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可视化红黑树详解(gif图演示,洛谷P3369 普通平衡树)

时间:2024-04-02 21:58:06浏览次数:26  
标签:node 洛谷 color gif Step P3369 return NULL 节点



本文参考OI wiki中的红黑树代码,读者也可以参考该篇解析(写得还是很不错的),不过OI Wiki里删除后平衡维护的Case 4和Case 5在代码细节上稍微有些问题(把 c c c, d d d 均为红色算进Case 4了,这样不会出bug,只是相当于绕了个弯)。

大部分红黑树代码都采用 rotateLeft 和 rotateRight 两个函数来进行旋转,而且在找close/distant nephew的时候也是分类讨论,这样比较麻烦。
我们其实可以使用 node *ch[2] 来表示左右孩子,ch[0] 表示左孩子,ch[1] 表示右孩子。在后续使用中,我们#define left ch[0], #define right ch[1],从而兼容用 left, right 找左右孩子的方法。这种存储方式的好处是,我们可以通过异或1来轻松切换左右分支,而不是采用三目运算符来找兄弟节点。
再考虑 rotate,其实 rotate 相当于把某个子节点往上转到其父节点的位置,因此我们可以用同一个 rotate 函数来表示左旋或右旋,使用时旋转左孩子即为 rotateLeft,旋转右孩子即为 rotateRight。


如果能把一个又一个节点积累起来,也许就能变成一棵红黑树。 ——高松灯


  1. 节点均为红色/黑色(顾名思义)
  2. NIL 节点(空叶子节点,有时也叫外部节点)为黑色
  3. 红色节点的子节点均为黑色
  4. 从根节点(不含根节点本身)到 NIL 节点的每条路径上的黑色节点数量相同


我们把第 4 条性质中,从某节点出发(不含节点本身),到任意 NIL 节点路径上的黑节点数,称为节点的“黑高”(black height)。
这里黑高的定义是比较反直觉的(究竟是谁定义的?),因为既要去掉节点本身,又要加上一个额外的 NIL 节点。
b h [ N I L ] = 0 bh[NIL] = 0 bh[NIL]=0
∀ s ∈ s o n ( x ) , \forall s \in son(x), ∀s∈son(x), b h [ x ] = b h [ s ] + [ c o l o r ( s ) = = B L A C K ] bh[x] = bh[s] + [color(s) == BLACK] bh[x]=bh[s]+[color(s)==BLACK],中括号表示该表达式的bool值,若表达式成立则为1,表达式不成立则为0.




考虑这样一个问题:一棵“黑高”为 h h h的红黑树,至少会有多少节点?(“黑高”是指根到任意NIL节点路径上的黑节点数)
其实可以用归纳法证明结果是 2 h − 1 2^h-1 2h−1,这里提供另一种思路:

那么,黑高为 h h h的红黑树,节点最少的情况是一棵高为 h h h,全是黑节点的满二叉树(注意高是 h h h而不是 h + 1 h+1 h+1,因为计算黑高时多统计了一次NIL节点,又少统计一次自身,二者抵消了)。这样的树有 2 h − 1 2^h-1 2h−1个节点。
因此,一棵“黑高”为 h h h的红黑树,至少有 2 h − 1 2^h-1 2h−1个节点。( N = s i z e o f ( x ) ≥ 2 b h ( x ) − 1 N = \rm sizeof(x)\ge 2^{bh(x)}-1 N=sizeof(x)≥2bh(x)−1)

因此, b h ( T r e e ) ≥ h ( T r e e ) / 2 \rm bh(Tree)\ge h(Tree)/2 bh(Tree)≥h(Tree)/2。


一棵有 N N N个节点的红黑树,树高不超过 2 log ⁡ ( N + 1 ) 2\log (N+1) 2log(N+1)。

也就是说,红黑树天生就是平衡的,树高在 O ( log ⁡ N ) O(\log N) O(logN)级别。
假如我们能在插入和删除时维护好红黑树的几条性质,我们就能得到一棵高恒为 O ( log ⁡ N ) O(\log N) O(logN)的二叉搜索树。



template<typename T>
class RedBlackTree {
		struct node;
		node* root;		//根节点
		int size();
		void insert(T);
		bool remove(T);


