Spec
var IFD1Tags = EXIF.IFD1Tags = {
0x0100: "ImageWidth",
0x0101: "ImageHeight",
0x0102: "BitsPerSample",
0x0103: "Compression",
0x0106: "PhotometricInterpretation",
0x0111: "StripOffsets",
0x0112: "Orientation",
0x0115: "SamplesPerPixel",
0x0116: "RowsPerStrip",
0x0117: "StripByteCounts",
0x011A: "XResolution",
0x011B: "YResolution",
0x011C: "PlanarConfiguration",
0x0128: "ResolutionUnit",
0x0201: "JpegIFOffset", // When image format is JPEG, this value show offset to JPEG data stored.(aka "ThumbnailOffset" or "JPEGInterchangeFormat")
0x0202: "JpegIFByteCount", // When image format is JPEG, this value shows data size of JPEG image (aka "ThumbnailLength" or "JPEGInterchangeFormatLength")
0x0211: "YCbCrCoefficients",
0x0212: "YCbCrSubSampling",
0x0213: "YCbCrPositioning",
0x0214: "ReferenceBlackWhite"
var StringValues = EXIF.StringValues = {
ExposureProgram : {
0 : "Not defined",
1 : "Manual",
2 : "Normal program",
3 : "Aperture priority",
4 : "Shutter priority",
5 : "Creative program",
6 : "Action program",
7 : "Portrait mode",
8 : "Landscape mode"
MeteringMode : {
0 : "Unknown",
1 : "Average",
2 : "CenterWeightedAverage",
3 : "Spot",
4 : "MultiSpot",
5 : "Pattern",
6 : "Partial",
255 : "Other"
LightSource : {
0 : "Unknown",
1 : "Daylight",
2 : "Fluorescent",
3 : "Tungsten (incandescent light)",
4 : "Flash",
9 : "Fine weather",
10 : "Cloudy weather",
11 : "Shade",
12 : "Daylight fluorescent (D 5700 - 7100K)",
13 : "Day white fluorescent (N 4600 - 5400K)",
14 : "Cool white fluorescent (W 3900 - 4500K)",
15 : "White fluorescent (WW 3200 - 3700K)",
17 : "Standard light A",
18 : "Standard light B",
19 : "Standard light C",
20 : "D55",
21 : "D65",
22 : "D75",
23 : "D50",
24 : "ISO studio tungsten",
255 : "Other"
Flash : {
0x0000 : "Flash did not fire",
0x0001 : "Flash fired",
0x0005 : "Strobe return light not detected",
0x0007 : "Strobe return light detected",
0x0009 : "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode",
0x000D : "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, return light not detected",
0x000F : "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, return light detected",
0x0010 : "Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode",
0x0018 : "Flash did not fire, auto mode",
0x0019 : "Flash fired, auto mode",
0x001D : "Flash fired, auto mode, return light not detected",
0x001F : "Flash fired, auto mode, return light detected",
0x0020 : "No flash function",
0x0041 : "Flash fired, red-eye reduction mode",
0x0045 : "Flash fired, red-eye reduction mode, return light not detected",
0x0047 : "Flash fired, red-eye reduction mode, return light detected",
0x0049 : "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, red-eye reduction mode",
0x004D : "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, red-eye reduction mode, return light not detected",
0x004F : "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, red-eye reduction mode, return light detected",
0x0059 : "Flash fired, auto mode, red-eye reduction mode",
0x005D : "Flash fired, auto mode, return light not detected, red-eye reduction mode",
0x005F : "Flash fired, auto mode, return light detected, red-eye reduction mode"
SensingMethod : {
1 : "Not defined",
2 : "One-chip color area sensor",
3 : "Two-chip color area sensor",
4 : "Three-chip color area sensor",
5 : "Color sequential area sensor",
7 : "Trilinear sensor",
8 : "Color sequential linear sensor"
SceneCaptureType : {
0 : "Standard",
1 : "Landscape",
2 : "Portrait",
3 : "Night scene"
SceneType : {
1 : "Directly photographed"
CustomRendered : {
0 : "Normal process",
1 : "Custom process"
WhiteBalance : {
0 : "Auto white balance",
1 : "Manual white balance"
GainControl : {
0 : "None",
1 : "Low gain up",
2 : "High gain up",
3 : "Low gain down",
4 : "High gain down"
Contrast : {
0 : "Normal",
1 : "Soft",
2 : "Hard"
Saturation : {
0 : "Normal",
1 : "Low saturation",
2 : "High saturation"
Sharpness : {
0 : "Normal",
1 : "Soft",
2 : "Hard"
SubjectDistanceRange : {
0 : "Unknown",
1 : "Macro",
2 : "Close view",
3 : "Distant view"
FileSource : {
3 : "DSC"
Components : {
0 : "",
1 : "Y",
2 : "Cb",
3 : "Cr",
4 : "R",
5 : "G",
6 : "B"
function addEvent(element, event, handler) {
if (element.addEventListener) {
element.addEventListener(event, handler, false);
} else if (element.attachEvent) {
element.attachEvent("on" + event, handler);
function imageHasData(img) {
return !!(img.exifdata);
function base64ToArrayBuffer(base64, contentType) {
contentType = contentType || base64.match(/^data\:([^\;]+)\;base64,/mi)[1] || ''; // e.g. 'data:image/jpeg;base64,...' => 'image/jpeg'
base64 = base64.replace(/^data\:([^\;]+)\;base64,/gmi, '');
var binary = atob(base64);
var len = binary.length;
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(len);
var view = new Uint8Array(buffer);
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
view[i] = binary.charCodeAt(i);
return buffer;
function objectURLToBlob(url, callback) {
var http = new XMLHttpRequest();
http.open("GET", url, true);
http.responseType = "blob";
http.onload = function(e) {
if (this.status == 200 || this.status === 0) {
function getImageData(img, callback) {
function handleBinaryFile(binFile) {
var data = findEXIFinJPEG(binFile);
img.exifdata = data || {};
var iptcdata = findIPTCinJPEG(binFile);
img.iptcdata = iptcdata || {};
if (EXIF.isXmpEnabled) {
var xmpdata= findXMPinJPEG(binFile);
img.xmpdata = xmpdata || {};
if (callback) {
if (img.src) {
if (/^data\:/i.test(img.src)) { // Data URI
var arrayBuffer = base64ToArrayBuffer(img.src);
} else if (/^blob\:/i.test(img.src)) { // Object URL
var fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onload = function(e) {
objectURLToBlob(img.src, function (blob) {
} else {
var http = new XMLHttpRequest();
http.onload = function() {
if (this.status == 200 || this.status === 0) {
} else {
throw "Could not load image";
http = null;
http.open("GET", img.src, true);
http.responseType = "arraybuffer";
} else if (self.FileReader && (img instanceof self.Blob || img instanceof self.File)) {
var fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onload = function(e) {
if (debug) console.log("Got file of length " + e.target.result.byteLength);
function findEXIFinJPEG(file) {
var dataView = new DataView(file);
if (debug) console.log("Got file of length " + file.byteLength);
if ((dataView.getUint8(0) != 0xFF) || (dataView.getUint8(1) != 0xD8)) {
if (debug) console.log("Not a valid JPEG");
return false; // not a valid jpeg
var offset = 2,
length = file.byteLength,
while (offset < length) {
if (dataView.getUint8(offset) != 0xFF) {
if (debug) console.log("Not a valid marker at offset " + offset + ", found: " + dataView.getUint8(offset));
return false; // not a valid marker, something is wrong
marker = dataView.getUint8(offset + 1);
if (debug) console.log(marker);
// we could implement handling for other markers here,
// but we're only looking for 0xFFE1 for EXIF data
if (marker == 225) {
if (debug) console.log("Found 0xFFE1 marker");
return readEXIFData(dataView, offset + 4, dataView.getUint16(offset + 2) - 2);
