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AWS Solutions Architect - Prep

时间:2024-03-29 17:33:05浏览次数:21  
标签:website S3 bucket AWS server static Solutions Architect

What's AWS S3
database for unstructured data, we can put a static website (doesn't need that much back-end) on S3

Why use S3

  1. high scalability
  • horizontal scaling: storage doesn't fulfill the need, then just use more devices
  • vertical scaling: storage doesn't fulfill the need, then we change to better advanced storage devices
  1. high availability
  • cS3 store data across multiple server and data center; one server on fire, it's fine, there's another server

How to host a static website on S3?

  1. amazon IAM log in
  2. Search S3
  3. Create a bucket
  • bucket name has to be unique
  • AWS region: choose one closer to you or users
  • ACLs enabled: let file publicly accessible
  • Unblock Public Access
  1. Click on bucket, upload the HTML and JPEG files (for the static website)
  2. Select and Make Public Using ACL
  3. Enable static website hosting
  4. Index_document select the HTML file
  5. Voila, you got a static website

Cr: Fried Egg Tech

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/miramira/p/18104297


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