#define RED 1
#define BLACK 0
#define left ch[0]
#define right ch[1] 
template<typename T>
struct RedBlackTree<T>::node {
	T val;			//权值
	bool color;		//1 is red, 0 is black 
	node *father, *ch[2];
	int siz;		//子树大小
	int direction() {
		if(father == NULL)	return 0;
		return father->right == this;
	node* sibling() {
		if(father == NULL)	return NULL;
		return father->ch[direction() ^ 1];
	node* uncle() {
		if(father == NULL)	return NULL;
		return father->sibling();
	void pushup() {
		siz = (left?left->siz:0) + (right?right->siz:0) + 1;

其中val代表节点权值,siz代表子树大小,ch[0] 和 ch[1] 分别代表左右孩子。
direction() 表示当前节点所在分支(0为左孩子,1为右孩子),sibling(), uncle() 是在插入/删除中需要经常用到的亲戚节点。为了方便,我们统一提前写好。


可以参考splay树的旋转操作。这里我们不需要区分左旋和右旋,rotate(x) 表示把节点 x x x 旋转到它父亲的位置。

template<typename T>
void RedBlackTree<T>::connect(node *x, node *fa, int k) {
	if(x != NULL)	x->father = fa;
	if(fa != NULL) {
		fa->ch[k] = x;
	} else {
		root = x;

template<typename T>
void RedBlackTree<T>::rotate(node *x) {
	//rotate x to its parent's position
	node* y = x->father;
	node* z = y->father;
	int yson = x->direction();	//the branch of x, 0 is left, 1 is right
	if(z == NULL) {
		root = x;
		x->father = NULL;
	} else {
		int zson = y->direction();
		connect(x, z, zson);
	connect(x->ch[yson^1], y, yson);
	connect(y, x, yson^1);


从今天开始,我们就是一起演奏音乐的命运共同体! ——丰川祥子

红黑树的插入与普通的 BST 的插入操作类似。

template<typename T>
void RedBlackTree<T>::insert(T v) {
	node *x = root, *fa = NULL;
	while(x != NULL) {
		fa = x;
		if(v < x->val) {
			x = x->left;
		} else {
			x = x->right;
	x = new node(v, RED, fa);	//create a new node
	if(fa == NULL) {
		root = x;
	} else if(v < fa->val) {
		fa->left = x;
	} else {
		fa->right = x;


不过,为了下次不失败而努力不就好了?就算失败一次,也要有重来的信心。 ——千早爱音

在 SolveDoubleRed(x) 函数中, x x x 为红节点,我们检查 x x x 的父节点是否为红节点,如果是,则进行修正。(也就是说,这里 x x x 表示连续双红节点的子节点)


Case 1, 2

x x x 为根(父节点为空),或 x x x 的父节点为黑,此时无需修正。下面都是需要修正的情况。

Case 3

x x x 的父节点 p p p 为根节点,此时把 p p p 染黑即可。

if(p == root) {
	// Case 3: Parent is root and is RED
	//   Paint parent to BLACK.
	//    <P>         [P]
	//     |   ====>   |
	//    <X>         <X>
	p->color = BLACK;

Case 4

x x x (图中的 N)的父节点 p p p,叔节点 u u u 均为红色。由于该树原本是一棵合法的红黑树,所以 x x x 的祖父节点 g g g 一定是黑色。

此时我们将 p p p 和 u u u 染黑,将 g g g 染红,这样在 g g g 以下就不会有连续的红节点。
由于插入前 g g g 到 NIL 节点经历的黑节点数都相同,所以把 p p p, u u u 都染黑后黑节点数仍然相同。且因为又把 g g g 染为了红色,所以不会对 g g g 往上的节点的黑高产生影响。
不过这时节点 g g g 与 g g g 的父亲又有可能是连续的红节点,因此我们递归对 g g g 进行双红修正。

if(x->hasUncle() && x->uncle()->color == RED) {
	// Case 4: Both parent and uncle are RED
	//   Paint parent and uncle to BLACK;
	//   Paint grandparent to RED;
	//   Maintain grandparent recursively.
	//        [G]             <G>
	//        / \             / \
	//      <P> <U>  ====>  [P] [U]
	//      /               /
	//    <X>             <X>
	p->color = BLACK;			//parent -> black
	x->uncle()->color = BLACK;	//uncle  -> black
	p->father->color = RED;		//grandparent -> red

Case 5

叔节点为黑色,且当前节点 x x x 与父节点 p p p 的方向相反(即一个为左子节点,一个为右子节点)。
这种情况无法直接维护,我们把节点 x x x 旋转上来,然后就转化为了Case 6。
把 x x x 转上来后, x x x 与 p p p 的方向就一致了,这时 p p p 成为了 x x x 的父节点,于是我们需要处理的节点变成了 p p p。