// offset += 2 + file.getShortAt(offset+2, true);
} else {
offset += 2 + dataView.getUint16(offset+2);
function findIPTCinJPEG(file) {
var dataView = new DataView(file);
if (debug) console.log("Got file of length " + file.byteLength);
if ((dataView.getUint8(0) != 0xFF) || (dataView.getUint8(1) != 0xD8)) {
if (debug) console.log("Not a valid JPEG");
return false; // not a valid jpeg
var offset = 2,
length = file.byteLength;
var isFieldSegmentStart = function(dataView, offset){
return (
dataView.getUint8(offset) === 0x38 &&
dataView.getUint8(offset+1) === 0x42 &&
dataView.getUint8(offset+2) === 0x49 &&
dataView.getUint8(offset+3) === 0x4D &&
dataView.getUint8(offset+4) === 0x04 &&
dataView.getUint8(offset+5) === 0x04
while (offset < length) {
if ( isFieldSegmentStart(dataView, offset )){
// Get the length of the name header (which is padded to an even number of bytes)
var nameHeaderLength = dataView.getUint8(offset+7);
if(nameHeaderLength % 2 !== 0) nameHeaderLength += 1;
// Check for pre photoshop 6 format
if(nameHeaderLength === 0) {
// Always 4
nameHeaderLength = 4;
var startOffset = offset + 8 + nameHeaderLength;
var sectionLength = dataView.getUint16(offset + 6 + nameHeaderLength);
return readIPTCData(file, startOffset, sectionLength);
// Not the marker, continue searching
var IptcFieldMap = {
0x78 : 'caption',
0x6E : 'credit',
0x19 : 'keywords',
0x37 : 'dateCreated',
0x50 : 'byline',
0x55 : 'bylineTitle',
0x7A : 'captionWriter',
0x69 : 'headline',
0x74 : 'copyright',
0x0F : 'category'
function readIPTCData(file, startOffset, sectionLength){
var dataView = new DataView(file);
var data = {};
var fieldValue, fieldName, dataSize, segmentType, segmentSize;
var segmentStartPos = startOffset;
while(segmentStartPos < startOffset+sectionLength) {
if(dataView.getUint8(segmentStartPos) === 0x1C && dataView.getUint8(segmentStartPos+1) === 0x02){
segmentType = dataView.getUint8(segmentStartPos+2);
if(segmentType in IptcFieldMap) {
dataSize = dataView.getInt16(segmentStartPos+3);
segmentSize = dataSize + 5;
fieldName = IptcFieldMap[segmentType];
fieldValue = getStringFromDB(dataView, segmentStartPos+5, dataSize);
// Check if we already stored a value with this name
if(data.hasOwnProperty(fieldName)) {
// Value already stored with this name, create multivalue field
if(data[fieldName] instanceof Array) {
else {
data[fieldName] = [data[fieldName], fieldValue];
else {
data[fieldName] = fieldValue;
return data;
function readTags(file, tiffStart, dirStart, strings, bigEnd) {
var entries = file.getUint16(dirStart, !bigEnd),
tags = {},
entryOffset, tag,
for (i=0;i<entries;i++) {
entryOffset = dirStart + i*12 + 2;
tag = strings[file.getUint16(entryOffset, !bigEnd)];
if (!tag && debug) console.log("Unknown tag: " + file.getUint16(entryOffset, !bigEnd));
tags[tag] = readTagValue(file, entryOffset, tiffStart, dirStart, bigEnd);
return tags;
function readTagValue(file, entryOffset, tiffStart, dirStart, bigEnd) {
var type = file.getUint16(entryOffset+2, !bigEnd),
numValues = file.getUint32(entryOffset+4, !bigEnd),
valueOffset = file.getUint32(entryOffset+8, !bigEnd) + tiffStart,
vals, val, n,
numerator, denominator;
switch (type) {
case 1: // byte, 8-bit unsigned int
case 7: // undefined, 8-bit byte, value depending on field
if (numValues == 1) {
return file.getUint8(entryOffset + 8, !bigEnd);
} else {
offset = numValues > 4 ? valueOffset : (entryOffset + 8);
vals = [];
for (n=0;n<numValues;n++) {
vals[n] = file.getUint8(offset + n);
return vals;
case 2: // ascii, 8-bit byte
offset = numValues > 4 ? valueOffset : (entryOffset + 8);
return getStringFromDB(file, offset, numValues-1);
case 3: // short, 16 bit int
if (numValues == 1) {
return file.getUint16(entryOffset + 8, !bigEnd);
} else {
offset = numValues > 2 ? valueOffset : (entryOffset + 8);
vals = [];
for (n=0;n<numValues;n++) {
vals[n] = file.getUint16(offset + 2*n, !bigEnd);
return vals;
case 4: // long, 32 bit int
if (numValues == 1) {
return file.getUint32(entryOffset + 8, !bigEnd);
} else {
vals = [];
for (n=0;n<numValues;n++) {
vals[n] = file.getUint32(valueOffset + 4*n, !bigEnd);
return vals;
case 5: // rational = two long values, first is numerator, second is denominator
if (numValues == 1) {
numerator = file.getUint32(valueOffset, !bigEnd);
denominator = file.getUint32(valueOffset+4, !bigEnd);
val = new Number(numerator / denominator);
val.numerator = numerator;
val.denominator = denominator;
return val;
} else {
vals = [];
for (n=0;n<numValues;n++) {
numerator = file.getUint32(valueOffset + 8*n, !bigEnd);
denominator = file.getUint32(valueOffset+4 + 8*n, !bigEnd);
vals[n] = new Number(numerator / denominator);
vals[n].numerator = numerator;
vals[n].denominator = denominator;
return vals;
case 9: // slong, 32 bit signed int
if (numValues == 1) {
return file.getInt32(entryOffset + 8, !bigEnd);
} else {
vals = [];
for (n=0;n<numValues;n++) {
vals[n] = file.getInt32(valueOffset + 4*n, !bigEnd);
return vals;
case 10: // signed rational, two slongs, first is numerator, second is denominator
if (numValues == 1) {
return file.getInt32(valueOffset, !bigEnd) / file.getInt32(valueOffset+4, !bigEnd);
} else {
vals = [];
for (n=0;n<numValues;n++) {
vals[n] = file.getInt32(valueOffset + 8*n, !bigEnd) / file.getInt32(valueOffset+4 + 8*n, !bigEnd);
return vals;
* Given an IFD (Image File Directory) start offset
* returns an offset to next IFD or 0 if it's the last IFD.
function getNextIFDOffset(dataView, dirStart, bigEnd){
//the first 2bytes means the number of directory entries contains in this IFD
var entries = dataView.getUint16(dirStart, !bigEnd);
// After last directory entry, there is a 4bytes of data,
// it means an offset to next IFD.
// If its value is '0x00000000', it means this is the last IFD and there is no linked IFD.
return dataView.getUint32(dirStart + 2 + entries * 12, !bigEnd); // each entry is 12 bytes long
function readThumbnailImage(dataView, tiffStart, firstIFDOffset, bigEnd){
// get the IFD1 offset
var IFD1OffsetPointer = getNextIFDOffset(dataView, tiffStart+firstIFDOffset, bigEnd);
if (!IFD1OffsetPointer) {
// console.log('******** IFD1Offset is empty, image thumb not found ********');
return {};
else if (IFD1OffsetPointer > dataView.byteLength) { // this should not happen
// console.log('******** IFD1Offset is outside the bounds of the DataView ********');
return {};
// console.log('******* thumbnail IFD offset (IFD1) is: %s', IFD1OffsetPointer);
var thumbTags = readTags(dataView, tiffStart, tiffStart + IFD1OffsetPointer, IFD1Tags, bigEnd)
// EXIF 2.3 specification for JPEG format thumbnail
// If the value of Compression(0x0103) Tag in IFD1 is '6', thumbnail image format is JPEG.
// Most of Exif image uses JPEG format for thumbnail. In that case, you can get offset of thumbnail
// by JpegIFOffset(0x0201) Tag in IFD1, size of thumbnail by JpegIFByteCount(0x0202) Tag.
// Data format is ordinary JPEG format, starts from 0xFFD8 and ends by 0xFFD9. It seems that
// JPEG format and 160x120pixels of size are recommended thumbnail format for Exif2.1 or later.
