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COMP9120 Database Management Systems Assignment 2: Database Application Development

时间:2024-05-08 12:22:28浏览次数:31  
标签:Development COMP9120 database assignment Database Application Assignment your

COMP9120 Database Management Systems Assignment 2: Database Application Development Group assignment (15%) Introduction The objectives of this assignment are to gain practical experience in interacting with a relational database management system using an Application Programming Interface (API) (JDBC). This assignment additionally provides an opportunity to use more advanced features of a database such as functions. This is a group assignment for teams of 3 members. It is assumed that you will continue in your Assignment 1 group. You should inform the unit coordinator as soon as possible if you wish to change groups. Please also keep an eye on your email and any announcements that may be made on Ed wei: skyrainblue Task 1: The Fine Food Kitchen (FFK) System In this assignment, you will be working with the FFK system for staff use that you will be developing. The system requires work in numerous areas, including the interaction with the database. Your main task in this assignment is to handle requests for reads and writes to the database using your user interface (UI). We first describe the main features that the FFK System should include from a UI perspective, and then discuss where the majority of your database code needs to be implemented   Task 2: Functions Implementation Core Functionality In this assignment, you are provided with a Java skeleton project that must serve as the starting point for your assignment. Your task is to provide a complete implementation for the file PostgresRepositoryProvider.java, as well as make any modifications necessary to the database schema (i.e., FFKSchema.sql). Specifically, you need to modify and complete these five functions: 1. checkStaffLogin (for login) 2. findMenuItemsByStaff (for viewing menu items list) 3. findMenuItemsByCriteria (for finding menu items) 4. addMenuItem (for adding menu item) 5. updateMenuItem (for updating menu item) wei: skyrainblue

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/zhaopeng938/p/18179405


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