// Case 5 & 6: parent is RED, uncle is BLACK(or NULL)
if(x->direction() != p->direction()) {
	// Case 5: Current node is the opposite direction as parent
	//   Step 1. Rotate x to parent's position.
	//   Step 2. Goto Case 6.
	//      [G]                 [G]
	//      / \    rotate(X)    / \
	//    <P> [U]  ========>  <X> [U]
	//      \                 /
	//      <X>             <P>
	x = p;			//Now P is the child of double red.
	p = x->father;	//reset p to x's father

Case 6

叔节点为黑色,且当前节点 x x x 与父节点 p p p 的方向相同(即同为左子节点或右子节点)。
由于父节点 p p p 是红色,所以祖父节点 g g g 一定是黑色。这种情况下,我们先向上转一次 p p p,再把 p p p 染黑, g g g 染红。
这里可以证明,这样操作后,树的黑高是不变的。我们假设最左边的图中 u u u 的黑高是1(即两个子节点均为 NIL),那么 g g g 的黑高是2,则由于黑高相同的性质, p p p 和 x x x(图中的N)黑高也为2.
在旋转+重新染色后, x x x 和 u u u 的子树结构和颜色没有变化,因此 x x x 的黑高仍为2, u u u 的黑高仍为1. 那么 g g g 的黑高为2, p p p 的黑高为2,与开始时 g g g 的黑高一致。

	// Case 6: Current node is the same direction as parent
	//   Step 1. Rotate parent to grandparent's position
	//   Step 2. Paint parent (before rotate) to BLACK;
	//           Paint grandparent (before rotate) to RED.
	//        [G]                 <P>               [P]
	//        / \    rotate(P)    / \    repaint    / \
	//      <P> [U]  ========>  <X> [G]  ======>  <X> <G>
	//      /                         \                 \
	//    <X>                         [U]               [U]
	rotate(p);				//rotate x's parent
	p->color = BLACK;
	x->sibling()->color = RED;	//repaint


这个,不需要了! ——长崎素世



由于后继节点是原来右子树中最小的节点,所以把它原来的权值放到被删除节点的位置,仍然满足左子树 < 根 < 右子树的性质。


删除有1个子节点的节点时,是用它唯一的子节点代替本身。删除叶节点(0个子节点)时,可以看作用一个 NIL 节点代替它本身。

template<typename T>
bool RedBlackTree<T>::remove(T v, node* x) {
	if(x == NULL)	return false;
	if(v != x->val) {
		int branch = (v > x->val);	//v > x->val : branch = 1, goto right child
		if(x->ch[branch] != NULL) {
			//the structure of the subtree may change
			//node x may have new children after remove
			//so first update the size of subtree
			//if fail to remove then rollback size changes
			bool result = remove(v, x->ch[branch]);
			if(result == false) {
			return result;
		return false;
	//Remove x from the tree

Case 0


Case 1

删除节点 x x x 有2个子节点,则交换当前节点与后继节点的权值,然后问题转化为删除后继节点。

if(x->left != NULL && x->right != NULL) {
	// Case 1: If the node is strictly internal
	//   Step 1. Find the successor S with the smallest key
	//           and its parent P on the right subtree.
	//   Step 2. Swap the data (key and value) of S and X,
	//           S is the node that will be deleted in place of X.
	//   Step 3. X = S, goto Case 2, 3
	//     |                    |
	//     X                    S
	//    / \                  / \
	//   L  ..   swap(X, S)   L  ..
	//       |   =========>       |
	//       P                    P
	//      / \                  / \
	//     S  ..                X  ..
	//Step 1
	node* rt = x->right;
	while(rt->left) {
		rt = rt->left;
	//Step 2, 3
	node* succ = rt;
	swap(x->val, succ->val);
	x = succ;

Case 2


if(x->left == NULL && x->right == NULL) {
	// Case 2: Current node is a leaf
	//   Step 1. Put X to a position where its black height
	//           is greater than its sibling by 1.(if X is black)
	//   Step 2. remove X

	// The maintain operation won't change the node itself,
	//  so we can perform maintain operation before unlink the node.
	x->siz = 0;
	if(x->color == BLACK) {
		SolveDoubleBlack(x);	//Step 1
	x->father->ch[x->direction()] = NULL;
	return true;

Case 3


	// Case 3: Current node has a single left or right child
	//   Step 1. Paint its child to black(the child must be red).
	//   Step 2. Remove X
	node* replacement = (x->left != NULL ? x->left : x->right);
	if(x->color == BLACK) {
		replacement->color = BLACK;
	if(x == root) {
		root = replacement;
		replacement->father = NULL;
	} else {
		node* parent = x->father;
		parent->ch[x->direction()] = replacement;
		replacement->father = parent;

OI Wiki上这一段代码和最后给出的完整版里不一样,最后的完整版还写了唯一孩子是黑色时维护孩子的 if 分支,这个可能是出于工程上代码完整性的考虑(?


