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Pedagogic metalanguage of "Heidi"

时间:2024-03-24 14:11:58浏览次数:30  
标签:picture shot metalanguage her Pedagogic Heidi follow was

The clip I choose is from one of my favorite movies called Heidi. And the follow picture is about Heidi,who was brought to central town by her aunt and left her grandfather and their small but warm house.

Instead of using the bright and harmonious colors like the second picture to show Heidi’s happiness and freedom when Heidi was lived with her grandfather in a remote mountain,the first picture makes the colors opposite with green and blue to represent Heidi’ feeling of her central town’s life. Confused and depressed, Heidi got to the top of the bell tower, wondering her grandfather and their small house built on the mountain whether can be seen.The dim red and gray like a shadow covers little Heidi, heightening the atmosphere of sadness and repression.
Nevertheless, this clip also uses long shot to present the central town’ scene. The ash was raising from the factories, the sky was so dark and filled with cloud of ashes,and scenery in the distance couldn’t be seen.All these made Heidi felt more sorrowful.We can easily get the different feelings the two pictures showing although they both use long shot.But the second picture, little Heidi is hugged by vast blue sky and green earth.All these build a rapport between nature and human.And the follow is another example.The follow also uses long shot, but its color is green and blue, giving us a quiet atmosphere.

The first picture we can’t see Heidi’ facial expression. However, we are able to feel Heidi’ sadness from her back. The second picture is Heidi’ direct gaze. It shows Heidi’ s simile and we can realize that she is so free that her can’t help laughing. It is her real and original happiness.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/sunfloweronthemoon/p/18092370


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