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时间:2024-04-17 10:24:36浏览次数:37  
标签:function demo 压缩 value options var type image 图片

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    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <!-- <script src="https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/compressorjs/1.2.1/compressor.common.js"></script> -->
        <!-- <input
  accept="image/png, image/jpeg, image/jpg"
/> -->
<input type="button" id="uploadBtn" value="请添加图片">
<input type="file" id="fileInput" style="display:none;">
 * Compressor.js v1.2.1
 * https://fengyuanchen.github.io/compressorjs
 * Copyright 2018-present Chen Fengyuan
 * Released under the MIT license
 * Date: 2023-02-28T14:09:41.732Z

'use strict';

function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) {
  var keys = Object.keys(object);
  if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
    var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object);
    enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) {
      return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable;
    })), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols);
  return keys;
function _objectSpread2(target) {
  for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
    var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {};
    i % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(source), !0).forEach(function (key) {
      _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]);
    }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) {
      Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key));
  return target;
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {
  if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {
    throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function _defineProperties(target, props) {
  for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
    var descriptor = props[i];
    descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
    descriptor.configurable = true;
    if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;
    Object.defineProperty(target, _toPropertyKey(descriptor.key), descriptor);
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
  if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
  if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
  Object.defineProperty(Constructor, "prototype", {
    writable: false
  return Constructor;
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) {
  key = _toPropertyKey(key);
  if (key in obj) {
    Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
      value: value,
      enumerable: true,
      configurable: true,
      writable: true
  } else {
    obj[key] = value;
  return obj;
function _extends() {
  _extends = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function (target) {
    for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
      var source = arguments[i];
      for (var key in source) {
        if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {
          target[key] = source[key];
    return target;
  return _extends.apply(this, arguments);
function _toPrimitive(input, hint) {
  if (typeof input !== "object" || input === null) return input;
  var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive];
  if (prim !== undefined) {
    var res = prim.call(input, hint || "default");
    if (typeof res !== "object") return res;
    throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.");
  return (hint === "string" ? String : Number)(input);
function _toPropertyKey(arg) {
  var key = _toPrimitive(arg, "string");
  return typeof key === "symbol" ? key : String(key);

var canvasToBlob = {exports: {}};

 * JavaScript Canvas to Blob
 * https://github.com/blueimp/JavaScript-Canvas-to-Blob
 * Copyright 2012, Sebastian Tschan
 * https://blueimp.net
 * Licensed under the MIT license:
 * https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
 * Based on stackoverflow user Stoive's code snippet:
 * http://stackoverflow.com/q/4998908
(function (module) {
  if (typeof window === 'undefined') {
  (function (window) {