致命的黑影啊,翩翩起舞吧! ——Ave Mujica《黑色生日》


Case 1

兄弟节点 s s s 为红色,则父节点 p p p 和两个侄节点 c c c 和 d d d 必为黑色。这种情况与双红修正的Case 5类似,无法直接使其满足所有性质,我们将其转化为其他Case进行处理。
Step 1. 往上转一次兄弟节点 s s s
Step 2. 把 s s s 染黑, p p p 染红,并转到其他Case
假设原来黑高为上面最左边蓝色数字标注的值,则这样操作后目标节点与新的兄弟节点 c c c 黑高相同。由于我们需要目标节点比兄弟黑高多1,所以我们转到其它Case,继续对该节点进行处理。

if(sibling->color == RED) {
	// Case 1: Sibling is RED, parent and nephews must be BLACK
	//   Step 1. Rotate X's sibling to P's position
	//   Step 2. Paint S to BLACK, P to RED
	//   Step 3. Goto Case 2, 3, 4, 5
	//      [P]                   <S>               [S]
	//      / \     rotate(S)     / \    repaint    / \
	//    [X] <S>  ==========>  [P] [D]  ======>  <P> [D]
	//        / \               / \               / \
	//      [C] [D]           [X] [C]           [X] [C]
	node* parent = x->father;
	//Step 1
	//Step 2
	sibling->color = BLACK;
	parent->color = RED;
	sibling = x->sibling();		//update sibling after rotation

Case 2

兄弟节点 s s s 和侄节点 c c c, d d d 均为黑色,且父节点 p p p 为红色。
此时将父节点 p p p 染红,将 s s s 染黑即可。

假设原来的黑高如左图所示,那么重新染色之后,再删除目标节点,则其替代节点的黑高由2变为1。删除后, p p p 的黑高为2。
假如 p p p 有一个父节点,则原来 p p p 的父节点黑高为3(因为原来 p p p 是红色),调整后父节点黑高也为3( p p p 为黑,父节点黑高为 p p p 的黑高+1).

bool closeBlack = (closeNephew == NULL) || (closeNephew->color == BLACK);
bool distantBlack = (distantNephew == NULL) || (distantNephew->color == BLACK);
if(closeBlack && distantBlack) {
	if(x->father->color == RED) {
		// Case 2: Sibling and nephews are BLACK, parent is RED
		//   Swap the color of P and S
		//      <P>             [P]
		//      / \             / \
		//    [X] [S]  ====>  [X] <S>
		//        / \             / \
		//      [C] [D]         [C] [D]
		sibling->color = RED;
		x->father->color = BLACK;
	//Other cases

Case 3

兄弟节点 s s s 和侄节点 c c c, d d d 均为黑色,且父节点 p p p 也为黑色。
我们先把兄弟节点 s s s 染红,这样删除目标节点后,父节点 p p p 的所有黑高就相同了。但是这样 p p p 节点的黑高会比兄弟节点少1,所以我们递归维护 p p p。

//Assume that both nephews are black
if(x->father->color == BLACK) {
	// Case 3: Sibling, parent and nephews are all black
	//   Step 1. Paint S to RED
	//   Step 2. Recursively maintain P
	//      [P]             [P]
	//      / \             / \
	//    [X] [S]  ====>  [X] <S>
	//        / \             / \
	//      [C] [D]         [C] [D]
	sibling->color = RED;

Case 4

我们把与目标节点同向(即同为左孩子/同为右孩子)的侄节点称为close nephew,用 c c c 表示。反向的侄节点称为distant nephew,用 d d d 表示。在图中可以看出,close nephew就是离目标节点(图中的N)比较近的侄节点,distant nephew就是离得比较远的侄节点。

Case 4为,兄弟节点 s s s 为黑色, c c c 为红, d d d 为黑。父节点 p p p 红黑均可。
这种情况同样无法直接维护,因此将其转变为 Case 5 的状态,利用后续 Case 5 的维护过程进行修正。
Step 1. 向上旋转 c c c
Step 2. 将 c c c 染黑, s s s 染红。
Step 3. 转到 Case 5.

