首页 > 其他分享 >NEW CONCEPT ENGLISH 1 (1-10)


时间:2024-02-27 10:47:39浏览次数:13  
标签:10 What CONCEPT No job isn NEW your He


Lesson 1 Excuse me

Key words and expressions

excuse me 劳驾,请问,对不起

pardon n. 原谅,请再说一遍

handbag n. 女士手提包

thank you 感谢你(们)

very much 非常地

Language points

Excuse me 在别人身边挤过,和陌生人搭话,打断别人说话

Yes? 相当于 "嗯?" , "什么事?", "怎么了?"

Is this your handbag? 这是你的手提包吗?

pardon? 请再说一遍 , 说全就是"I beg your pardon?"

Yes it is. 是我的.

Sentence patterns

Is this your ...?

Yes it is.

This is my ... .


Is this your handbag?

Yes,it is.

This is my handbag.

Lesson 2 Is this your ... ?

Is this your pen? Yes it is.

Is this your pencil? Yes it is.

Is this your book? Yes it is.

watch , coat , dress , skirt , shirt , car , house .

Lesson 3 Sorry sir.

Key words and expressions

umbrella n. 雨伞

number n. 数字

please int. 请

sorry abj. 对不起

ticket n. 票

cloakroom n. 衣帽间

Language points

ticket , please. / A cup of coffee, please. 把什么给你/出示给你.

here is ... 当你把什么东西递给别人时可以这样说.

This is not my watch. This isn`t my book. 这不是我的...

No, it isn`t . 表示否定的回答.

Is this it. it代表雨伞.

Sentence patterns

My coat and my umbrella please. 请拿给我我的大衣和雨伞.

Here`s my ticket. Number five. 这是我的牌子. 5号

Here is your coat and umbrella. 这是你的大衣和雨伞.

This isn`t my coat and umbrella. 这不是我的大衣和雨伞.

Sorry , sir. 对不起,先生.

Is this your umbrella ? 这个是你的雨伞吗?

No, it isn`t. 不是 .

Is this it . 这个呐?

Yes, it is . 是的.

Thank you very much. 谢谢你.

Lesson 4 Is this your ...

Is this your pen? No, it isn`t.

Is this your pencil ? No, it isn`t.

Is this your dress? No, it isn`t my dress. It's your dress.

Is this your skirt? No, it isn't my skirt. It's your skirt.

Is this your car? No, it isn't.

Is this your school? No, it isn't.

Is this your teacher? No, he isn't.

Is this your son? No, he isn't my son. He is your son.

Is this your daughter? No, she isn't.

Lesson 5 Nice to meet you.

Key words and expressions

Good morning. 早上好

nice adj. 美好的

meet v. 遇见

student n. 学生

French adj. & n. 法国人

German adj. & n. 德国人

Japanese adj. & n. 日本人

Korean adj. & n. 韩国人

Chinese adj. & n. 中国人

Language points

Good morning 各个时间问好.

Good afternoon.

Good evening.

Good night.

This is ... 把一个人介绍给别人这样说.

This is Miss Sophie.

This is Hans.

Sophie is a new student. 人或物是......这样说.

Chang-woo is a teacher.

Toyota is a Japanese car.

She is French. 说人的国籍. French是形容词,不能加a.

Nice to meet you. 初次见面问好

Glad to meet you. Pleased to meet you.

Sentence patterns

This is ... 这是 ...

He / She / It is a ... 他是一个 ...

He's / She's / It's ... 他是 ... 国人

This is Li Ming.

He is a teacher.

He's Chinese.

Lesson 6 What make is it?

Volvo Swedish Is it a Swedish car? Yes, it is.

Peugeot French Is it a American car? No, it isn't. Is it a French car? Yes, it is.

Mercedes German Is it Japanese or German? It is not Japanese. It is German.

Toyota Japanese Is it Japanese or German? It isn't German. It's Japanese.

Daewoo Korean Is it a Korean or an English car? It isn't an English car. It's a Korean car.

Mini English Is it a Korean or an English car? It's not Korean car. It's an English car.

Ford American Is it an American car? Yes,it is. What make is it? It's a Ford.

Fiat Italian Is it an Italian car? Yes, it is. What make is it? It's a Fiat.

Lesson 7 Are you a teacher

Key words and expressions

name n. 名字

nationality n. 国籍

job n. 工作

keyboard n. 电脑键盘

operator n. 操作人员

engineer n. 工程师

Language points

What is your name? My name is .... 问别人名字.

Are you French? Yse, I am. / No, I am not. 你是哪国人吗?

What nationality are you? I am Italian. 问别人国籍.

问国籍的其他方法: What's your nationality? / Where are your from?

What nationality is he? 他是哪国人?

What's your job? What's his job? 问别人的工作.

I'm an engineer.

Sentence patterns

What's your name?

My name is Robert.

What nationality are you?

I'm Italian.

What's your job?

I'm an engineer.

Lesson 8 What's your job?

What's your job? I'm a policeman.

What's your job? I'm a policewoman.

What's your job? I'm a taxt driver.

What's your job? I'm an air hostess.

What's his job? He is a postman.

What's her job? She is a nurse.

What's his job? He's a mechanic.

What's his job? He's a hairdresser.

What's her job? She's a housewife.

What's his job? He's a milkman.

Lesson 9 How are you today?

Key words and expressions

today adv. 今天

well adj. 身体好

fine adj. 美好的

thanks int. 谢谢

see v. 见

Language points

打招呼, 你怎么样?

How are you today? / How are your doing? / What's new?

I'm very well, thank you. And you? I'm fime, thanks.

问候家人 . How is Tony? How's Emma?

再见. Goodbye, Helen. / Bye. / See you.

Nice to see you. 本课中译为'见到你真好'

Sentence patterns

How are you today?

I'm fine , thanks.

How is Tony?

He's very well.

Lesson 10 Look at ...

Look at that man! Is he thin? No, he isn't. Is he fat? Yes, he is.

Look at that woman! Is she fat? No, she isn't. Is she thin? Yes, she is.

Look at that policeman! Is he short? No, he isn't. Is he tall? Yes, he is.

Look at that mechanic! Is he clean or dirty? He is not clean. He's dirty.

Look at that nurse! Is that nurse clean or dirty? She's not dirty . She's clean.

Look at Steven! Is Steven hot or cold? He's not cold. He's hot.

Look at that air hostess! That air hostess is young. She's very young.

Look at that hairdresser! That hairdresser is busy. He's very busy.

Look at that housewife! That housewife is lazy. She's very lazy.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/lg369/p/18036380


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