    var CanvasPrototype = window.HTMLCanvasElement && window.HTMLCanvasElement.prototype;
    var hasBlobConstructor = window.Blob && function () {
      try {
        return Boolean(new Blob());
      } catch (e) {
        return false;
    var hasArrayBufferViewSupport = hasBlobConstructor && window.Uint8Array && function () {
      try {
        return new Blob([new Uint8Array(100)]).size === 100;
      } catch (e) {
        return false;
    var BlobBuilder = window.BlobBuilder || window.WebKitBlobBuilder || window.MozBlobBuilder || window.MSBlobBuilder;
    var dataURIPattern = /^data:((.*?)(;charset=.*?)?)(;base64)?,/;
    var dataURLtoBlob = (hasBlobConstructor || BlobBuilder) && window.atob && window.ArrayBuffer && window.Uint8Array && function (dataURI) {
      var matches, mediaType, isBase64, dataString, byteString, arrayBuffer, intArray, i, bb;
      // Parse the dataURI components as per RFC 2397
      matches = dataURI.match(dataURIPattern);
      if (!matches) {
        throw new Error('invalid data URI');
      // Default to text/plain;charset=US-ASCII
      mediaType = matches[2] ? matches[1] : 'text/plain' + (matches[3] || ';charset=US-ASCII');
      isBase64 = !!matches[4];
      dataString = dataURI.slice(matches[0].length);
      if (isBase64) {
        // Convert base64 to raw binary data held in a string:
        byteString = atob(dataString);
      } else {
        // Convert base64/URLEncoded data component to raw binary:
        byteString = decodeURIComponent(dataString);
      // Write the bytes of the string to an ArrayBuffer:
      arrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(byteString.length);
      intArray = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
      for (i = 0; i < byteString.length; i += 1) {
        intArray[i] = byteString.charCodeAt(i);
      // Write the ArrayBuffer (or ArrayBufferView) to a blob:
      if (hasBlobConstructor) {
        return new Blob([hasArrayBufferViewSupport ? intArray : arrayBuffer], {
          type: mediaType
      bb = new BlobBuilder();
      return bb.getBlob(mediaType);
    if (window.HTMLCanvasElement && !CanvasPrototype.toBlob) {
      if (CanvasPrototype.mozGetAsFile) {
        CanvasPrototype.toBlob = function (callback, type, quality) {
          var self = this;
          setTimeout(function () {
            if (quality && CanvasPrototype.toDataURL && dataURLtoBlob) {
              callback(dataURLtoBlob(self.toDataURL(type, quality)));
            } else {
              callback(self.mozGetAsFile('blob', type));
      } else if (CanvasPrototype.toDataURL && dataURLtoBlob) {
        if (CanvasPrototype.msToBlob) {
          CanvasPrototype.toBlob = function (callback, type, quality) {
            var self = this;
            setTimeout(function () {
              if ((type && type !== 'image/png' || quality) && CanvasPrototype.toDataURL && dataURLtoBlob) {
                callback(dataURLtoBlob(self.toDataURL(type, quality)));
              } else {
        } else {
          CanvasPrototype.toBlob = function (callback, type, quality) {
            var self = this;
            setTimeout(function () {
              callback(dataURLtoBlob(self.toDataURL(type, quality)));
    if (module.exports) {
      module.exports = dataURLtoBlob;
    } else {
      window.dataURLtoBlob = dataURLtoBlob;
var toBlob = canvasToBlob.exports;

var isBlob = function isBlob(value) {
  if (typeof Blob === 'undefined') {
    return false;
  return value instanceof Blob || Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === '[object Blob]';

var DEFAULTS = {
   * Indicates if output the original image instead of the compressed one
   * when the size of the compressed image is greater than the original one's
   * @type {boolean}
  strict: true,
   * Indicates if read the image's Exif Orientation information,
   * and then rotate or flip the image automatically.
   * @type {boolean}
  checkOrientation: true,
   * Indicates if retain the image's Exif information after compressed.
   * @type {boolean}
  retainExif: false,
   * The max width of the output image.
   * @type {number}
  maxWidth: Infinity,
   * The max height of the output image.
   * @type {number}
  maxHeight: Infinity,
   * The min width of the output image.
   * @type {number}
  minWidth: 0,
   * The min height of the output image.
   * @type {number}
  minHeight: 0,
   * The width of the output image.
   * If not specified, the natural width of the source image will be used.
   * @type {number}
  width: undefined,
   * The height of the output image.
   * If not specified, the natural height of the source image will be used.
   * @type {number}
  height: undefined,
   * Sets how the size of the image should be resized to the container
   * specified by the `width` and `height` options.
   * @type {string}
  resize: 'none',
   * The quality of the output image.
   * It must be a number between `0` and `1`,
   * and only available for `image/jpeg` and `image/webp` images.
   * Check out {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLCanvasElement/toBlob canvas.toBlob}.
   * @type {number}
  quality: 0.8,
   * The mime type of the output image.
   * By default, the original mime type of the source image file will be used.
   * @type {string}
  mimeType: 'auto',
   * Files whose file type is included in this list,
   * and whose file size exceeds the `convertSize` value will be converted to JPEGs.
   * @type {string|Array}
  convertTypes: ['image/png'],
   * PNG files over this size (5 MB by default) will be converted to JPEGs.
   * To disable this, just set the value to `Infinity`.
   * @type {number}
  convertSize: 5000000,
   * The hook function to execute before draw the image into the canvas for compression.
   * @type {Function}
   * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context - The 2d rendering context of the canvas.
   * @param {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas - The canvas for compression.
   * @example
   * function (context, canvas) {
   *   context.fillStyle = '#fff';
   * }
  beforeDraw: null,
   * The hook function to execute after drew the image into the canvas for compression.
   * @type {Function}
   * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context - The 2d rendering context of the canvas.
   * @param {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas - The canvas for compression.
   * @example
   * function (context, canvas) {
   *   context.filter = 'grayscale(100%)';
   * }
  drew: null,
   * The hook function to execute when success to compress the image.
   * @type {Function}
   * @param {File} file - The compressed image File object.
   * @example
   * function (file) {
   *   console.log(file);
   * }
  success: null,
   * The hook function to execute when fail to compress the image.
   * @type {Function}
   * @param {Error} err - An Error object.
   * @example
   * function (err) {
   *   console.log(err.message);
   * }
  error: null