bool closeRed = (closeNephew != NULL) && (closeNephew->color == RED);
if(closeRed && distantBlack) {
	// Case 4: Sibling is BLACK, close nephew is RED,
	//         distant nephew is BLACK
	//   Step 1. Rotate close nephew to sibling's position
	//   Step 2. Swap the color of close nephew and sibling
	//   Step 3. Goto case 5
	//                            {P}                {P}
	//      {P}                   / \                / \
	//      / \     rotate(C)   [X] <C>   repaint  [X] [C]
	//    [X] [S]  ==========>        \   ======>        \
	//        / \                     [S]                <S>
	//      <C> [D]                     \                  \
	//                                  [D]                [D]
	//Step 1
	//Step 2
	closeNephew->color = BLACK;
	sibling->color = RED;
	// Update sibling and nephews after rotation
	sibling = x->sibling();
	xdir = x->direction();
	closeNephew = sibling->ch[xdir];
	distantNephew = sibling->ch[xdir ^ 1];

Case 5

兄弟节点 s s s 为黑色,distant nephew节点 d d d 为红色,close nephew节点 c c c 为任意颜色,父节点 p p p 为任意颜色。

Step 1. 向上旋转兄弟节点 s s s
Step 2. 把 s s s 染成 p p p 的颜色,把 p p p 染黑(即交换两者颜色)。
Step 3. 将 d d d 染黑。


	// Case 5: Sibling is BLACK, close nephew is unknown,
	//         distant nephew is RED
	//      {P}                   [S]                 {S}
	//      / \     rotate(S)     / \    repaint     /  \
	//    [X] [S]  ==========>  {P} <D>  =======>  [P]  [D]
	//        / \               / \                / \
	//      {C} <D>           [X] {C}            [X] {C}
	//   Step 1. Rotate sibling to P's position
	//   Step 2. Swap the color of parent and sibling.
	//			 Paint distant nephew to BLACK if it is not null.
	//Step 1
	//Step 2
	sibling->color = x->father->color;
	x->father->color = BLACK;
	if(distantNephew != NULL) {
		distantNephew->color = BLACK;




template<typename T>
int RedBlackTree<T>::get_rank(T v, node* x) {
	if(x == NULL)	return 0;
	if(v <= x->val)	return get_rank(v, x->left);
	int lsiz = (x->left != NULL ? x->left->siz : 0);
	return lsiz + 1 + get_rank(v, x->right);
template<typename T>
int RedBlackTree<T>::get_rank(T v) {
	return get_rank(v, root);


template<typename T>
T RedBlackTree<T>::kth(int k, node* x) {
	if(!(x->left)) {
		if(k == 1)	return x->val;
		return kth(k - 1, x->right);
	if(k <= x->left->siz)	return kth(k, x->left);
	if(k == x->left->siz + 1)	return x->val;
	return kth(k - x->left->siz - 1, x->right);
template<typename T>
T RedBlackTree<T>::kth(int k) {
	return kth(k, root);


template<typename T>
T RedBlackTree<T>::get_prev(T v) {
	node *x = root;
	T ans;
	while(x != NULL) {
		if(x->val < v) {
			ans = x->val;
			x = x->right;
		} else {
			x = x->left;
	return ans;


template<typename T>
T RedBlackTree<T>::get_succ(T v) {
	node *x = root;
	T ans;
	while(x != NULL) {
		if(x->val > v) {
			ans = x->val;
			x = x->left;
		} else {
			x = x->right;
	return ans;


#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

template<typename T>
class RedBlackTree {
		struct node;
		node* root;
		void SolveDoubleRed(node*);
		void SolveDoubleBlack(node*);
		node* Find(T);
		void connect(node*, node*, int);
		void rotate(node*);
		void checkNodeSize(node*);
		bool remove(T, node*);
		int get_rank(T, node*);
		T kth(int, node*);
		RedBlackTree() : root(NULL) {}
		int size();
		void insert(T);
		bool remove(T);
		int get_rank(T);
		T kth(int);
		T get_prev(T);
		T get_succ(T);

		void previs(node*);
		void invis(node*);
		void postvis(node*);
		void print();
		void checkNodeSize();

