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时间:2022-10-13 10:33:23浏览次数:46  
标签:计算机系统 data into RAM devices computer chips

Computer System

  • A typical computer system consists of a central processing unit(CPU), input devices, storage devices, and output devices, which are called hardware.

  • 典型的计算机系统由被称作硬件的中央处理器、输入设备、存储设备和输出设备所组成。

  • The CPU consists of an arithmetic/logic unit, registers, control section, and internal bus.

  • 中央处理器包括算术/逻辑单元、寄存器、控制单元和内部总线。

  • The arithmetic /logic unit carries out arithmetical and logical operations.

  • 算术/逻辑单元执行算术和逻辑运算。

  • The registers store data and keep track of operations.

  • 寄存器存储数据并随时监视运算过程。

  • The control unit regulates and controls various operations.

  • 控制单元调节和控制各种运算。

  • The internal bus connects the units of the CPU with each other and with external components of the system.

  • 内部总线不仅将CPU各单元相互连接起来,而且也使其同系统外设连接起来。

  • For most computers, the principal input device is a keyboard.

  • 绝大部分计算机的主要输入设备是键盘。

  • Storage devices include external floppy disc drives and internal memory boards.

  • 存储设备包括外部软驱和内存条。

  • Output devices that display data include monitors and printers.

  • 显示数据的输出设备包括监视器和打印机。

Input Devices

  • These devices enable a computer user to enter data, commands, and programs into the CPU.

  • 这些设备使计算机用户能向CPU输入数据、命令和程序。

  • The most common input device is the keyboard.

  • 最普通的输入设备就是键盘。

  • Information typed at the typewriter like keyboard is translated by the computer into recognizable patterns.

  • 键盘类似于打字机的键盘,经其打入的信息被计算机翻译成可辨认的模式。

  • Other input devices include light pens, which transfer graphics information from electronic pads into the computer;

  • 其他输入设备有:光笔——将从电子垫得到的图像信息传入计算机;

  • joysticks and mouses, which translate physical motion into motion on a computer video display screen;

  • 游戏杆和鼠标器——将物理运动转换成在计算机视频显示屏上的运动;

  • light scanners, which read words or symbols on a printed page and translate them into electronic patterns that the computer can manipulate and store;

  • 光电扫描仪——阅读印刷文字或符号并将他们翻译成计算机能操作和存储的电子形式;

  • digital cameras, which record images directly onto computer disks in digital form for processing by computer software;

  • 数码相机——直接以数码形式将图像记录在电脑磁盘上,供计算机软件处理;

  • video cameras, which record images on videotapes and convert the video signal into digital signal for the use of computers;

  • 视频相机——录制录像带上的图像并将视频信号转换成数码信号,供计算机使用;

  • and voice recognition modules, which take spoken words and translate them into digital signals for the computer.

  • 声音识别装置——将人说的话转换为计算机数字信号。

  • Storage devices can also be used to input data into the processing unit.

  • 存储设备也能用来将数据输入到处理器。

Storage Devices

  • Computer systems can store data internally (in memory) and externally (on storage devices).

  • 计算机系统在内部(在内存中)和外部(在存储设备上)都能存储数据。

  • Internally, instructions or data can be temporarily stored in silicon RAM (Random Access Memory ) chips that are mounted directly on the computer's main circuit board, or in chips mounted on peripheral cards that plug into the computer's main circuit board.

  • 在内部,指令或数据能临时存储在硅芯片RAM(随机存储器)中,RAM要么是直接安装在计算机主板上,要么是安装在外插卡上,外插卡可插在计算机主板上。

  • These RAM chips consist of up to a million switches that are sensitive to changes in electric current.

  • 这些RAM芯片由多达百万计对于电流变化非常敏感的开关组成。

  • So-called static RAM chips hold their bits of data as long as current flows through the circuit, whereas dynamic RAM (DRAM) chips need high or low voltages applied at regular intervals every two milliseconds or so if they are not to lose their information.