var IS_BROWSER = typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.document !== 'undefined';
var WINDOW = IS_BROWSER ? window : {};

 * Check if the given value is a positive number.
 * @param {*} value - The value to check.
 * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the given value is a positive number, else `false`.
var isPositiveNumber = function isPositiveNumber(value) {
  return value > 0 && value < Infinity;
var slice = Array.prototype.slice;

 * Convert array-like or iterable object to an array.
 * @param {*} value - The value to convert.
 * @returns {Array} Returns a new array.
function toArray(value) {
  return Array.from ? Array.from(value) : slice.call(value);
var REGEXP_IMAGE_TYPE = /^image\/.+$/;

 * Check if the given value is a mime type of image.
 * @param {*} value - The value to check.
 * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the given is a mime type of image, else `false`.
function isImageType(value) {
  return REGEXP_IMAGE_TYPE.test(value);

 * Convert image type to extension.
 * @param {string} value - The image type to convert.
 * @returns {boolean} Returns the image extension.
function imageTypeToExtension(value) {
  var extension = isImageType(value) ? value.substr(6) : '';
  if (extension === 'jpeg') {
    extension = 'jpg';
  return ".".concat(extension);
var fromCharCode = String.fromCharCode;

 * Get string from char code in data view.
 * @param {DataView} dataView - The data view for read.
 * @param {number} start - The start index.
 * @param {number} length - The read length.
 * @returns {string} The read result.
function getStringFromCharCode(dataView, start, length) {
  var str = '';
  var i;
  length += start;
  for (i = start; i < length; i += 1) {
    str += fromCharCode(dataView.getUint8(i));
  return str;
var btoa = WINDOW.btoa;

 * Transform array buffer to Data URL.
 * @param {ArrayBuffer} arrayBuffer - The array buffer to transform.
 * @param {string} mimeType - The mime type of the Data URL.
 * @returns {string} The result Data URL.
function arrayBufferToDataURL(arrayBuffer, mimeType) {
  var chunks = [];
  var chunkSize = 8192;
  var uint8 = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
  while (uint8.length > 0) {
    // XXX: Babel's `toConsumableArray` helper will throw error in IE or Safari 9
    // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-spread
    chunks.push(fromCharCode.apply(null, toArray(uint8.subarray(0, chunkSize))));
    uint8 = uint8.subarray(chunkSize);
  return "data:".concat(mimeType, ";base64,").concat(btoa(chunks.join('')));

 * Get orientation value from given array buffer.
 * @param {ArrayBuffer} arrayBuffer - The array buffer to read.
 * @returns {number} The read orientation value.
function resetAndGetOrientation(arrayBuffer) {
  var dataView = new DataView(arrayBuffer);
  var orientation;

  // Ignores range error when the image does not have correct Exif information
  try {
    var littleEndian;
    var app1Start;
    var ifdStart;

