--1.切换到master数据库 use master go --2.检查删除数据库 if exists(select * from sys.sysdatabases where name='student') drop database student go --3.按照四个步骤创建student数据库 create database student on (name=student_data, filename='c:\student\student_data.mdf') log on (name=student_log, filename='c:\student\student_log.ldf') go --4.切换到数据库 use student go --5.创建学生信息表stuinfo create table stuinfo (stu_id char(3) not null primary key,--主键 stuname nvarchar(10) not null , sex bit not null default 0,--默认为男 birth smalldatetime , card_id char(18) unique)--身份证唯一 go --6.创建学生成绩表stuexam create table stuexam (stu_id char(3) not null references stuinfo(stu_id),--外键 course nvarchar(20) not null, score tinyint check(score between 0 and 100) primary key(stu_id,score)--设置主键 ) go --7.为stuinfo添加数据 insert into stuinfo select '001','张小平','0','1980-4-5','420401198004053527'union select '002','王红','1','1981-12-11','410402198112114528'union select '003','刘涛','0','1980-7-10','410400198007103545' go --8.为stuexam添加数据 insert into stuexam select '001','c#编程技术','85'union select '001','sqlserver初级','87'union select'002','c#编程技术','87'union select '002','sqlserver初级','65' go --9.将001号学生的姓名更新为“张红平”; update stuinfo set stuname='张红平' where stu_id='001' go --10.将001号学生的C#编程技术课程的成绩修改为80; update stuexam set course='c#编程技术' where stu_id='sqlserver初级' go --11.删除003号学生的记录信息; delete from stuinfo where stu_id='003' go --12.删除002号学生的Sqlserver初级课程的记录信息 delete from stuexam where stu_id='002' and course='sqlserver初级' go --查询两张表目前数据 select * from stuexam go select * from stuinfo go
标签:--,id,stu,student,go,默认值,主键,select From: https://www.cnblogs.com/bky-wang/p/18124960