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Reflective journal II

时间:2024-04-20 12:55:54浏览次数:17  
标签:her show journal through II video Reflective presentation more

(1)First of all,I need to choose a people to presentate.Then,I chose some aspects of her and wrote down detailed discription of these.At the same time,I asked her whether her mind being presentated.I flipped through my album but could not find any photos with her.It occurs to me that we met when we were high school when we did't have phone.Therefore, I asked her for some photos.And then I found a PPT template and integrated my content into it.At last,I read it thoroughly and made the presentation.
(2)I used some switching effects to make it more beautiful.But I forgot to add a soothing music,which would make it better.Besides,I found a video on New Year's Eve in high school,which is about her dancing in front of the whole class.It's a pity that they doesn't added.
(3)During the presentation,I consider that it is overcoming shyness that is the most challenging thing for me.What's more,how to show our friendship well is also difficult.
(4)From this presentation,I learned that I should record pleasant memories with friends and families regularly.Additionally,It would be better to check it one more time to prevent omissions.
(5)Compared with traditional composing,doing a video presentation is more vivid and engaging.With video presentations,you can bring your ideas to life through visuals, audio, and motion.Video presentations are also more dynamic than traditional composing.You can also use video editing techniques to highlight key points or to create a more professional look and feel.
(6)I like this type of DMC.It really makes my work more efficient and convenient.What's more,I can show what I want to show better and more vividly with it through adding music,video and so on.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/jiangxishifan/p/18147584


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