    // Only handle JPEG image (start by 0xFFD8)
    if (dataView.getUint8(0) === 0xFF && dataView.getUint8(1) === 0xD8) {
      var length = dataView.byteLength;
      var offset = 2;
      while (offset + 1 < length) {
        if (dataView.getUint8(offset) === 0xFF && dataView.getUint8(offset + 1) === 0xE1) {
          app1Start = offset;
        offset += 1;
    if (app1Start) {
      var exifIDCode = app1Start + 4;
      var tiffOffset = app1Start + 10;
      if (getStringFromCharCode(dataView, exifIDCode, 4) === 'Exif') {
        var endianness = dataView.getUint16(tiffOffset);
        littleEndian = endianness === 0x4949;
        if (littleEndian || endianness === 0x4D4D /* bigEndian */) {
          if (dataView.getUint16(tiffOffset + 2, littleEndian) === 0x002A) {
            var firstIFDOffset = dataView.getUint32(tiffOffset + 4, littleEndian);
            if (firstIFDOffset >= 0x00000008) {
              ifdStart = tiffOffset + firstIFDOffset;
    if (ifdStart) {
      var _length = dataView.getUint16(ifdStart, littleEndian);
      var _offset;
      var i;
      for (i = 0; i < _length; i += 1) {
        _offset = ifdStart + i * 12 + 2;
        if (dataView.getUint16(_offset, littleEndian) === 0x0112 /* Orientation */) {
          // 8 is the offset of the current tag's value
          _offset += 8;

          // Get the original orientation value
          orientation = dataView.getUint16(_offset, littleEndian);

          // Override the orientation with its default value
          dataView.setUint16(_offset, 1, littleEndian);
  } catch (e) {
    orientation = 1;
  return orientation;

 * Parse Exif Orientation value.
 * @param {number} orientation - The orientation to parse.
 * @returns {Object} The parsed result.
function parseOrientation(orientation) {
  var rotate = 0;
  var scaleX = 1;
  var scaleY = 1;
  switch (orientation) {
    // Flip horizontal
    case 2:
      scaleX = -1;

    // Rotate left 180°
    case 3:
      rotate = -180;

    // Flip vertical
    case 4:
      scaleY = -1;

    // Flip vertical and rotate right 90°
    case 5:
      rotate = 90;
      scaleY = -1;

    // Rotate right 90°
    case 6:
      rotate = 90;

    // Flip horizontal and rotate right 90°
    case 7:
      rotate = 90;
      scaleX = -1;

    // Rotate left 90°
    case 8:
      rotate = -90;
  return {
    rotate: rotate,
    scaleX: scaleX,
    scaleY: scaleY
var REGEXP_DECIMALS = /\.\d*(?:0|9){12}\d*$/;

 * Normalize decimal number.
 * Check out {@link https://0.30000000000000004.com/}
 * @param {number} value - The value to normalize.
 * @param {number} [times=100000000000] - The times for normalizing.
 * @returns {number} Returns the normalized number.
function normalizeDecimalNumber(value) {
  var times = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 100000000000;
  return REGEXP_DECIMALS.test(value) ? Math.round(value * times) / times : value;

 * Get the max sizes in a rectangle under the given aspect ratio.
 * @param {Object} data - The original sizes.
 * @param {string} [type='contain'] - The adjust type.
 * @returns {Object} The result sizes.
function getAdjustedSizes(_ref) {
  var aspectRatio = _ref.aspectRatio,
    height = _ref.height,
    width = _ref.width;
  var type = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 'none';
  var isValidWidth = isPositiveNumber(width);
  var isValidHeight = isPositiveNumber(height);
  if (isValidWidth && isValidHeight) {
    var adjustedWidth = height * aspectRatio;
    if ((type === 'contain' || type === 'none') && adjustedWidth > width || type === 'cover' && adjustedWidth < width) {
      height = width / aspectRatio;
    } else {
      width = height * aspectRatio;
  } else if (isValidWidth) {
    height = width / aspectRatio;
  } else if (isValidHeight) {
    width = height * aspectRatio;
  return {
    width: width,
    height: height

 * Get Exif information from the given array buffer.
 * @param {ArrayBuffer} arrayBuffer - The array buffer to read.
 * @returns {Array} The read Exif information.
function getExif(arrayBuffer) {
  var array = toArray(new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer));
  var length = array.length;
  var segments = [];
  var start = 0;
  while (start + 3 < length) {
    var value = array[start];
    var next = array[start + 1];