if (thumbTags['Compression']) {
// console.log('Thumbnail image found!');
switch (thumbTags['Compression']) {
case 6:
// console.log('Thumbnail image format is JPEG');
if (thumbTags.JpegIFOffset && thumbTags.JpegIFByteCount) {
// extract the thumbnail
var tOffset = tiffStart + thumbTags.JpegIFOffset;
var tLength = thumbTags.JpegIFByteCount;
thumbTags['blob'] = new Blob([new Uint8Array(dataView.buffer, tOffset, tLength)], {
type: 'image/jpeg'
case 1:
console.log("Thumbnail image format is TIFF, which is not implemented.");
console.log("Unknown thumbnail image format '%s'", thumbTags['Compression']);
else if (thumbTags['PhotometricInterpretation'] == 2) {
console.log("Thumbnail image format is RGB, which is not implemented.");
return thumbTags;
function getStringFromDB(buffer, start, length) {
var outstr = "";
for (n = start; n < start+length; n++) {
outstr += String.fromCharCode(buffer.getUint8(n));
return outstr;
function readEXIFData(file, start) {
if (getStringFromDB(file, start, 4) != "Exif") {
if (debug) console.log("Not valid EXIF data! " + getStringFromDB(file, start, 4));
return false;
var bigEnd,
tags, tag,
exifData, gpsData,
tiffOffset = start + 6;
// test for TIFF validity and endianness
if (file.getUint16(tiffOffset) == 0x4949) {
bigEnd = false;
} else if (file.getUint16(tiffOffset) == 0x4D4D) {
bigEnd = true;
} else {
if (debug) console.log("Not valid TIFF data! (no 0x4949 or 0x4D4D)");
return false;
if (file.getUint16(tiffOffset+2, !bigEnd) != 0x002A) {
if (debug) console.log("Not valid TIFF data! (no 0x002A)");
return false;
var firstIFDOffset = file.getUint32(tiffOffset+4, !bigEnd);
if (firstIFDOffset < 0x00000008) {
if (debug) console.log("Not valid TIFF data! (First offset less than 8)", file.getUint32(tiffOffset+4, !bigEnd));
return false;
tags = readTags(file, tiffOffset, tiffOffset + firstIFDOffset, TiffTags, bigEnd);
if (tags.ExifIFDPointer) {
exifData = readTags(file, tiffOffset, tiffOffset + tags.ExifIFDPointer, ExifTags, bigEnd);
for (tag in exifData) {
switch (tag) {
case "LightSource" :
case "Flash" :
case "MeteringMode" :
case "ExposureProgram" :
case "SensingMethod" :
case "SceneCaptureType" :
case "SceneType" :
case "CustomRendered" :
case "WhiteBalance" :
case "GainControl" :
case "Contrast" :
case "Saturation" :
case "Sharpness" :
case "SubjectDistanceRange" :
case "FileSource" :
exifData[tag] = StringValues[tag][exifData[tag]];
case "ExifVersion" :
case "FlashpixVersion" :
exifData[tag] = String.fromCharCode(exifData[tag][0], exifData[tag][1], exifData[tag][2], exifData[tag][3]);
case "ComponentsConfiguration" :
exifData[tag] =
StringValues.Components[exifData[tag][0]] +
StringValues.Components[exifData[tag][1]] +
StringValues.Components[exifData[tag][2]] +
tags[tag] = exifData[tag];
if (tags.GPSInfoIFDPointer) {
gpsData = readTags(file, tiffOffset, tiffOffset + tags.GPSInfoIFDPointer, GPSTags, bigEnd);
for (tag in gpsData) {
switch (tag) {
case "GPSVersionID" :
gpsData[tag] = gpsData[tag][0] +
"." + gpsData[tag][1] +
"." + gpsData[tag][2] +
"." + gpsData[tag][3];
tags[tag] = gpsData[tag];
// extract thumbnail
tags['thumbnail'] = readThumbnailImage(file, tiffOffset, firstIFDOffset, bigEnd);
return tags;
function findXMPinJPEG(file) {
if (!('DOMParser' in self)) {
// console.warn('XML parsing not supported without DOMParser');
var dataView = new DataView(file);
if (debug) console.log("Got file of length " + file.byteLength);
if ((dataView.getUint8(0) != 0xFF) || (dataView.getUint8(1) != 0xD8)) {
if (debug) console.log("Not a valid JPEG");
return false; // not a valid jpeg
var offset = 2,
length = file.byteLength,
dom = new DOMParser();
while (offset < (length-4)) {
if (getStringFromDB(dataView, offset, 4) == "http") {
var startOffset = offset - 1;
var sectionLength = dataView.getUint16(offset - 2) - 1;
var xmpString = getStringFromDB(dataView, startOffset, sectionLength)
var xmpEndIndex = xmpString.indexOf('xmpmeta>') + 8;
xmpString = xmpString.substring( xmpString.indexOf( '<x:xmpmeta' ), xmpEndIndex );
var indexOfXmp = xmpString.indexOf('x:xmpmeta') + 10
//Many custom written programs embed xmp/xml without any namespace. Following are some of them.
//Without these namespaces, XML is thought to be invalid by parsers
xmpString = xmpString.slice(0, indexOfXmp)
+ 'xmlns:Iptc4xmpCore="http://iptc.org/std/Iptc4xmpCore/1.0/xmlns/" '
+ 'xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" '
+ 'xmlns:tiff="http://ns.adobe.com/tiff/1.0/" '
+ 'xmlns:plus="http://schemas.android.com/apk/lib/com.google.android.gms.plus" '
+ 'xmlns:ext="http://www.gettyimages.com/xsltExtension/1.0" '
+ 'xmlns:exif="http://ns.adobe.com/exif/1.0/" '
+ 'xmlns:stEvt="http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/sType/ResourceEvent#" '
+ 'xmlns:stRef="http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/sType/ResourceRef#" '
+ 'xmlns:crs="http://ns.adobe.com/camera-raw-settings/1.0/" '
+ 'xmlns:xapGImg="http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/g/img/" '
+ 'xmlns:Iptc4xmpExt="http://iptc.org/std/Iptc4xmpExt/2008-02-29/" '
+ xmpString.slice(indexOfXmp)
var domDocument = dom.parseFromString( xmpString, 'text/xml' );
return xml2Object(domDocument);
} else{
function xml2json(xml) {
var json = {};
if (xml.nodeType == 1) { // element node
if (xml.attributes.length > 0) {
json['@attributes'] = {};
for (var j = 0; j < xml.attributes.length; j++) {
var attribute = xml.attributes.item(j);
json['@attributes'][attribute.nodeName] = attribute.nodeValue;
} else if (xml.nodeType == 3) { // text node
return xml.nodeValue;
// deal with children
if (xml.hasChildNodes()) {
for(var i = 0; i < xml.childNodes.length; i++) {
var child = xml.childNodes.item(i);
var nodeName = child.nodeName;
if (json[nodeName] == null) {
json[nodeName] = xml2json(child);
} else {
if (json[nodeName].push == null) {
var old = json[nodeName];
json[nodeName] = [];
return json;
function xml2Object(xml) {
try {
var obj = {};
if (xml.children.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < xml.children.length; i++) {
var item = xml.children.item(i);
var attributes = item.attributes;
for(var idx in attributes) {
var itemAtt = attributes[idx];
var dataKey = itemAtt.nodeName;
var dataValue = itemAtt.nodeValue;
if(dataKey !== undefined) {
obj[dataKey] = dataValue;
var nodeName = item.nodeName;
if (typeof (obj[nodeName]) == "undefined") {
obj[nodeName] = xml2json(item);
} else {
if (typeof (obj[nodeName].push) == "undefined") {
var old = obj[nodeName];
obj[nodeName] = [];
} else {
obj = xml.textContent;
return obj;
} catch (e) {
EXIF.enableXmp = function() {
EXIF.isXmpEnabled = true;
EXIF.disableXmp = function() {
EXIF.isXmpEnabled = false;
EXIF.getData = function(img, callback) {
if (((self.Image && img instanceof self.Image)
|| (self.HTMLImageElement && img instanceof self.HTMLImageElement))
&& !img.complete)
return false;
if (!imageHasData(img)) {
getImageData(img, callback);
} else {
if (callback) {
return true;
EXIF.getTag = function(img, tag) {
if (!imageHasData(img)) return;
return img.exifdata[tag];
EXIF.getIptcTag = function(img, tag) {
if (!imageHasData(img)) return;
return img.iptcdata[tag];
EXIF.getAllTags = function(img) {
if (!imageHasData(img)) return {};
var a,
data = img.exifdata,
tags = {};
for (a in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(a)) {
tags[a] = data[a];
return tags;
EXIF.getAllIptcTags = function(img) {
if (!imageHasData(img)) return {};
var a,
data = img.iptcdata,
tags = {};
