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view_resource_count Vs loading time from avg by last 7 days and work priority

时间:2024-01-27 16:05:10浏览次数:19  
标签:count loading last html resource data

first we can get the scattered chart from guance console for the last 7 days

view_resource_count Vs loading time from avg by last 7 days and work priority_html

export that data to csv file from the download button

view_resource_count Vs loading time from avg by last 7 days and work priority_ide_02

import data to Rstudio for analysis

view_resource_count Vs loading time from avg by last 7 days and work priority_性能优化_03

check corralation between view_resource_count and loading time

view_resource_count Vs loading time from avg by last 7 days and work priority_前端_04

plot for view

view_resource_count Vs loading time from avg by last 7 days and work priority_性能优化_05

adjust y for the better view

view_resource_count Vs loading time from avg by last 7 days and work priority_css_06

priority comes first in reality for resource_count adjustment

view_resource_count Vs loading time from avg by last 7 days and work priority_前端_07

using similar metrics for more understanding for the project

using size of html ,css,js

view_resource_count Vs loading time from avg by last 7 days and work priority_ide_08

consider html_dns

view_resource_count Vs loading time from avg by last 7 days and work priority_性能优化_09

for specific app

view_resource_count Vs loading time from avg by last 7 days and work priority_性能优化_10

From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_12003135/9443858


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