    // SOS (Start of Scan)
    if (value === 0xFF && next === 0xDA) {

    // SOI (Start of Image)
    if (value === 0xFF && next === 0xD8) {
      start += 2;
    } else {
      var offset = array[start + 2] * 256 + array[start + 3];
      var end = start + offset + 2;
      var segment = array.slice(start, end);
      start = end;
  return segments.reduce(function (exifArray, current) {
    if (current[0] === 0xFF && current[1] === 0xE1) {
      return exifArray.concat(current);
    return exifArray;
  }, []);

 * Insert Exif information into the given array buffer.
 * @param {ArrayBuffer} arrayBuffer - The array buffer to transform.
 * @param {Array} exifArray - The Exif information to insert.
 * @returns {ArrayBuffer} The transformed array buffer.
function insertExif(arrayBuffer, exifArray) {
  var array = toArray(new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer));
  if (array[2] !== 0xFF || array[3] !== 0xE0) {
    return arrayBuffer;
  var app0Length = array[4] * 256 + array[5];
  var newArrayBuffer = [0xFF, 0xD8].concat(exifArray, array.slice(4 + app0Length));
  return new Uint8Array(newArrayBuffer);

var ArrayBuffer$1 = WINDOW.ArrayBuffer,
  FileReader = WINDOW.FileReader;
var REGEXP_EXTENSION = /\.\w+$/;
var AnotherCompressor = WINDOW.Compressor;

 * Creates a new image compressor.
 * @class
var Compressor = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
   * The constructor of Compressor.
   * @param {File|Blob} file - The target image file for compressing.
   * @param {Object} [options] - The options for compressing.
  function Compressor(file, options) {
    _classCallCheck(this, Compressor);
    this.file = file;
    this.exif = [];
    this.image = new Image();
    this.options = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, DEFAULTS), options);
    this.aborted = false;
    this.result = null;
  _createClass(Compressor, [{
    key: "init",
    value: function init() {
      var _this = this;
      var file = this.file,
        options = this.options;
      if (!isBlob(file)) {
        this.fail(new Error('The first argument must be a File or Blob object.'));
      var mimeType = file.type;
      if (!isImageType(mimeType)) {
        this.fail(new Error('The first argument must be an image File or Blob object.'));
      if (!URL || !FileReader) {
        this.fail(new Error('The current browser does not support image compression.'));
      if (!ArrayBuffer$1) {
        options.checkOrientation = false;
        options.retainExif = false;
      var isJPEGImage = mimeType === 'image/jpeg';
      var checkOrientation = isJPEGImage && options.checkOrientation;
      var retainExif = isJPEGImage && options.retainExif;
      if (URL && !checkOrientation && !retainExif) {
          url: URL.createObjectURL(file)
      } else {
        var reader = new FileReader();
        this.reader = reader;
        reader.onload = function (_ref) {
          var target = _ref.target;
          var result = target.result;
          var data = {};
          var orientation = 1;
          if (checkOrientation) {
            // Reset the orientation value to its default value 1
            // as some iOS browsers will render image with its orientation
            orientation = resetAndGetOrientation(result);
            if (orientation > 1) {
              _extends(data, parseOrientation(orientation));
          if (retainExif) {
            _this.exif = getExif(result);
          if (checkOrientation || retainExif) {
            if (!URL

            // Generate a new URL with the default orientation value 1.
            || orientation > 1) {
              data.url = arrayBufferToDataURL(result, mimeType);
            } else {
              data.url = URL.createObjectURL(file);
          } else {
            data.url = result;
        reader.onabort = function () {
          _this.fail(new Error('Aborted to read the image with FileReader.'));
        reader.onerror = function () {
          _this.fail(new Error('Failed to read the image with FileReader.'));
        reader.onloadend = function () {
          _this.reader = null;
        if (checkOrientation || retainExif) {
        } else {
  }, {
    key: "load",
    value: function load(data) {
      var _this2 = this;
      var file = this.file,
        image = this.image;
      image.onload = function () {
        _this2.draw(_objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, data), {}, {
          naturalWidth: image.naturalWidth,
          naturalHeight: image.naturalHeight
      image.onabort = function () {
        _this2.fail(new Error('Aborted to load the image.'));
      image.onerror = function () {
        _this2.fail(new Error('Failed to load the image.'));