for (a in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(a)) {
tags[a] = data[a];
return tags;
EXIF.pretty = function(img) {
if (!imageHasData(img)) return "";
var a,
data = img.exifdata,
strPretty = "";
for (a in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(a)) {
if (typeof data[a] == "object") {
if (data[a] instanceof Number) {
strPretty += a + " : " + data[a] + " [" + data[a].numerator + "/" + data[a].denominator + "]\r\n";
} else {
strPretty += a + " : [" + data[a].length + " values]\r\n";
} else {
strPretty += a + " : " + data[a] + "\r\n";
return strPretty;
EXIF.readFromBinaryFile = function(file) {
return findEXIFinJPEG(file);
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define('exif-js', [], function() {
return EXIF;
* input输入框快速选择image
(function() {
'use strict';
* 全局生效默认设置
* 默认设置可以最大程度的减小调用时的代码
var defaultSetting = {
// 可选参数 File Image Camera Image_Camera Image_File Camera_File Text All
type: 'ALL',
isMulti: false,
container: ''
function extend(target) {
var finalTarget = target;
for (var _len = arguments.length, rest = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
rest[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
rest.forEach(function(source) {
source && Object.keys(source).forEach(function(key) {
finalTarget[key] = source[key];
return finalTarget;
function selector(element) {
var target = element;
if (typeof target === 'string') {
target = document.querySelector(target);
return target;
* 从一个file对象,加载对应的数据
* FileReader的方法
* 方法名 参数 描述
* readAsBinaryString file 将文件读取为二进制编码
* readAsText file,[encoding] 将文件读取为文本
* readAsDataURL file 将文件读取为DataURL
* abort (none) 终端读取操作
* @param {FileReader} oFReader 对应的加载器
* @param {File} file 文件对象,选择的是img类型
* @param {Function} success 成功加载完毕后的回调,回调result(不同的加载方式result类型不同)
* @param {Function} error 失败回调
* @return {FileReader} 返回文件加载器对象
* @param {String} type 类型,DataUrl还是Text还是Binary
function loadDataFromFile(oFReader, file, success, error, type) {
if (window.FileReader || !oFReader || !(oFReader instanceof FileReader)) {
oFReader.onload = function(oFREvent) {
// 解决DataUrl模式下的b64字符串不正确问题
var b64 = oFREvent.target.result;
if (type === 'DataUrl') {
// 正常的图片应该是data:image/gif;data:image/png;;data:image/jpeg;data:image/x-icon;
// 而在Android的一些5.0系统以下(如4.0)的设备中,有些返回的b64字符串缺少关键image/gif标识,所以需要手动加上
if (b64 && b64.indexOf('data:base64,') !== -1) {
// 去除旧有的错误头部
b64 = b64.replace('data:base64,', '');
var dataType = '';
// 文件名字
var name = file.name;
if (name && name.toLowerCase().indexOf('.jpg') !== -1) {
// jpeg
dataType = 'image/jpeg';
} else if (name && name.toLowerCase().indexOf('.png') !== -1) {
// png
dataType = 'image/png';
} else if (name && name.toLowerCase().indexOf('.gif') !== -1) {
// gif
dataType = 'image/gif';
} else if (name && name.toLowerCase().indexOf('.icon') !== -1) {
// x-icon
dataType = 'image/x-icon';
b64 = 'data:' + dataType + ';base64,' + b64;
success && success(b64);
oFReader.onerror = function(error) {
error && error(error);
if (type === 'DataUrl') {
} else if (type === 'Text') {
} else {
return oFReader;
} else {
error && error('错误:FileReader不存在!');
* 构造一个 FileInpput 对象
* @param {Object} options 配置参数
* @constructor
function FileInput(options) {
options = extend({}, defaultSetting, options);
this.container = selector(options.container);
this.options = options;
FileInput.prototype = {
* 初始化 type isMulti filter等
_init: function() {
var options = this.options,
container = this.container,
isEjs = /EpointEJS/.test(navigator.userAgent);;
// 设置单个文件选择需要的 属性
container.setAttribute('type', 'file');
if (options.isMulti) {
container.setAttribute('multiple', 'multiple');
} else {
var accept = options.accept || container.getAttribute('accept');
var type = options.type || 'File';
var filter;
if (type === 'Image') {
filter = 'image/*';
type = 'DataUrl';
} else if (type === 'Camera') {
if (isEjs) {
filter = 'camera/*';
} else {
filter = 'image/*';
type = 'DataUrl';
} else if (type === 'Image_Camera') {
if (isEjs) {
filter = 'image_camera/*';
} else {
filter = 'image/*';
type = 'DataUrl';
} else if (type === 'Image_File') {
if (isEjs) {
filter = 'image_file/*';
} else {
filter = '*';
type = 'DataUrl';
} else if (type === 'Camera_File') {
if (isEjs) {
filter = 'camera_file/*';
} else {
filter = '*';
type = 'DataUrl';
} else if (type === 'Text') {
filter = 'file/*';
type = 'Text';
} else if (type === 'File') {
if (isEjs) {
filter = 'file/*';
type = 'File';
} else {
filter = '*';
type = 'File';
} else if (type === 'All') {
if (isEjs) {
filter = '*/*';
type = 'DataUrl';
} else {
filter = '*';
type = 'DataUrl';
} else {
filter = '*';
type = 'File';
this.dataType = type;
filter = accept || filter;
container.setAttribute('accept', filter);
* 增加事件,包括
* 轮播图片的监听
* 图片滑动的监听,等等
_addEvent: function() {
var container = this.container,
options = this.options,
success = options.success,
error = options.error,
self = this;
// 选择的回调中进行预处理
var changeHandle = function() {
var aFiles = container.files;
var len = aFiles.length;
if (len === 0) {
// 定义文件读取器和后缀类型过滤器
var oFReader = new window.FileReader();
var index = 0;
var chainCall = function() {
if (index >= len) {
loadDataFromFile(oFReader, aFiles[index], function(b64Src) {
success && success(b64Src, aFiles[index], {
index: index,
len: len,
isEnd: (index >= len - 1)
}, error, self.dataType);
container.addEventListener('change', changeHandle);
// 注册一个委托对象,方便取消
this.delegatesHandle = changeHandle;
* 将需要暴露的destroy绑定到了 原型链上
destroy: function() {
this.container.removeEventListener('change', this.delegatesHandle);
this.container = null;
this.options = null;
window.FileInput = FileInput;
* image-process v0.0.1
* (c) 2017-2017 dailc
* Released under the MIT License.
* https://github.com/dailc/image-process
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
(global.ImageClip = factory());
}(this, (function () { 'use strict';
function extend(target) {
var finalTarget = target;
for (var _len = arguments.length, rest = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
rest[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
rest.forEach(function (source) {
source && Object.keys(source).forEach(function (key) {
finalTarget[key] = source[key];
return finalTarget;
* 选择这段代码用到的太多了,因此抽取封装出来
* @param {Object} element dom元素或者selector
* @return {HTMLElement} 返回选择的Dom对象,无果没有符合要求的,则返回null
function selector(element) {
var target = element;
if (typeof target === 'string') {
target = document.querySelector(target);
return target;
* 获取DOM的可视区高度,兼容PC上的body高度获取
* 因为在通过body获取时,在PC上会有CSS1Compat形式,所以需要兼容
* @param {HTMLElement} dom 需要获取可视区高度的dom,对body对象有特殊的兼容方案
* @return {Number} 返回最终的高度
* 设置一个Util对象下的命名空间
* @param {Object} parent 需要绑定到哪一个对象上
* @param {String} namespace 需要绑定的命名空间名
* @param {Object} target 需要绑定的目标对象
* @return {Object} 返回最终的对象
* 加入系统判断功能
function osMixin(hybrid) {
var hybridJs = hybrid;
var detect = function detect(ua) {
this.os = {};
var android = ua.match(/(Android);?[\s/]+([\d.]+)?/);
if (android) {
this.os.android = true;
this.os.version = android[2];
this.os.isBadAndroid = !/Chrome\/\d/.test(window.navigator.appVersion);
var iphone = ua.match(/(iPhone\sOS)\s([\d_]+)/);
if (iphone) {
this.os.ios = true;
this.os.iphone = true;
this.os.version = iphone[2].replace(/_/g, '.');
var ipad = ua.match(/(iPad).*OS\s([\d_]+)/);
if (ipad) {
this.os.ios = true;
this.os.ipad = true;
this.os.version = ipad[2].replace(/_/g, '.');
// quickhybrid的容器
var quick = ua.match(/QuickHybrid/i);
if (quick) {
this.os.quick = true;
// epoint的容器
var ejs = ua.match(/EpointEJS/i);