#define RED 1
#define BLACK 0
#define left ch[0]
#define right ch[1]
template<typename T>
struct RedBlackTree<T>::node {
	 * <X>	X is red.
	 * [X]	X is black.
	 * {X}	X is unknown(red/black).
	T val;
	bool color;		//1 is red, 0 is black 
	node *father, *ch[2];
	int siz;
	node(T v = T(), bool col = true, node* f = NULL,
	     node* l = NULL, node* r = NULL , int s = 1)
		: val(v), color(col), father(f), siz(s) {
		left = l;
		right = r;
	int direction() {
		if(father == NULL)	return 0;
		return father->right == this;
	node* sibling() {
		if(father == NULL)	return NULL;
		return father->ch[direction() ^ 1];
	bool hasSibling() {
		return sibling() != NULL;
	node* uncle() {
		if(father == NULL)	return NULL;
		return father->sibling();
	bool hasUncle() {
		return uncle() != NULL;
	void pushup() {
		siz = (left?left->siz:0) + (right?right->siz:0) + 1;
	void print() {
		cout << "key = " << val << ", color = " << (color ? "Red" : "Black") << endl;

template<typename T>
int RedBlackTree<T>::size() {
	return root->siz;

template<typename T>
void RedBlackTree<T>::connect(node *x, node *fa, int k) {
	if(x != NULL)	x->father = fa;
	if(fa != NULL) {
		fa->ch[k] = x;
	} else {
		root = x;

template<typename T>
void RedBlackTree<T>::rotate(node *x) {
	//rotate x to its parent's position
	node* y = x->father;
	node* z = y->father;
	int yson = x->direction();
	if(z == NULL) {
		root = x;
		x->father = NULL;
	} else {
		int zson = y->direction();
		connect(x, z, zson);
	connect(x->ch[yson^1], y, yson);
	connect(y, x, yson^1);

template<typename T>
void RedBlackTree<T>::insert(T v) {
	node *x = root, *fa = NULL;
	while(x != NULL) {
		fa = x;
		if(v < x->val) {
			x = x->left;
		} else {
			x = x->right;
	x = new node(v, RED, fa);	//create a new node
	if(fa == NULL) {
		root = x;
	} else if(v < fa->val) {
		fa->left = x;
	} else {
		fa->right = x;
template<typename T>
void RedBlackTree<T>::SolveDoubleRed(node* x) {
	if(x == root || x->father->color == BLACK) {
	node* p = x->father;
	if(p == root) {
		// Case 3: Parent is root and is RED
		//   Paint parent to BLACK.
		//    <P>         [P]
		//     |   ====>   |
		//    <X>         <X>
		p->color = BLACK;
	if(x->hasUncle() && x->uncle()->color == RED) {
		// Case 4: Both parent and uncle are RED
		//   Paint parent and uncle to BLACK;
		//   Paint grandparent to RED;
		//   Maintain grandparent recursively.
		//        [G]             <G>
		//        / \             / \
		//      <P> <U>  ====>  [P] [U]
		//      /               /
		//    <X>             <X>
		p->color = BLACK;			//parent -> black
		x->uncle()->color = BLACK;	//uncle  -> black
		p->father->color = RED;		//grandparent -> red
	// Case 5 & 6: parent is RED, uncle is BLACK(or NULL)
	if(x->direction() != p->direction()) {
		// Case 5: Current node is the opposite direction as parent
		//   Step 1. Rotate x to parent's position.
		//   Step 2. Goto Case 6.
		//      [G]                 [G]
		//      / \    rotate(X)    / \
		//    <P> [U]  ========>  <X> [U]
		//      \                 /
		//      <X>             <P>
		x = p;			//Now P is the child of double red.
		p = x->father;	//reset p to x's father
	// Case 6: Current node is the same direction as parent
	//   Step 1. Rotate parent to grandparent's position
	//   Step 2. Paint parent (before rotate) to BLACK;
	//           Paint grandparent (before rotate) to RED.
	//        [G]                 <P>               [P]
	//        / \    rotate(P)    / \    repaint    / \
	//      <P> [U]  ========>  <X> [G]  ======>  <X> <G>
	//      /                         \                 \
	//    <X>                         [U]               [U]
	rotate(p);				//rotate x's parent
	p->color = BLACK;
	x->sibling()->color = RED;	//repaint

