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How to unlock Nissan Altima 2019-2022 Smart Remote 5 Buttons 433MHz Keys with SmartPro 5000U-Plus

时间:2024-02-04 19:55:09浏览次数:30  
标签:Remote 5000U Buttons How unlock Plus SmartPro

How to unlock Nissan Altima 2019-2022 Smart Remote 5 Buttons 433MHz Keys with SmartPro 5000U-Plus

first, you need have a SmartPro 5000U-Plus Programmer, if you donot have a SmartPro 5000U-Plus,

you can buy one from chinaobd2.com.


How to unlock Nissan Altima 2019-2022 Smart Remote 5 Buttons 433MHz Keys with SmartPro 5000U-Plus

How to unlock Nissan Altima 2019-2022 Smart Remote 5 Buttons 433MHz Keys with SmartPro 5000U-Plus

Choose Chip as NCF29A3

How to unlock Nissan Altima 2019-2022 Smart Remote 5 Buttons 433MHz Keys with SmartPro 5000U-Plus


How to unlock Nissan Altima 2019-2022 Smart Remote 5 Buttons 433MHz Keys with SmartPro 5000U-Plus


Connect the cable as this tips.


How to unlock Nissan Altima 2019-2022 Smart Remote 5 Buttons 433MHz Keys with SmartPro 5000U-Plus

after read the key chip files, you will be able to modify and program the keys.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/chinait666/p/18006900


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