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racial traits in wow classic

时间:2024-02-28 22:56:31浏览次数:15  
标签:skill increased seconds wow Resistance traits cooldown racial your


Diplomacy — Gain a 10% bonus to any faction point gains.
Mace Specialization — Increases your skill with one-hand and two-hand Maces by 5.
Perception — This increases stealth detection for 20 seconds, with a cooldown of 3 minutes.
Sword Specialization — Increases your skill with one-hand and two-hand Swords by 5.
The Human Spirit — Increases your Spirit by 5%.


Find Treasure — This ability can be used to scan for nearby treasure on the minimap.
Frost Resistance — Frost Resistance increased by 10.
Gun Specialization — Skill with Guns increased by 5.
Stoneform — When used, this ability grans immunity to Bleed, Poison, and Disease effects, as well as 10% additional armour for its duration. This lasts 8 seconds and has a 3-minute cooldown.


Arcane Resistance — Arcane Resistance increased by 10.
Engineering Specialization — Engineering skill is increased by 15.
Escape Artist — This allows you to escape any immobilization or movement speed effect on a 1-minute cooldown.
Expansive Mind — Passively increases your Intellect by 5%.

Night Elf

Nature Resistance — Nature Resistance increased by 10.
Quickness — Chance to dodge increased by 1%.
Shadowmeld — When activated, this ability will put you into a form of stealth, making enemies less likely to detect you. This effect will be cancelled as soon as you move.
Wisp Spirit — Your movement speed while dead is increased by 50%.


Axe Specialization — Your skill with Axes is increased by 5, which means you have less chance to miss or deal a glancing blow, as well as lowering the chance of an enemy will parry your attack.
Blood Fury — This skill increases your base melee attack power by 25% for 15 seconds, but reduces the healing received by 50% for 25 seconds. It has a 2-minute cooldown.
Command — This passively increases the damage your pet deals by 5%.
Hardiness — This increases your chance to fully resist stuns by 25%.


Cultivation — Increases your Herbalism skill by 15.
Endurance — Passively increases your total health by 5%.
Nature Resistance — Your Nature Resistance is increase by 10.
War Stomp — When used, this will stun up to 5 enemies within an 8-yard radius. This has a 2-minute cooldown.


Beast Slaying — Passively increases damage dealt to Beasts by 5%.
Berserking — Increases your casting and attack speed by 10% to 30%, depending on your current health. The lower your health is, the higher the increase. This lasts 10 seconds and have a 3-minute cooldown.
Bow Specialization — Your skill with Bows is increased by 5.
Regeneration — Your rate of health regeneration is increased by 10%. You will also regenerate 10% of your total health regeneration while in combat.
Throwing Specialization — Your skill with Throwing Weapons is increased by 5.


Cannibalize — Consume a nearby Humanoid or Undead corpse within 5 yards to regenerate 7% of total health every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. It has a 2-minute cooldown.
Shadow Resistance — Increases Shadow Resistance passively by 10.
Underwater Breathing — You can hold your breath underwater for 300% longer than other races.
Will of the Forsaken — While active, this provides immunity to all Charm, Fear, and Sleep effects. It lasts 5 seconds and has a 2-minute cooldown.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/win2ks/p/18041758


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