#define col(a) (a == RED ? "Red" : "Black")

template<typename T>
void RedBlackTree<T>::previs(node* x) {
	if(x == NULL)	return;
	printf("%d %s %d\n", x->val, col(x->color), x->siz);
template<typename T>
void RedBlackTree<T>::invis(node* x) {
	if(x == NULL)	return;
	printf("%d %s %d\n", x->val, col(x->color), x->siz);
template<typename T>
void RedBlackTree<T>::postvis(node* x) {
	if(x == NULL)	return;
	printf("%d %s %d\n", x->val, col(x->color), x->siz);
template<typename T>
void RedBlackTree<T>::print() {

template<typename T>
void RedBlackTree<T>::checkNodeSize(node* x) {
	int before = x->siz;
	if(x->left)	checkNodeSize(x->left);
	if(x->right)	checkNodeSize(x->right);
	if(x->siz != before) {
		printf("node of key %d : size changed from %d to %d\n", x->val, before, x->siz);

template<typename T>
void RedBlackTree<T>::checkNodeSize() {

template<typename T>
bool RedBlackTree<T>::remove(T v) {
	return remove(v, root);

template<typename T>
bool RedBlackTree<T>::remove(T v, node* x) {
	if(x == NULL)	return false;
	if(v != x->val) {
		int branch = (v > x->val);	//v > x->val : branch = 1, goto right child
		if(x->ch[branch] != NULL) {
			//the structure of the subtree may change
			//node x may have new children after remove
			//so first update the size of subtree
			//if fail to remove then rollback size changes
			bool result = remove(v, x->ch[branch]);
			if(result == false) {
			return result;
		return false;
	if(x == root && x->siz == 1) {
		root = NULL;
		return true;
	if(x->left != NULL && x->right != NULL) {
		// Case 1: If the node is strictly internal
		//   Step 1. Find the successor S with the smallest key
		//           and its parent P on the right subtree.
		//   Step 2. Swap the data (key and value) of S and X,
		//           S is the node that will be deleted in place of X.
		//   Step 3. X = S, goto Case 2, 3
		//     |                    |
		//     X                    S
		//    / \                  / \
		//   L  ..   swap(X, S)   L  ..
		//       |   =========>       |
		//       P                    P
		//      / \                  / \
		//     S  ..                X  ..
		//Step 1
		node* rt = x->right;
		while(rt->left) {
			rt = rt->left;
		//Step 2, 3
		node* succ = rt;
		swap(x->val, succ->val);
		x = succ;
	if(x->left == NULL && x->right == NULL) {
		// Case 2: Current node is a leaf
		//   Step 1. Put X to a position where its black height
		//           is greater than its sibling by 1.(if X is black)
		//   Step 2. remove X

		// The maintain operation won't change the node itself,
		//  so we can perform maintain operation before unlink the node.
		x->siz = 0;
		if(x->color == BLACK) {
			SolveDoubleBlack(x);	//Step 1
		x->father->ch[x->direction()] = NULL;
		return true;
	// Case 3: Current node has a single left or right child
	//   Step 1. Paint its child to black(the child must be red).
	//   Step 2. Remove X
	node* replacement = (x->left != NULL ? x->left : x->right);
	if(x->color == BLACK) {
		replacement->color = BLACK;
	if(x == root) {
		root = replacement;
		replacement->father = NULL;
	} else {
		node* parent = x->father;
		parent->ch[x->direction()] = replacement;
		replacement->father = parent;
	return true;

