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时间:2024-03-13 17:00:08浏览次数:28  
标签:website Google Lifo 解封 NFT 广告 web3wear 电商 com

请简要说明你的业务 * Lifo是一家初创企业,业务主要涉及两个方向,方向1:面向网红提供个人IP电商网站一站式运营服务,服务内容主要包含,电商网站搭建与运营,商品创意设计与生产,仓储与物流配送,订单与客户管理等。每网红都是独立域名电商网站。方向2:面向NFT机构与NFT购买用户,打造NFT数字资产链接物理世界的商品个性化定制服务平台,平台域名Web3wear.com。   Lifo is a US-based company that serves web2 and web3 creators. Our main business includes two major pillars 1) Lifo works with social creators to launch their e-commerce business, including product design/manufacturing, order fulfillment, website management and customer services. Every client has their dedicated website domain. 2) Lifo also offers the service web3wear.com to NFT project and collectors in order to help bridge the gap between web2 and web3 world by providing high-quality merchandise. 域名所有权 方向1的网红电商网站90%域名由Lifo购买管理,方向2web3wear.com Lifo官方所有。   For social creators, Lifo manages the website domain for our clients. And for the NFT projects and collectors, Lifo owns the domain web3wear.com   问题概述 * 非常抱歉!这次违规是否和我们测试投放了一些NFT买卖平台的关键词有关?这个campaign第二天我们就关闭了。如果是这样我们后续绝不会再提交此类违反Google广告政策的campaign,并认真学习Google Unacceptable Business Practice政策,但Web3wear的campaign宣传内容均与网站内容一致,没有任何诱导或欺骗用户行为。望请能重新激活我们的广告账户,万分感谢!   Not sure why our account is suspended. If this is about some keywords we had in the ads, we took down those ads the second day. Our ads about web3wear.com are consistent with our service provided in the website, and we definitely do not phish any personal information from the client. The way web3wear.com works is that it will connect user’s crypto wallets but we only pull public information from the blockchain so the customers are able to order the merchandise with their NFT on it. We DO NOT pull any sensitive information or personal information. Please let us know if you have any other concerns. Hope we can get the account reactivated very soon. Thank you for your help.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/WFQCJ/p/18070987


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