      // Match all browsers that use WebKit as the layout engine in iOS devices,
      // such as Safari for iOS, Chrome for iOS, and in-app browsers.
      if (WINDOW.navigator && /(?:iPad|iPhone|iPod).*?AppleWebKit/i.test(WINDOW.navigator.userAgent)) {
        // Fix the `The operation is insecure` error (#57)
        image.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
      image.alt = file.name;
      image.src = data.url;
  }, {
    key: "draw",
    value: function draw(_ref2) {
      var _this3 = this;
      var naturalWidth = _ref2.naturalWidth,
        naturalHeight = _ref2.naturalHeight,
        _ref2$rotate = _ref2.rotate,
        rotate = _ref2$rotate === void 0 ? 0 : _ref2$rotate,
        _ref2$scaleX = _ref2.scaleX,
        scaleX = _ref2$scaleX === void 0 ? 1 : _ref2$scaleX,
        _ref2$scaleY = _ref2.scaleY,
        scaleY = _ref2$scaleY === void 0 ? 1 : _ref2$scaleY;
      var file = this.file,
        image = this.image,
        options = this.options;
      var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
      var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
      var is90DegreesRotated = Math.abs(rotate) % 180 === 90;
      var resizable = (options.resize === 'contain' || options.resize === 'cover') && isPositiveNumber(options.width) && isPositiveNumber(options.height);
      var maxWidth = Math.max(options.maxWidth, 0) || Infinity;
      var maxHeight = Math.max(options.maxHeight, 0) || Infinity;
      var minWidth = Math.max(options.minWidth, 0) || 0;
      var minHeight = Math.max(options.minHeight, 0) || 0;
      var aspectRatio = naturalWidth / naturalHeight;
      var width = options.width,
        height = options.height;
      if (is90DegreesRotated) {
        var _ref3 = [maxHeight, maxWidth];
        maxWidth = _ref3[0];
        maxHeight = _ref3[1];
        var _ref4 = [minHeight, minWidth];
        minWidth = _ref4[0];
        minHeight = _ref4[1];
        var _ref5 = [height, width];
        width = _ref5[0];
        height = _ref5[1];
      if (resizable) {
        aspectRatio = width / height;
      var _getAdjustedSizes = getAdjustedSizes({
        aspectRatio: aspectRatio,
        width: maxWidth,
        height: maxHeight
      }, 'contain');
      maxWidth = _getAdjustedSizes.width;
      maxHeight = _getAdjustedSizes.height;
      var _getAdjustedSizes2 = getAdjustedSizes({
        aspectRatio: aspectRatio,
        width: minWidth,
        height: minHeight
      }, 'cover');
      minWidth = _getAdjustedSizes2.width;
      minHeight = _getAdjustedSizes2.height;
      if (resizable) {
        var _getAdjustedSizes3 = getAdjustedSizes({
          aspectRatio: aspectRatio,
          width: width,
          height: height
        }, options.resize);
        width = _getAdjustedSizes3.width;
        height = _getAdjustedSizes3.height;
      } else {
        var _getAdjustedSizes4 = getAdjustedSizes({
          aspectRatio: aspectRatio,
          width: width,
          height: height
        var _getAdjustedSizes4$wi = _getAdjustedSizes4.width;
        width = _getAdjustedSizes4$wi === void 0 ? naturalWidth : _getAdjustedSizes4$wi;
        var _getAdjustedSizes4$he = _getAdjustedSizes4.height;
        height = _getAdjustedSizes4$he === void 0 ? naturalHeight : _getAdjustedSizes4$he;
      width = Math.floor(normalizeDecimalNumber(Math.min(Math.max(width, minWidth), maxWidth)));
      height = Math.floor(normalizeDecimalNumber(Math.min(Math.max(height, minHeight), maxHeight)));
      var destX = -width / 2;
      var destY = -height / 2;
      var destWidth = width;
      var destHeight = height;
      var params = [];
      if (resizable) {
        var srcX = 0;
        var srcY = 0;
        var srcWidth = naturalWidth;
        var srcHeight = naturalHeight;
        var _getAdjustedSizes5 = getAdjustedSizes({
          aspectRatio: aspectRatio,
          width: naturalWidth,
          height: naturalHeight
        }, {
          contain: 'cover',
          cover: 'contain'
        srcWidth = _getAdjustedSizes5.width;
        srcHeight = _getAdjustedSizes5.height;
        srcX = (naturalWidth - srcWidth) / 2;
        srcY = (naturalHeight - srcHeight) / 2;
        params.push(srcX, srcY, srcWidth, srcHeight);
      params.push(destX, destY, destWidth, destHeight);
      if (is90DegreesRotated) {
        var _ref6 = [height, width];
        width = _ref6[0];
        height = _ref6[1];
      canvas.width = width;
      canvas.height = height;
      if (!isImageType(options.mimeType)) {
        options.mimeType = file.type;
      var fillStyle = 'transparent';