template<typename T>
void RedBlackTree<T>::SolveDoubleBlack(node* x) {
	if(x == root)	return;
	node* sibling = x->sibling();
	if(sibling->color == RED) {
		// Case 1: Sibling is RED, parent and nephews must be BLACK
		//   Step 1. Rotate X's sibling to P's position
		//   Step 2. Paint S to BLACK, P to RED
		//   Step 3. Goto Case 2, 3, 4, 5
		//      [P]                   <S>               [S]
		//      / \     rotate(S)     / \    repaint    / \
		//    [X] <S>  ==========>  [P] [D]  ======>  <P> [D]
		//        / \               / \               / \
		//      [C] [D]           [X] [C]           [X] [C]
		node* parent = x->father;
		//Step 1
		//Step 2
		sibling->color = BLACK;
		parent->color = RED;
		sibling = x->sibling();		//update sibling after rotation
	//close nephew: sibling's child with the same direction as x
	int xdir = x->direction();		//the direction of x
	node* closeNephew = sibling->ch[xdir];
	node* distantNephew = sibling->ch[xdir ^ 1];
	//NIL nodes are always black
	bool closeBlack = (closeNephew == NULL) || (closeNephew->color == BLACK);
	bool distantBlack = (distantNephew == NULL) || (distantNephew->color == BLACK);
	if(closeBlack && distantBlack) {
		if(x->father->color == RED) {
			// Case 2: Sibling and nephews are BLACK, parent is RED
			//   Swap the color of P and S
			//      <P>             [P]
			//      / \             / \
			//    [X] [S]  ====>  [X] <S>
			//        / \             / \
			//      [C] [D]         [C] [D]
			sibling->color = RED;
			x->father->color = BLACK;
		} else {
			// Case 3: Sibling, parent and nephews are all black
			//   Step 1. Paint S to RED
			//   Step 2. Recursively maintain P
			//      [P]             [P]
			//      / \             / \
			//    [X] [S]  ====>  [X] <S>
			//        / \             / \
			//      [C] [D]         [C] [D]
			sibling->color = RED;
	} else {
		bool closeRed = (closeNephew != NULL) && (closeNephew->color == RED);
		if(closeRed && distantBlack) {
			// Case 4: Sibling is BLACK, close nephew is RED,
			//         distant nephew is BLACK
			//   Step 1. Rotate close nephew to sibling's position
			//   Step 2. Swap the color of close nephew and sibling
			//   Step 3. Goto case 5
			//                            {P}                {P}
			//      {P}                   / \                / \
			//      / \     rotate(C)   [X] <C>   repaint  [X] [C]
			//    [X] [S]  ==========>        \   ======>        \
			//        / \                     [S]                <S>
			//      <C> [D]                     \                  \
			//                                  [D]                [D]
			//Step 1
			//Step 2
			closeNephew->color = BLACK;
			sibling->color = RED;
			// Update sibling and nephews after rotation
			sibling = x->sibling();
			xdir = x->direction();
			closeNephew = sibling->ch[xdir];
			distantNephew = sibling->ch[xdir ^ 1];
		// Case 5: Sibling is BLACK, close nephew is unknown,
		//         distant nephew is RED
		//      {P}                   [S]                 {S}
		//      / \     rotate(S)     / \    repaint     /  \
		//    [X] [S]  ==========>  {P} <D>  =======>  [P]  [D]
		//        / \               / \                / \
		//      {C} <D>           [X] {C}            [X] {C}
		//   Step 1. Rotate sibling to P's position
		//   Step 2. Swap the color of parent and sibling.
		//			 Paint distant nephew to BLACK if it is not null.
		//Step 1
		//Step 2
		sibling->color = x->father->color;
		x->father->color = BLACK;
		if(distantNephew != NULL) {
			distantNephew->color = BLACK;

template<typename T>
T RedBlackTree<T>::kth(int k, node* x) {
	if(!(x->left)) {
		if(k == 1)	return x->val;
		return kth(k - 1, x->right);
	if(k <= x->left->siz)	return kth(k, x->left);
	if(k == x->left->siz + 1)	return x->val;
	return kth(k - x->left->siz - 1, x->right);
template<typename T>
T RedBlackTree<T>::kth(int k) {
	return kth(k, root);

template<typename T>
T RedBlackTree<T>::get_prev(T v) {
	node *x = root;
	T ans;
	while(x != NULL) {
		if(x->val < v) {
			ans = x->val;
			x = x->right;
		} else {
			x = x->left;
	return ans;
template<typename T>
T RedBlackTree<T>::get_succ(T v) {
	node *x = root;
	T ans;
	while(x != NULL) {
		if(x->val > v) {
			ans = x->val;
			x = x->left;
		} else {
			x = x->right;
	return ans;

template<typename T>
int RedBlackTree<T>::get_rank(T v, node* x) {
	if(x == NULL)	return 0;
	if(v <= x->val)	return get_rank(v, x->left);
	int lsiz = (x->left != NULL ? x->left->siz : 0);
	return lsiz + 1 + get_rank(v, x->right);
template<typename T>
int RedBlackTree<T>::get_rank(T v) {
	return get_rank(v, root);
RedBlackTree<int> Tree;
int main() {
	int n;
	cin >> n;
	while(n--) {
		int op, x;
		cin >> op >> x;
		if(op == 1) {
		} else if(op == 2) {
		} else if(op == 3) {
			cout << Tree.get_rank(x) + 1 << endl;
		} else if(op == 4) {
			cout << Tree.kth(x) << endl;
		} else if(op == 5) {
			cout << Tree.get_prev(x) << endl;
		} else {
			cout << Tree.get_succ(x) << endl;
//		Tree.checkNodeSize();
	return 0;

From: https://blog.csdn.net/The_OIer/article/details/137172427


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