DECLARE l_rowid ROWID; cursor cur is select pvs.SEGMENT1 vendor_code, pvs.VENDOR_NAME from po_vendors pvs where not exists (select 1 from fnd_lookup_values_vl flvv where flvv.LOOKUP_TYPE = 'CUX_PO_CONCENTRATE_VENDOR' and flvv.LOOKUP_CODE = pvs.SEGMENT1); -- and pvs.SEGMENT1 in ('E133','E196'); BEGIN for v in cur loop --dbms_output.put_line('before_l_rowid='||l_rowid); fnd_lookup_values_pkg.insert_row(x_rowid => l_rowid, x_lookup_type => 'CUX_PO_CONCENTRATE_VENDOR' /*类型*/, x_view_application_id => 3, x_lookup_code => v.vendor_code, --'XXX' /*代码*/, x_tag => '', x_attribute_category => '', x_attribute1 => '', x_attribute2 => '', x_attribute3 => '', x_attribute4 => '', x_enabled_flag => 'Y' /*启用*/, x_start_date_active => SYSDATE /*有效期自*/, x_end_date_active => '' /*有效期至*/, x_territory_code => '', x_attribute5 => '', x_attribute6 => '', x_attribute7 => '', x_attribute8 => '', x_attribute9 => '', x_attribute10 => '', x_attribute11 => '', x_attribute12 => '', x_attribute13 => '', x_attribute14 => '', x_attribute15 => '', x_meaning => v.vendor_code, --'XXX' /*含义*/, x_description => v.VENDOR_NAME, --'YYYYYY' /*说明*/, x_creation_date => SYSDATE, x_created_by => 0, x_last_update_date => SYSDATE, x_last_updated_by => 0, x_last_update_login => 0); --dbms_output.put_line('after_l_rowid='||l_rowid); COMMIT; end loop; END;
标签:pvs,code,VENDOR,--,值集,导入,lookup,rowid,EBS From: https://www.cnblogs.com/ivenlin/p/18121611