      // Converts PNG files over the `convertSize` to JPEGs.
      if (file.size > options.convertSize && options.convertTypes.indexOf(options.mimeType) >= 0) {
        options.mimeType = 'image/jpeg';
      var isJPEGImage = options.mimeType === 'image/jpeg';
      if (isJPEGImage) {
        fillStyle = '#fff';

      // Override the default fill color (#000, black)
      context.fillStyle = fillStyle;
      context.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
      if (options.beforeDraw) {
        options.beforeDraw.call(this, context, canvas);
      if (this.aborted) {
      context.translate(width / 2, height / 2);
      context.rotate(rotate * Math.PI / 180);
      context.scale(scaleX, scaleY);
      context.drawImage.apply(context, [image].concat(params));
      if (options.drew) {
        options.drew.call(this, context, canvas);
      if (this.aborted) {
      var callback = function callback(blob) {
        if (!_this3.aborted) {
          var done = function done(result) {
            return _this3.done({
              naturalWidth: naturalWidth,
              naturalHeight: naturalHeight,
              result: result
          if (blob && isJPEGImage && options.retainExif && _this3.exif && _this3.exif.length > 0) {
            var next = function next(arrayBuffer) {
              return done(toBlob(arrayBufferToDataURL(insertExif(arrayBuffer, _this3.exif), options.mimeType)));
            if (blob.arrayBuffer) {
              blob.arrayBuffer().then(next).catch(function () {
                _this3.fail(new Error('Failed to read the compressed image with Blob.arrayBuffer().'));
            } else {
              var reader = new FileReader();
              _this3.reader = reader;
              reader.onload = function (_ref7) {
                var target = _ref7.target;
              reader.onabort = function () {
                _this3.fail(new Error('Aborted to read the compressed image with FileReader.'));
              reader.onerror = function () {
                _this3.fail(new Error('Failed to read the compressed image with FileReader.'));
              reader.onloadend = function () {
                _this3.reader = null;
          } else {
      if (canvas.toBlob) {
        canvas.toBlob(callback, options.mimeType, options.quality);
      } else {
        callback(toBlob(canvas.toDataURL(options.mimeType, options.quality)));
  }, {
    key: "done",
    value: function done(_ref8) {
      var naturalWidth = _ref8.naturalWidth,
        naturalHeight = _ref8.naturalHeight,
        result = _ref8.result;
      var file = this.file,
        image = this.image,
        options = this.options;
      if (URL && image.src.indexOf('blob:') === 0) {
      if (result) {
        // Returns original file if the result is greater than it and without size related options
        if (options.strict && !options.retainExif && result.size > file.size && options.mimeType === file.type && !(options.width > naturalWidth || options.height > naturalHeight || options.minWidth > naturalWidth || options.minHeight > naturalHeight || options.maxWidth < naturalWidth || options.maxHeight < naturalHeight)) {
          result = file;
        } else {
          var date = new Date();
          result.lastModified = date.getTime();
          result.lastModifiedDate = date;
          result.name = file.name;

          // Convert the extension to match its type
          if (result.name && result.type !== file.type) {
            result.name = result.name.replace(REGEXP_EXTENSION, imageTypeToExtension(result.type));
      } else {
        // Returns original file if the result is null in some cases.
        result = file;
      this.result = result;
      if (options.success) {
        options.success.call(this, result);
  }, {
    key: "fail",
    value: function fail(err) {
      var options = this.options;
      if (options.error) {
        options.error.call(this, err);
      } else {
        throw err;
  }, {
    key: "abort",
    value: function abort() {
      if (!this.aborted) {
        this.aborted = true;
        if (this.reader) {
        } else if (!this.image.complete) {
          this.image.onload = null;
        } else {
          this.fail(new Error('The compression process has been aborted.'));

