1 Veristand项目
图1 Veristand软件
图2 一个工程
1.1 工程存储路劲
自带范例的默认存储路径在C:\Users\Public\Documents\NationalInstruments\NI VeriStand 2015\Projects\Example
图3 SDF文件
其中,SystemDefineFile就是传说中的SDF文件。顾名思义,其定义了系统的一些参数,具体哪些参数?双击或右键-Launch System Explore进入查看。
图4 SDF配置
1.2 Target下Controller参数设置
图5 Target参数
以上详细参见帮助文档中【ControllerConfiguration Page】章节。
o Executionmode执行模式设置—Specifiesthe execution mode for the loops of the VeriStand Engine. You can select fromthe following options:
Parallel—(Default默认是并行执行) Executes all the loops of the VeriStand Engine in parallel所有循环都是并行.
In this mode, the system only writes values to and initiates execution of the Model Execution Loop(s) on the first iteration of the system, but it does not read values from the loop(s)这个模式下,系统在第一个循环时候只写数据并初始化模型执行循环但是不读取数据. On the second and subsequent iterations, the system reads values from the previous execution of the Model Execution Loop(s).第二次循环是才从模型循环中读数据,这样提高整个系统的执行速度,尤其是在多核目标时候。 This causes a one-cycle delay on executing your model(s), but can increase the execution speed of the entire system, especially on multi-core targets.
· LowLatency低延迟—Executes all the loops of the VeriStandEngine in parallel, but writes values to, executes, and reads values from theModel Execution Loop(s) at every iteration of the system, including the first.National Instruments recommends you select this mode only if you need tominimize the latency between your inputs, model execution, and outputs. Waitingfor the Model Execution Loop(s) to read, execute, and write on each iterationcan significantly slow the execution speed of the system. 只有需要最小延迟的时候才选择这个模式,模型循环读写操作会明显降低系统在每个循环过程中的执行速度。
1.3 System Channels
1.4 Hardware
Hardware contains any hardware chassis youadd. Hardware chassis can contain NI-DAQ devices, NI FPGA targets, reflectivememory devices, NI-XNET devices, and timing and sync devices.To add any third-partyhardware devices, you must use custom devices.这个项目下面值列出了NI支持的本厂家的DAQ设备、FPGA设备、X-NET设备、反射内存卡和定时同步设备。要是第三方的,需要用CD。其实,CD只是在不是NI厂家的板卡时,根据Veristand指定的规则来封装的一个自定义设备。
1.5 Hardware-增加一个NI板卡
在DAQ上右键-Add DAQ Device。
图6 增加DAQ-1
图7 设置新增加的板卡
在DAQ Device中选择一张卡,以PCI-6704为例。
图8 选择AO通道
图9 选择通道
图10 新添加的板卡资源
1.6 Stimulus激励设备
图11 Stimulus设置
1.7 CustomDevice
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标签:NI,项目,创建,system,devices,DAQ,execution,Veristand From: https://www.cnblogs.com/sanwu13/p/18099914