Name | Description |
'inch' | Length measure equal to 25.4 mm |
'foot' | Length measure equal to 304.8 mm |
'yard' | Length measure equal to 914 mm |
'mile' | Length measure equal to 1609 m |
'square inch' | Area measure equal to 0.0006452 square meters |
'square foot' | Area measure equal to 0.09290 square meters |
'square yard' | Area measure equal to 0.83612736 square meters |
'acre' | Area measure equal to 4046.86 square meters |
'square mile' | Area measure equal to 2 588 881 square meters |
'cubic inch' | Volume measure equal to 0.00001639 cubic meters |
'cubic foot' | Volume measure equal to 0.02832 cubic meters |
'cubic yard' | Volume measure equal to 0.7636 cubic meters |
'litre' | Volume measure equal to 0.001 cubic meters |
'fluid ounce UK' | Volume measure equal to 0.0000284130625 cubic meters |
'fluid ounce US' | Volume measure equal to 0.00002957353 cubic meters |
'pint UK' | Volume measure equal to 0.000568 cubic meters |
'pint US' | Volume measure equal to 0.000473 cubic meters |
'gallon UK' | Volume measure equal to 0.004546 cubic meters |
'gallon US' | Volume measure equal to 0.003785 cubic meters |
'degree' | Angle measure equal to π/180 rad |
'ounce' | Mass measure equal to 28.35 g |
'pound' | Mass measure equal to 0.454 kg |
'ton UK' | Mass measure equal to 1016.0469088 kg, also known as long ton, gross ton, shipper's ton |
'ton US' | Mass measure equal to 907.18474 kg, also known as short ton, net ton |
'lbf' | Force measure equal to 4.4482216153 N, pound-force |
'kip' | Force measure equal to 4448.2216153 N, kilopound-force |
'psi' | Pressure measure equal to 6894.7572932 Pa, pound-force per square inch |
'ksi' | Pressure measure equal to 6894757.2932 Pa, kilopound-force per square inch |
'minute' | Time measure equal to 60 s |
'hour' | Time measure equal to 3600 s |
'day' | Time measure equal to 86400 s |
'btu' | Energy measure equal to 1055.056 J, British Thermal Unit |
Standard unit names
注:定义依据ISO/CD 10303-41:1992
注:实体适用于ISO 10303-41中定义的conversation_based_unit。
IFC2x3 添加了典型单元的标准名称。
IFC4 添加了更多名称:平方英寸、平方英尺、平方英里、平方码、立方英寸、立方英尺、立方码、流体盎司英国/美国、吨英国/美国和度。
Attribute inheritance
# | Attribute | Type | Cardinality | Description | C |
IfcNamedUnit | |||||
1 | Dimensions | IfcDimensionalExponents | [1:1] | The dimensional exponents of the SI base units by which the named unit is defined. | X |
2 | UnitType | IfcUnitEnum | [1:1] | The type of the unit. | X |
IfcConversionBasedUnit | |||||
3 | Name | IfcLabel | [1:1] | The word, or group of words, by which the conversion based unit is referred to. | X |
4 | ConversionFactor | IfcMeasureWithUnit | [1:1] | The physical quantity from which the converted unit is derived. | X |
HasExternalReference | IfcExternalReferenceRelationship @RelatedResourceObjects |
S[0:?] | Reference to external information, e.g. library, classification, or document information, which is associated with the conversion-based unit. | X |
EXPRESS Specification
ENTITY IfcConversionBasedUnit SUPERTYPE OF(IfcConversionBasedUnitWithOffset) SUBTYPE OF (IfcNamedUnit); Name : IfcLabel; ConversionFactor : IfcMeasureWithUnit; INVERSE HasExternalReference : SET OF IfcExternalReferenceRelationship FOR RelatedResourceObjects; END_ENTITY;
标签:square,cubic,IfcConversionBasedUnit,equal,Volume,meters,measure From: https://www.cnblogs.com/herd/p/18094747