if (ejs) {
this.os.ejs = true;
var dd = ua.match(/DingTalk/i);
if (dd) {
this.os.dd = true;
// 如果ejs和钉钉以及quick都不是,则默认为h5
if (!ejs && !dd && !quick) {
this.os.h5 = true;
detect.call(hybridJs, navigator.userAgent);
var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }();
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
* ios手机竖拍时会旋转,需要外部引入exif去主动旋转
var defaultetting = {
container: '#imgclip',
// 必须是一个image对象
img: null,
// 是否开启平滑
isSmooth: true,
// 放大镜捕获的图像半径
captureRadius: 30,
// 移动矩形框时的最小间距
minMoveDiff: 1,
// 压缩质量
quality: 0.92,
mime: 'image/jpeg',
// 限制canvas显示的最大高度(不是实际高度,是css显示的最大高度)
// 单位是像素,不传的话不限制
maxCssHeight: 0,
// 大小提示框的风格,0-点击时显示,1-恒显示,-1-永不显示
sizeTipsStyle: 0,
// 压缩时的放大系数,默认为1,如果增大,代表图像的尺寸会变大(最大不会超过原图)
compressScaleRatio: 1,
// ios的iPhone下主动放大一定系数以解决分辨率过小的模糊问题
iphoneFixedRatio: 2,
// 是否采用原图像素(不会压缩)
isUseOriginSize: false,
// 增加最大宽度,增加后最大不会超过这个宽度
maxWidth: 0,
// 使用强制的宽度,如果使用,其它宽高比系数都会失效,默认整图使用这个宽度
forceWidth: 0,
// 同上,但是一般不建议设置,因为很可能会改变宽高比导致拉升,特殊场景下使用
forceHeight: 0
var ImgClip$1 = function () {
* 构造函数
* @param {Object} options 配置信息
* @constructor
function ImgClip(options) {
_classCallCheck(this, ImgClip);
this.options = extend({}, defaultetting, options);
this.container = selector(this.options.container);
this.img = this.options.img;
this.domChildren = [];
this.events = {};
* 获取devicePixelRatio(像素比)
* canvas绘制时乘以缩放系数,防止裁剪不清晰
* (譬如320的手机上可能裁剪出来的就是640-系数是2)
_createClass(ImgClip, [{
key: 'getPixelRatio',
value: function getPixelRatio(context) {
// 注意,backingStorePixelRatio属性已弃用
var backingStore = context.backingStorePixelRatio || context.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio || context.mozBackingStorePixelRatio || context.msBackingStorePixelRatio || context.oBackingStorePixelRatio || context.backingStorePixelRatio || 1;
var ratio = (window.devicePixelRatio || 1) / backingStore;
ratio *= this.options.compressScaleRatio || 1;
if (this.os.ios && this.os.iphone) {
ratio *= this.options.iphoneFixedRatio || 1;
return ratio;
}, {
key: 'clear',
value: function clear() {
var lenD = this.domChildren && this.domChildren.length || 0;
for (var i = 0; i < lenD; i += 1) {
this.domChildren = null;
var allEventNames = Object.keys(this.events || {});
var lenE = allEventNames && allEventNames.length || 0;
for (var _i = 0; _i < lenE; _i += 1) {
this.container.removeEventListener(allEventNames[_i], this.events[allEventNames[_i]]);
this.events = null;
}, {
key: 'initCanvas',
value: function initCanvas() {
this.canvasFull = document.createElement('canvas');
this.ctxFull = this.canvasFull.getContext('2d');
this.canvasFull.className = 'clip-canvas-full';
// 实际的像素比,绘制时基于这个比例绘制
this.RATIO_PIXEL = this.getPixelRatio(this.ctxFull);
// 获取图片的宽高比
var wPerH = this.img.width / this.img.height;
var oldWidth = this.container.offsetWidth || window.innerWidth;
this.oldWidth = oldWidth;
this.oldHeight = oldWidth / wPerH;
this.resizeCanvas(oldWidth, this.oldHeight);
}, {
key: 'resizeCanvas',
value: function resizeCanvas(width, height) {
var maxCssHeight = this.options.maxCssHeight;
var wPerH = width / height;
var legalWidth = this.oldWidth;
var legalHeight = legalWidth / wPerH;
if (maxCssHeight && legalHeight > maxCssHeight) {
legalHeight = maxCssHeight;
legalWidth = legalHeight * wPerH;
this.marginLeft = (this.oldWidth - legalWidth) / 2;
this.canvasFull.style.width = legalWidth + 'px';
this.canvasFull.style.height = legalHeight + 'px';
this.canvasFull.style.marginLeft = this.marginLeft + 'px';
this.canvasFull.width = legalWidth * this.RATIO_PIXEL;
this.canvasFull.height = legalHeight * this.RATIO_PIXEL;
if (this.rotateStep & 1) {
this.scale = this.canvasFull.width / this.img.height;
} else {
this.scale = this.canvasFull.width / this.img.width;
}, {
key: 'initClip',
value: function initClip() {
var clipRect = document.createElement('div');
clipRect.className = 'clip-rect';
this.clipRect = clipRect;
// 添加tips
var clipTips = document.createElement('span');
clipTips.className = 'clip-tips';
this.clipTips = clipTips;
if (this.options.sizeTipsStyle === -1 || this.options.sizeTipsStyle === 0) {
// clipTips,canvas之外的
this.clipRectHorns = [];
// 添加8个角
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i += 1) {
var spanHorn = document.createElement('span');
spanHorn.className = 'clip-rect-horn ';
if (i === 0) {
spanHorn.className += 'horn-nw';
} else if (i === 1) {
spanHorn.className += 'horn-ne';
} else if (i === 2) {
spanHorn.className += 'horn-sw';
} else if (i === 3) {
spanHorn.className += 'horn-se';
} else if (i === 4) {
spanHorn.className += 'horn-n';
} else if (i === 5) {
spanHorn.className += 'horn-s';
} else if (i === 6) {
spanHorn.className += 'horn-w';
} else if (i === 7) {
spanHorn.className += 'horn-e';
}, {
key: 'resizeClip',
value: function resizeClip() {
}, {
key: 'listenerHornsResize',
value: function listenerHornsResize() {
var _this = this;
this.clipEventState = {};
var saveEventState = function saveEventState(e) {
_this.clipEventState.width = _this.clipRect.offsetWidth;
_this.clipEventState.height = _this.clipRect.offsetHeight;
_this.clipEventState.left = _this.clipRect.offsetLeft - _this.marginLeft;
_this.clipEventState.top = _this.clipRect.offsetTop;
_this.clipEventState.mouseX = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageX : e.pageX;
_this.clipEventState.mouseY = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageY : e.pageY;
_this.clipEventState.evnt = e;
var getCurXY = function getCurXY(mouseX, mouseY) {
// 父容器的top和left也要减去
var curY = mouseY - _this.canvasFull.offsetTop - _this.container.offsetTop;
var curX = mouseX - _this.canvasFull.offsetLeft - _this.container.offsetLeft;
curY = Math.min(curY, _this.canvasFull.offsetHeight);
curY = Math.max(0, curY);
curX = Math.min(curX, _this.canvasFull.offsetWidth);
curX = Math.max(0, curX);
_this.curX = curX;
_this.curY = curY;
return {
curX: curX,
curY: curY
this.getCurXY = getCurXY;
var moving = function moving(e) {
if (!_this.canResizing) {
var clipEventState = _this.clipEventState;
var target = clipEventState.evnt.target;
// 区分pageX与clientX
var mouseY = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageY : e.pageY;
var mouseX = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageX : e.pageX;
var curCooidinate = getCurXY(mouseX, mouseY);
var curX = curCooidinate.curX;
var curY = curCooidinate.curY;
var width = void 0;
var height = void 0;
var left = void 0;
var top = void 0;
if (target.classList.contains('horn-nw')) {
width = clipEventState.width - (curX - clipEventState.left);
height = clipEventState.height - (curY - clipEventState.top);
left = curX;
top = curY;
} else if (target.classList.contains('horn-ne')) {
width = curX - clipEventState.left;
height = clipEventState.height - (curY - clipEventState.top);
left = clipEventState.left;
top = curY;
} else if (target.classList.contains('horn-sw')) {
width = clipEventState.width - (curX - clipEventState.left);
height = curY - clipEventState.top;
left = curX;
top = clipEventState.top;
} else if (target.classList.contains('horn-se')) {
width = curX - clipEventState.left;
height = curY - clipEventState.top;
left = clipEventState.left;
top = clipEventState.top;
} else if (target.classList.contains('horn-n')) {
width = clipEventState.width;
height = clipEventState.height - (curY - clipEventState.top);
left = clipEventState.left;
top = curY;
} else if (target.classList.contains('horn-s')) {
width = clipEventState.width;
height = curY - clipEventState.top;
left = clipEventState.left;