     * Get the no conflict compressor class.
     * @returns {Compressor} The compressor class.
  }], [{
    key: "noConflict",
    value: function noConflict() {
      window.Compressor = AnotherCompressor;
      return Compressor;

     * Change the default options.
     * @param {Object} options - The new default options.
  }, {
    key: "setDefaults",
    value: function setDefaults(options) {
      _extends(DEFAULTS, options);
  return Compressor;

// import Compressor from './path/to/compressor.js';
document.getElementById('uploadBtn').onclick = function() {

     * 上传前针对图片进行压缩事件
     * @param {*} file 传入的文件
//   function   onBeforeRead (file) {
//      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
//        new Compressor(file, {
//          //压缩质量, 0-1
//         //  quality: 0.6,
//         //  //转换的类型,默认为 image/png
//         // //  convertTypes: ['image/jpeg','image/png'],
//         //  convertTypes: 'image/png',
//         //  //需要压缩的起始大小,默认10M, 5 * 1000 * 1000
//         //  convertSize: 5000000,
//          //压缩成功后处理
//           strict: true,
//           checkOrientation: true,
//           retainExif: false,
//           maxWidth: 5000,
//           maxHeight: 5000,
//           minWidth: 0,
//           minHeight: 0,
//           width: undefined,
//           height: undefined,
//           resize: 'none',
//           quality: 0.1,
//           mimeType: '',
//           convertTypes: ['image/jpeg','image/png'],
//           convertSize: 1000,
//          success(result) {
//            resolve(result);
//          },
//          error(err) {
//            console.log(err.message);
//            reject()
//          },
//        });
//      });
//    }

function downloadBlob(blob, filename) {
    // 创建一个Blob URL
    const blobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
    // 创建一个a元素,用于触发下载
    const downloadLink = document.createElement('a');
    downloadLink.href = blobUrl;
    downloadLink.download = filename;
    // 触发下载
    // 清理并移除元素和Blob URL
// 监听文件选择事件
document.getElementById('fileInput').onchange = function() {
    var file = this.files[0];
    new Compressor(file, {
         //压缩质量, 0-1
        //  quality: 0.6,
        //  //转换的类型,默认为 image/png
        // //  convertTypes: ['image/jpeg','image/png'],
        //  convertTypes: 'image/png',
        //  //需要压缩的起始大小,默认10M, 5 * 1000 * 1000
        //  convertSize: 5000000,
          strict: true,
          checkOrientation: true,
          retainExif: false,
          maxWidth: 5000,
          maxHeight: 5000,
          minWidth: 0,
          minHeight: 0,
          width: undefined,
          height: undefined,
          resize: 'none',
          quality: 0.1,
          mimeType: '',
          convertTypes: ['image/jpeg','image/png'],
          convertSize: 1000,
          success: function success(result) {
        //    resolve(result);
        var browserType="";//将浏览器类型存储在缓存中,0-非ie  非ie浏览器需要将查询结果加密后返回前台再进行解密
        if(window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') != -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Trident") > 0){
		browserType = 1
	}else {
		browserType = 0
    if (browserType == 1) {
          window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(result, result.name);

         downloadBlob(result, result.name)
        //  error(err) {
        //    console.log(err.message);
        //    reject()
        //  }
//     onBeforeRead(file).then((res) => {
//           console.log(res);
//           // window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(res, res.name);
//     // const blob = new Blob(["Hello, world!"], { type: "text/plain" });
//     // File为blob的子类,将转换后的blob变成传值需要的file类型
//     //  let fileRes = new File([res],res.name, {type: res.type});
//         //  file.raw=res
//         //  file.name=res.name
//         //  file.size=res.size
//  window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(res, res.name);
//     // 处理文件
//        }
//       ).catch((err) => {
//           console.log(err);
//         }
//       )
    console.log('File name: ' + file.name);


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaobaizitaibai/p/18139939


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