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a person who had great influence on me

时间:2024-03-30 15:11:57浏览次数:19  
标签:me great her had she was friend She

She is of medium build and about my height. When you see her straight black hair and big eyes, you will think that she is a very nice and sincere person.In fact, that's exactly who she is。
She is introverted but cute. Like fluffy things, like pink, keen on TV series, can insist on love brave to pursue. And manage our friendship well.
Before I talk about how she affects me again I want to say what I consider a friend.A good friend will never let you down; a good friend will never deceive you with fair words; a good friend will never betray you at any time. If a man can share his feelings with you and talk to you heart to heart, he can be called a good friend; if a man can keep his promise and always sides with you when your are in a slump, he can be called a good friend.
She influenced me not only because she had been my friend since junior high, but also because her excellent self-discipline infected me and shaped me.
I once remember such a thing.This is just a small detail.It's hard for me to say one thing about her influence on me.The most impressive time for me was the eve of our college entrance examination.We were anxious and looking forward to that time. Everyone's scores like a sword is hanging over every one's head
When we take a breath to eacape the high stress is the dinner time.That's the exactly free time. One day, we all had no appetite but we delightly to wandered around the school. We stopped on the playground and then she told me what she is feeling.
she was panic with full of pain. She wanted to give up to evaluate and she didn't want to love the boy who she has liked since she applied for school.
She cried.her eyes bursted into tears.It was a sunset afternoon.Sadness lingers in our hearts.I held her and she held me tight.I don't know how to comfort her.I thought she would cry constantly.But she didn't.She was strong enough to dry her tears.She told me she was just so depressed that she said that.But she's actually a soldier.She can overcome difficulties, pressures and nightmares.She wanted me to do the same. She also said that my company gave her strength.
From the time I met her, I thought she was a person who took study very seriously. Since then, her characteristics have become more and more obvious.Her self-discipline also affected me deeply.I always think of her persistence when I am restless, so I am slowly insisting.In the end, my persistence had some effect.
And she has always influenced me, and when I am worried, I will tell her that we always keep in good touch with each other, and we always know that each other exists.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/13247718397NKL/p/18105510


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