top = clipEventState.top;
} else if (target.classList.contains('horn-w')) {
width = clipEventState.width - (curX - clipEventState.left);
height = clipEventState.height;
left = curX;
top = clipEventState.top;
} else if (target.classList.contains('horn-e')) {
width = curX - clipEventState.left;
height = clipEventState.height;
left = curX - width;
top = clipEventState.top;
// 一定要补上leftmargin
_this.clipRect.style.left = left + _this.marginLeft + 'px';
_this.clipRect.style.top = top + 'px';
_this.clipRect.style.width = width + 'px';
_this.clipRect.style.height = height + 'px';
this.container.addEventListener('touchmove', moving);
this.container.addEventListener('mousemove', moving);
this.events.touchmove = moving;
this.events.mousemove = moving;
var startResize = function startResize(e) {
_this.canResizing = true;
if (_this.options.sizeTipsStyle === 0) {
var endResize = function endResize() {
_this.canResizing = false;
if (_this.options.sizeTipsStyle === 0) {
this.endHronsResize = endResize;
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i += 1) {
this.clipRectHorns[i].addEventListener('mousedown', startResize);
this.clipRectHorns[i].addEventListener('touchstart', startResize);
this.clipRectHorns[i].addEventListener('mouseup', endResize);
this.clipRectHorns[i].addEventListener('touchend', endResize);
}, {
key: 'listenerRectMove',
value: function listenerRectMove() {
var _this2 = this;
var rectDom = this.clipRect;
var moving = function moving(e) {
if (_this2.canResizing || !_this2.canMove) {
var MIN_DIFF = _this2.options.minMoveDiff;
var mouseY = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageY : e.pageY;
var mouseX = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageX : e.pageX;
var diffX = mouseX - _this2.prevRectMouseX;
var diffY = mouseY - _this2.prevRectMouseY;
if (!diffX && !diffY) {
if (Math.abs(diffX) > MIN_DIFF || Math.abs(diffY) > MIN_DIFF) {
_this2.prevRectMouseX = mouseX;
_this2.prevRectMouseY = mouseY;
var top = rectDom.offsetTop + diffY;
var left = rectDom.offsetLeft + diffX;
if (top < 0) {
top = 0;
} else if (top > _this2.canvasFull.offsetHeight - rectDom.offsetHeight) {
top = _this2.canvasFull.offsetHeight - rectDom.offsetHeight;
if (left < _this2.marginLeft) {
left = _this2.marginLeft;
} else if (left > _this2.canvasFull.offsetWidth - rectDom.offsetWidth + _this2.marginLeft) {
left = _this2.canvasFull.offsetWidth - rectDom.offsetWidth + _this2.marginLeft;
// 这里无须再补上marginLeft
_this2.clipRect.style.left = left + 'px';
_this2.clipRect.style.top = top + 'px';
rectDom.addEventListener('touchmove', moving);
rectDom.addEventListener('mousemove', moving);
var startMove = function startMove(e) {
_this2.canMove = true;
var mouseY = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageY : e.pageY;
var mouseX = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageX : e.pageX;
_this2.prevRectMouseX = mouseX;
_this2.prevRectMouseY = mouseY;
var endMove = function endMove() {
_this2.canMove = false;
this.endRectMove = endMove;
rectDom.addEventListener('mousedown', startMove);
rectDom.addEventListener('touchstart', startMove);
rectDom.addEventListener('mouseup', endMove);
rectDom.addEventListener('touchend', endMove);
}, {
key: 'listenerContainerLeave',
value: function listenerContainerLeave() {
var _this3 = this;
var leaveContainer = function leaveContainer() {
if (_this3.canResizing) {
if (_this3.canMove) {
this.container.addEventListener('mouseleave', leaveContainer);
this.container.addEventListener('mouseup', leaveContainer);
this.events.mouseleave = leaveContainer;
this.events.mouseup = leaveContainer;
}, {
key: 'draw',
value: function draw() {
// 放大镜
var realImgSize = this.getRealFinalImgSize(this.clipRect.offsetWidth * this.RATIO_PIXEL, this.clipRect.offsetHeight * this.RATIO_PIXEL);
var curWidth = realImgSize.width;
var curHeight = realImgSize.height;
this.clipTips.innerText = curWidth.toFixed(0) + '*' + curHeight.toFixed(0);
if (this.rotateStep & 1) {
this.ctxFull.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvasFull.height, this.canvasFull.width);
} else {
this.ctxFull.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvasFull.width, this.canvasFull.height);
var params = this.getClipRectParams();
var srcX = params.srcX;
var srcY = params.srcY;
var sWidth = params.sWidth;
var sHeight = params.sHeight;
this.ctxFull.rect(srcX, srcY, sWidth, sHeight);
}, {
key: 'getClipRectParams',
value: function getClipRectParams() {
var offsetTop = this.clipRect.offsetTop;
// 减去margin才是真实的
var offsetLeft = this.clipRect.offsetLeft - this.marginLeft;
var offsetWidth = this.clipRect.offsetWidth;
var offsetHeight = this.clipRect.offsetHeight;
var offsetRight = offsetLeft + offsetWidth;
var offsetBottom = offsetTop + offsetHeight;
var srcX = offsetLeft;
var srcY = offsetTop;
var sWidth = offsetWidth;
var sHeight = offsetHeight;
if (this.rotateStep === 1) {
srcX = offsetTop;
srcY = this.canvasFull.offsetWidth - offsetRight;
sWidth = offsetHeight;
sHeight = offsetWidth;
} else if (this.rotateStep === 2) {
srcX = this.canvasFull.offsetWidth - offsetRight;
srcY = this.canvasFull.offsetHeight - offsetBottom;
sWidth = offsetWidth;
sHeight = offsetHeight;
} else if (this.rotateStep === 3) {
srcX = this.canvasFull.offsetHeight - offsetBottom;
srcY = offsetLeft;
sWidth = offsetHeight;
sHeight = offsetWidth;
srcX *= this.RATIO_PIXEL;
srcY *= this.RATIO_PIXEL;
sWidth *= this.RATIO_PIXEL;
sHeight *= this.RATIO_PIXEL;
return {
srcX: srcX,
srcY: srcY,
sWidth: sWidth,
sHeight: sHeight
}, {
key: 'getRealCoordinate',
value: function getRealCoordinate(mouseX, mouseY) {
// 获取真实坐标系(旋转缩放后的)
var x = mouseX;
var y = mouseY;
if (this.rotateStep === 1) {
x = mouseY;
y = this.canvasFull.offsetWidth - mouseX;
} else if (this.rotateStep === 2) {
x = this.canvasFull.offsetWidth - mouseX;
y = this.canvasFull.offsetHeight - mouseY;
} else if (this.rotateStep === 3) {
x = this.canvasFull.offsetHeight - mouseY;
y = mouseX;
x *= this.RATIO_PIXEL;
y *= this.RATIO_PIXEL;
return {
x: x,
y: y
}, {
key: 'drawImage',
value: function drawImage() {
// 宽高在旋转不同的情况下是颠倒的
if (this.rotateStep & 1) {
this.ctxFull.drawImage(this.img, 0, 0, this.img.width, this.img.height, 0, 0, this.canvasFull.height, this.canvasFull.width);
} else {
this.ctxFull.drawImage(this.img, 0, 0, this.img.width, this.img.height, 0, 0, this.canvasFull.width, this.canvasFull.height);
}, {
key: 'drawMask',
value: function drawMask() {
this.ctxFull.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)';
if (this.rotateStep & 1) {
this.ctxFull.fillRect(0, 0, this.canvasFull.height, this.canvasFull.width);
} else {
this.ctxFull.fillRect(0, 0, this.canvasFull.width, this.canvasFull.height);
}, {
key: 'drawMag',
value: function drawMag() {
var captureRadius = this.options.captureRadius;
var centerPoint = this.getRealCoordinate(this.curX, this.curY);
var sWidth = captureRadius * 2;
var sHeight = captureRadius * 2;
var srcX = centerPoint.x - captureRadius;
var srcY = centerPoint.y - captureRadius;
if (this.rotateStep & 1) {
this.ctxMag.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvasMag.height, this.canvasMag.width);
} else {
this.ctxMag.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvasMag.width, this.canvasMag.height);
var drawX = 0;
var drawY = 0;
if (this.os.ios) {
// 兼容ios的Safari不能绘制srcX,srcY为负的情况
if (srcY < 0) {
// 注意先后顺序
drawY = this.canvasMag.height / 2 * Math.abs(srcY / captureRadius);
srcY = 0;
if (srcX < 0) {
// 注意先后顺序
drawX = this.canvasMag.width / 2 * Math.abs(srcX / captureRadius);