  • 称作静态RAM的芯片,只要线路上有电,就能保持住已有的那些数据,而动态RAM(DRAM)芯片,要使他们不失掉信息,则需要每隔大约2毫秒对其施加或高或低的电压。

  • Another type of internal memory. consists of silicon chips on which all switches are already set.

  • 另一类型的内部存储器由开关已经全部设定好了的硅芯片组成。

  • The patterns on these ROM (Read-Only Memory) chips form commands, data, or programs that the computer needs to function correctly.

  • 在这些ROM(只读存储器)芯片上的模式形成了计算机正确工作所必需的命令、数据或程序。

  • RAM chips are like pieces of paper that can be written on, erased, and used again;

  • RAM芯片就像是白纸,能在上面写、擦,反复使用;

  • ROM chips are like a book, with its words already set on each page.

  • 只读存储器芯片就像一本书,每一页上都早已写满了字。

  • Both RAM and ROM chips are linked by circuitry to the CPU.

  • 随机存储器和只读存储器芯片由线路连接至中央处理器。

  • External storage devices, which may physically reside within the computer's main processing unit, are external to the main circuit board.

  • 外存储器,尽管可以有形地驻留在计算机的主处理器内,但对主板来说使外设的。

  • These devices store data as charges on a magnetically sensitive medium such as an audio tape or, more commonly, on a disk coated with a fine layer of metallic particles.

  • 这些设备将数据作为载体存储在磁感介质如声带上,而更普遍的是存在涂有细密金属粒子层的盘上。

  • The most common external storage devices are so-called floppy and hard disks, although most large computer systems use banks of magnetic tape storage units.

  • 虽然绝大多数大型计算机系统使用磁带存储单元库,但最普通的外存储设备还是所谓的软盘和硬盘。

  • Floppy disks can contain from several hundred thousand bytes to well more than a million bytes of data, depending on the system.

  • 软盘在不同的系统中能容纳数万到甚至大大超过百万字节的信息。

  • Hard, or fixed, disks cannot be removed, from their disk-drive cabinets, which contain the electronics to read and write data onto the magnetic disk surfaces.

  • 硬盘,或者叫固定盘,本身带有磁盘表面读、写数据的电子线路。硬盘不能从磁盘驱动器壳中移走。

  • Hard disks can store from several million bytes to a few hundred million bytes.

  • 硬盘的存储量从数百万字节到几亿字节。

  • CD-ROM technology, which uses the same laser techniques that are used to create audio compact disks (ACDs), promises storage capacities in the range of several gigabytes (billion bytes) of data.

  • 用于生产激光唱盘(ACD)的激光技术被使用到CD-ROM技术中,这种技术使我们指望资料存储量的范围能达到几个G(十亿字节)。

Output Devices

  • These devices enable the user to see the results of the computer's calculations or data manipulations.

  • 输出设备使用户能看到计算机运算和信息处理的结果。

  • The most common output device is the video display terminal (VDT),a monitor that displays characters and graphics on a television-like screen.

  • 最普通的输出设备是电视显示终端(VDT),即能像电视一样在屏幕上显示字符和图形的监视器。

  • A VDT usually has a cathode-ray tube (CRT) like an ordinary television set, but small, portable computers may use liquid crystal displays (LCDs) or electroluminescent screens.

  • 像普通的电视机一样,一台VDT通常有一只阴极射线管(CRT),但小的,手提式计算机也可使用液晶显示器(LCD)或者电荧光屏。

  • Other standard output devices include printers and modems.

  • 其他的标准输出设备包括打印机和调制解调器。

  • A modem links two or more computers by translating digital signals into analog signals so that data can be transmitted via telecommunications.

  • 调制解调器通过将数字信号转换成模拟信号来链接二个或更多的计算机,这样就能通过电信设备来传送数据了。

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/linshaoblog/p/16787275.html


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