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时间:2024-04-14 17:12:59浏览次数:19  
标签: 文化 外来文化 national foreign culture 民族

Foreign culture has great effect on Chinese culture. Does the advantage of such effect outweigh the disadvantage or does the disadvantage outweigh the advantage?








Max Weber told you that the Western world nowadays uses super-cultural coercive means to forcefully promote itself, making other cultures dependent on it and eventually completely attached to it.But the Chinese people told you that as long as you are confident enough in the Chinese culture, no matter how many foreign cultures, they will only become a good medicine for the Chinese people to learn from each other and strengthen themselves.
If you really understand, not all foreign things are aggression, and many infiltrations happen naturally. But where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and in the disputes, it is inevitable to bully the strong.We cannot close our doors, but we must avoid cultural hegemony.
For a long time, the Chinese civilization has exchanged and learned from other civilizations in the world, contributing profound ideological systems, rich achievements in science, technology, culture and art, and unique systems to the world, which has profoundly affected the progress of world civilization.China's ancient agricultural technology, the "Four Great Inventions", silk, porcelain, pig iron and steel making technology, etc. have distinct originality in the history of world civilization.These major achievements show China's outstanding contributions to the progress of human civilization in the long history, and also show the peaceful character of the Chinese nation, the inclusive characteristics of the Chinese nation, and the great country attitude of the Chinese nation. Because it has been reminding us, full of confidence unswervingly go their own way, but the first step in all solutions is to firmly believe in culture.
The Han nationality is the tolerance of multi-ethnic cultures within the territory of the Han Dynasty, from the beginning of the sea of rivers, to the later schools of thought, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism Q can also learn from each other, plus the evolution of the historical process, many ethnic minority cultures are also integrated in public, jointly constituting the national culture of China!Developed to now, the sea of rivers of Chinese culture can be more incisive and vivid, and many national cultures and foreign cultures have a lot in common, even if there are contradictions, you can also keep black and know white, the so-called dialectical one side to look at, is also beneficial!Therefore, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages! With foreign culture as a reference, if foreign culture is better than national culture to a large extent, it will expose the deficiencies of national culture, prompt us to analyze the deficiencies in depth, and explore the way to improve;If national culture is better than foreign culture to a large extent, it will also let us further enhance the sense of national honor and confidence, which is also one of the manifestations of national cultural progress.


最后 我还是重申一下我方的观点:我方认为:外来文化对民族文化的发展弊大于利!

Look at the opposition's point of view (Conclusion: foreign culture does more harm than good)
First of all, the so-called national culture refers to the national culture created by the nation in the process of its historical development.The development of culture can not only be measured by the progress of science and technology and the abundance of material, but the development of national culture should be emphasized on the premise of inheriting and carrying forward the national characteristics.Foreign culture under his thin layer of sugarcoating, like a fierce shell seriously impacting the development of our national culture.Let's take a look at the consequences of foreign culture as a commodity in bulk.The invasion of money worship has misled the values of many generations, blindly worshiping the foreign, Europe and the United States is the paradise, the moon is rounder abroad, when the concepts sent by these foreign cultures are prevalent, our sense of national superiority and national pride have suffered an unprecedented blow, please, how can a nation without national superiority and national pride develop its national culture?!Secondly, everything has its own development laws.National culture has its own roots and environment, foreign culture has a very different roots and development laws, and ask fundamentally, is the invasion of aliens more advantageous or more harm than good? Foreign culture uninvited, or is a straight, or is imperceptible, its ultimate goal is to replace the value system of the national culture with their value system.Excuse me, the noise is outweighing the disadvantages?Foreign culture and national culture are incommensurable, foreign culture and the natural environment and social environment that inevitably produce national culture are incompatible.If mechanically, forcibly grafted, it will inevitably destroy the development law of national culture itself.At the same time, due to the lack of soil and water, the foreign culture itself will also have a negative impact.Excuse me, is the mutual injury outweighing the disadvantages?If we must transform their own environment to adapt to foreign culture, then "the skin does not exist, the hair will be attached", if even the foundation of national culture is gone with the wind, then what development and prosperity?Excuse me, is the bottom of the pot outweighing the disadvantages?In addition, the introduction of foreign culture has led to the threat of cultural colonization and cultural destruction of our national culture.I national people's cultural ideology is being constantly infiltrated and modified, their own cultural nationality concept is weak, resulting in the consequences of the conflict of cultural discourse right, so the state will be the Double Ninth Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, such as our important national culture to protect the legal way. This is a painstaking effort to preserve my national culture from being assimilated and disappearing!
Finally, I would like to reiterate our point of view: we believe that the foreign culture to the development of national culture is more harmful than beneficial!

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/SError0819/p/18134355