srcX = 0;
// 生成新的图片,内部坐标会使用原图片的尺寸
this.ctxMag.drawImage(this.img, srcX / this.scale, srcY / this.scale, sWidth / this.scale, sHeight / this.scale, drawX, drawY, this.canvasMag.width, this.canvasMag.height);
var centerX = this.canvasMag.width / 2;
var centerY = this.canvasMag.height / 2;
var radius = 5 * this.RATIO_PIXEL;
// 绘制十字校准
this.ctxMag.moveTo(centerX - radius, centerY);
this.ctxMag.lineTo(centerX + radius, centerY);
// this.ctxMag.arc(centerX + radius, centerY, 3, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
this.ctxMag.moveTo(centerX, centerY - radius);
this.ctxMag.lineTo(centerX, centerY + radius);
// this.ctxMag.arc(centerX, centerY + radius, 3, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
this.ctxMag.strokeStyle = '#de3c50';
this.ctxMag.lineWidth = 3;
}, {
key: 'initMagnifier',
value: function initMagnifier() {
this.canvasMag = document.createElement('canvas');
this.canvasMag.className = 'magnifier clip-hidden';
this.ctxMag = this.canvasMag.getContext('2d');
// 需要初始化一个高度,否则如果旋转时会造不对
// 捕获直径*像素比
this.canvasMag.width = this.options.captureRadius * 2 * this.RATIO_PIXEL;
this.canvasMag.height = this.options.captureRadius * 2 * this.RATIO_PIXEL;
}, {
key: 'initTransferCanvas',
value: function initTransferCanvas() {
this.canvasTransfer = document.createElement('canvas');
this.canvasTransfer.style.display = 'none';
this.canvasTransfer.className = 'transfer-canvas';
this.ctxTransfer = this.canvasTransfer.getContext('2d');
}, {
key: 'smoothCtx',
value: function smoothCtx(ctx) {
var isSmooth = this.options.isSmooth;
ctx.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = isSmooth;
ctx.webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = isSmooth;
ctx.msImageSmoothingEnabled = isSmooth;
ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = isSmooth;
}, {
key: 'getRealFinalImgSize',
value: function getRealFinalImgSize(curWidth, curHeight) {
var wPerH = this.canvasFull.width / this.canvasFull.height;
var maxWidth = this.options.maxWidth || 0;
var forceWidth = this.options.forceWidth || 0;
var forceHeight = this.options.forceHeight || 0;
var width = curWidth;
var height = curHeight;
if (this.rotateStep & 1) {
if (this.options.isUseOriginSize || this.canvasFull.width > this.img.height) {
// 最大不会超过原图的尺寸
width = this.img.width * curWidth / this.canvasFull.height;
height = this.img.height * curHeight / this.canvasFull.width;
if (maxWidth && this.canvasFull.height > maxWidth && maxWidth < this.img.height) {
// 使用最大宽,前提是原始大小也大于最大宽
width = maxWidth * curWidth / this.canvasFull.height;
height = maxWidth / wPerH * curHeight / this.canvasFull.width;
if (forceWidth) {
// 使用固定宽
width = forceWidth * curWidth / this.canvasFull.height;
height = (forceHeight || forceWidth / wPerH) * curHeight / this.canvasFull.width;
} else {
if (this.options.isUseOriginSize || this.canvasFull.width > this.img.width) {
// 最大不会超过原图的尺寸
width = this.img.width * curWidth / this.canvasFull.width;
height = this.img.height * curHeight / this.canvasFull.height;
if (maxWidth && this.canvasFull.width > maxWidth && maxWidth < this.img.width) {
width = maxWidth * curWidth / this.canvasFull.width;
height = maxWidth / wPerH * curHeight / this.canvasFull.height;
if (forceWidth) {
// 使用固定宽
width = forceWidth * curWidth / this.canvasFull.width;
height = (forceHeight || forceWidth / wPerH) * curHeight / this.canvasFull.height;
return {
width: width,
height: height
* 裁剪
}, {
key: 'clip',
value: function clip() {
var params = this.getClipRectParams();
var srcX = params.srcX;
var srcY = params.srcY;
var sWidth = params.sWidth;
var sHeight = params.sHeight;
var realImgSize = this.getRealFinalImgSize(sWidth, sHeight);
var curWidth = realImgSize.width;
var curHeight = realImgSize.height;
// 注意,这个变量可能不存在,会影响判断的,所以要确保它存在
this.rotateStep = this.rotateStep || 0;
// 计算弧度
var degree = this.rotateStep * 90 * Math.PI / 180;
// 内部的转换矩阵也需要旋转(只不过不需要展示而已-譬如平移操作就无必要)
// 注意,重置canvas大小后,以前的rotate也会无效-
// 否则如果不重置,直接rotate是会在以前的基础上
if (this.rotateStep === 0) {
this.canvasTransfer.width = curWidth;
this.canvasTransfer.height = curHeight;
} else if (this.rotateStep === 1) {
this.canvasTransfer.width = curHeight;
this.canvasTransfer.height = curWidth;
this.ctxTransfer.translate(0, -this.canvasTransfer.width);
} else if (this.rotateStep === 2) {
this.canvasTransfer.width = curWidth;
this.canvasTransfer.height = curHeight;
this.ctxTransfer.translate(-this.canvasTransfer.width, -this.canvasTransfer.height);
} else if (this.rotateStep === 3) {
this.canvasTransfer.width = curHeight;
this.canvasTransfer.height = curWidth;
this.ctxTransfer.translate(-this.canvasTransfer.height, 0);
// 生成新的图片,内部坐标会使用原图片的尺寸
// 宽高在旋转不同的情况下是颠倒的
if (this.rotateStep & 1) {
this.ctxTransfer.drawImage(this.img, srcX / this.scale, srcY / this.scale, sWidth / this.scale, sHeight / this.scale, 0, 0, this.canvasTransfer.height, this.canvasTransfer.width);
} else {
this.ctxTransfer.drawImage(this.img, srcX / this.scale, srcY / this.scale, sWidth / this.scale, sHeight / this.scale, 0, 0, this.canvasTransfer.width, this.canvasTransfer.height);
this.clipImgData = this.canvasTransfer.toDataURL(this.options.mime, this.options.quality);
}, {
key: 'resetClipRect',
value: function resetClipRect() {
this.clipRect.style.left = (this.marginLeft || 0) + 'px';
this.clipRect.style.top = 0;
this.clipRect.style.width = this.canvasFull.width / this.RATIO_PIXEL + 'px';
this.clipRect.style.height = this.canvasFull.height / this.RATIO_PIXEL + 'px';
}, {
key: 'getClipImgData',
value: function getClipImgData() {
return this.clipImgData;
}, {
key: 'rotate',
value: function rotate(isClockWise) {
// 最小和最大旋转方向
var MIN_STEP = 0;
var MAX_STEP = 3;
var width = this.oldWidth;
var height = this.oldHeight;
this.rotateStep = this.rotateStep || 0;
this.rotateStep += isClockWise ? 1 : -1;
if (this.rotateStep > MAX_STEP) {
this.rotateStep = MIN_STEP;
} else if (this.rotateStep < MIN_STEP) {
this.rotateStep = MAX_STEP;
// 计算弧度
var degree = this.rotateStep * 90 * Math.PI / 180;
// 重置canvas,重新计算旋转
this.canvasMag.width = this.canvasMag.width;
this.canvasMag.height = this.canvasMag.height;
// 同时旋转mag canvas
if (this.rotateStep === 0) {
this.resizeCanvas(width, height);
} else if (this.rotateStep === 1) {
this.resizeCanvas(height, width);
this.ctxFull.translate(0, -this.canvasFull.width);
this.ctxMag.translate(0, -this.canvasMag.width);
} else if (this.rotateStep === 2) {
this.resizeCanvas(width, height);
this.ctxFull.translate(-this.canvasFull.width, -this.canvasFull.height);
this.ctxMag.translate(-this.canvasMag.width, -this.canvasMag.height);
} else if (this.rotateStep === 3) {
this.resizeCanvas(height, width);
this.ctxFull.translate(-this.canvasFull.height, 0);
this.ctxMag.translate(-this.canvasMag.height, 0);
}, {
key: 'destroy',
value: function destroy() {
this.canvasFull = null;
this.ctxFull = null;
this.canvasTransfer = null;
this.ctxTransfer = null;
this.canvasMag = null;
this.ctxMag = null;
this.clipRect = null;
return ImgClip;
return ImgClip$1;
$(".crop-image").html('<div class="clip-content">\
<div class="upload-container choose-gallery" style="display: none">\
<div class="upload-pretty button-three-dimen">\
<input type="file" id="targetImg">本地上传\
<div class="upload-container choose-camera" style="display: none">\
<div class="upload-pretty button-three-dimen">\
<input type="file" id="targetImgCamera" accept="image/*" multiple>手机拍摄\
<div class="img-clip"></div>\
<nav class="clip-action nav-bar nav-bar-tab hidden">\
<a class="tab-item" id="btn-reload">\
<span class="mui-icon mui-icon-arrowleft tab-icon"></span>\
<span class="tab-label hidden">取消</span>\
<a class="tab-item " id="btn-rotate-anticlockwise">\
<span class="mui-icon mui-icon-refreshempty tab-icon rotate90"></span>\
<span class="tab-label hidden">逆时针旋转</span>\
<a class="tab-item " id="btn-rotate-clockwise">\
<span class="mui-icon mui-icon-refreshempty tab-icon"></span>\
<span class="tab-label hidden">顺时针旋转</span>\
<a class="tab-item hidden" id="btn-maxrect">\
<span class="mui-icon mui-icon-navigate tab-icon"></span>\
<span class="tab-label hidden">最大选择</span>\
<a class="tab-item" id="btn-verify">\
<span class="mui-icon mui-icon-checkmarkempty tab-icon"></span>\
<span class="tab-label hidden">确定</span>\
var chooseGallery;
var chooseCamera;
var cropImage;
var imgData;
var clipContent;
var clipAction;
var showContent;
var showImg;
var targetImg;
var targetImgCamera;
var successFile;
function initPage() {
function initParams() {
targetImg = document.querySelector('#targetImg');
targetImgCamera = document.querySelector('#targetImgCamera');
chooseGallery = document.querySelector('.choose-gallery');
chooseCamera = document.querySelector('.choose-camera');
clipContent = document.querySelector('.clip-content');
clipAction = document.querySelector('.clip-action');
showContent = document.querySelector('.show-content');
showImg = document.querySelector('.show-img');
function initImgClip() {
new FileInput({
container: '#targetImg',
isMulti: false,
type: 'Image_Camera',
success: function(b64, file, detail) {
// console.log("选择:" + b64);
console.log("fileName:" + file.name);
error: function(error) {
new FileInput({
container: '#targetImgCamera',
isMulti: false,
type: 'Camera',
success: function(b64, file, detail) {
// console.log("选择:" + b64);
console.log("fileName:" + file.name);
error: function(error) {
function loadImg(b64) {
var img = new Image();
img.src = b64;
img.onload = function() {
EXIF.getData(img, function() {
var orientation = EXIF.getTag(this, 'Orientation');
cropImage && cropImage.destroy();
cropImage = new ImageClip({
container: '.img-clip',
// 0代表按下才显示,1恒显示,-1不显示
sizeTipsStyle: 0,
// 为1一般是屏幕像素x2这个宽高
// 最终的大小为:屏幕像素*屏幕像素比(手机中一般为2)*compressScaleRatio
compressScaleRatio: 1.1,
// iphone中是否继续放大:x*iphoneFixedRatio
// 最好compressScaleRatio*iphoneFixedRatio不要超过2
iphoneFixedRatio: 1.8,
// 减去顶部间距,底部bar,以及显示间距
maxCssHeight: window.innerHeight - 100 - 50 - 20,
// 放大镜捕获的图像半径
captureRadius: 30,
// 是否采用原图像素(不会压缩)
isUseOriginSize: false,
// 增加最大宽度,增加后最大不会超过这个宽度
maxWidth: 0,
// 是否固定框高,优先级最大,设置后其余所有系数都无用直接使用这个固定的宽,高度自适应
forceWidth: 0,
// 同上,但是一般不建议设置,因为很可能会改变宽高比导致拉升,特殊场景下使用
forceHeight: 0,
// 压缩质量
quality: 0.92,
mime: 'image/jpeg',
// 6代表图片需要顺时针修复(默认逆时针处理了,所以需要顺过来修复)
switch (orientation) {
case 6:
function resizeShowImg(b64) {
var img = new Image();
img.src = b64;
img.onload = showImgOnload;
function showImgOnload() {
// 必须用一个新的图片加载,否则如果只用showImg的话永远都是第1张
// margin的话由于有样式,所以自动控制了
var width = this.width;
var height = this.height;
var wPerH = width / height;
var MAX_WIDTH = Math.min(window.innerWidth, width);
var MAX_HEIGHT = Math.min(window.innerHeight - 50 - 100, height);
var legalWidth = MAX_WIDTH;
var legalHeight = legalWidth / wPerH;
if (MAX_WIDTH && legalWidth > MAX_WIDTH) {
legalWidth = MAX_WIDTH;
legalHeight = legalWidth / wPerH;
if (MAX_HEIGHT && legalHeight > MAX_HEIGHT) {
legalHeight = MAX_HEIGHT;
legalWidth = legalHeight * wPerH;
var marginTop = (window.innerHeight - 50 - legalHeight) / 2;
showImg.style.marginTop = marginTop + 'px';
showImg.style.width = legalWidth + 'px';
showImg.style.height = legalHeight + 'px';
function changeImgClipShow(isClip) {
if (isClip) {
} else {
// 需要改变input,否则下一次无法change
targetImg.value = '';
targetImgCamera.value = '';
function initListeners() {
document.querySelector('#btn-reload').addEventListener('click', function() {
cropImage && cropImage.destroy();
// document.querySelector('#btn-back').addEventListener('click', function() {
// changeContent(false);
// });
// document.querySelector('#btn-save').addEventListener('click', function() {
// // downloadFile(imgData);
// upload(function() {
// tips('上传成功');
// });
// });
// document.querySelector('#btn-detail').addEventListener('click', function() {
// showImgDataLen(imgData);
// });
document.querySelector('#btn-maxrect').addEventListener('click', function() {
if (!cropImage) {
document.querySelector('#btn-rotate-anticlockwise').addEventListener('click', function() {
if (!cropImage) {
document.querySelector('#btn-rotate-clockwise').addEventListener('click', function() {
if (!cropImage) {
document.querySelector('#btn-verify').addEventListener('click', function() {
if (!cropImage) {
var isConfirm = confirm("是否裁剪图片并处理?");
if (isConfirm) {
imgData = cropImage.getClipImgData();
recognizeImg(function() {
}, function(error) {
tips(JSON.stringify(error), true);
function cropShow() {
$(".crop-image .clip-content").removeClass("hidden").show();
function cropStart() {
$(".crop-image #targetImgCamera").trigger("click");
function showImgDataLen(imgData) {
var len = imgData.length;
var sizeStr = len + 'B';
if (len > 1024 * 1024) {
sizeStr = (Math.round(len / (1024 * 1024))).toString() + 'MB';
} else if (len > 1024) {
sizeStr = (Math.round(len / 1024)).toString() + 'KB';
tips('处理后大小:' + sizeStr);
function tips(msg, isAlert) {
if (isAlert) {
} else {
function toast(message) {
var CLASS_ACTIVE = 'mui-active';
var duration = 2000;
var toastDiv = document.createElement('div');
toastDiv.innerHTML = `<div class="mui-toast-message">${message}</div>`;
toastDiv.addEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', () => {
if (!toastDiv.classList.contains(CLASS_ACTIVE)) {
toastDiv = null;
// 点击则自动消失
toastDiv.addEventListener('click', () => {
toastDiv = null;
setTimeout(function() {
toastDiv && toastDiv.classList.remove(CLASS_ACTIVE);
}, duration);
function changeContent(isShowContent) {
if (isShowContent) {
// showContent.classList.remove('hidden');
// resizeShowImg(imgData);
// showImg.src = imgData;
// console.log(imgData)
} else {
function b64ToBlob(urlData) {
var arr = urlData.split(',');
var mime = arr[0].match(/:(.*?);/)[1] || 'image/png';
// 去掉url的头,并转化为byte
var bytes = window.atob(arr[1]);
// 处理异常,将ascii码小于0的转换为大于0
var ab = new ArrayBuffer(bytes.length);
// 生成视图(直接针对内存):8位无符号整数,长度1个字节
var ia = new Uint8Array(ab);
for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
ia[i] = bytes.charCodeAt(i);
return new Blob([ab], {
type: mime
function downloadFile(content) {
// Convert image to 'octet-stream' (Just a download, really)
var imageObj = content.replace("image/jpeg", "image/octet-stream");
window.location.href = imageObj;
function recognizeImg(success, error) {
// 里面正常有:裁边,摆正,梯形矫正,锐化等算法操作
function upload(success, error) {
function dataURLtoFile(dataurl, filename) {
var arr = dataurl.split(','), mime = arr[0].match(/:(.*?);/)[1],
bstr = atob(arr[1]), n = bstr.length, u8arr = new Uint8Array(n);
u8arr[n] = bstr.charCodeAt(n);
return new File([u8arr], filename, {type:mime});
<div class="crop-image"></div>
$('input[type=file]').on('change', function () {
var reader = new FileReader()
reader.onload = function (e) {
var frontFile
var sideFile
function cropSuccess(base64,file) {
if(sessionStorage.pic == "front"){
frontFile = file
$(".frontPic").attr("src", base64)
frontPicFlag = true
}else if(sessionStorage.pic == "side"){
sideFile = file
$(".sidePic").attr("src", base64)
sidePicFlag = true
var formData = new FormData()